is he going to be reincarnated with 4 arms again? if so, he's gonna be treated with suspicion immediately.
becoming more and more like a jade like beauty.
74 replies is crazy. scared to even open it
is he gonna tell them about jon for brownie points?
what is he talking about? freedom is the higher cause
Percy Jackson
so is he an emotionless guy with zero personality?
Could he not use his inventory to drop shit on this dude?
what is the mc's motivation? he doesn't seem like he particularly cares about the Targs. He doesn't seem to want any power or anything, really. what good is he in Kings Landing? Daemon has been exiled. Alicent still might become Visaery's wife, and even if she doesn't, there'll probably be another woman, and nothing really has changed. He just put a target on his back when he should've left to the Vale after he got his dragon.