1998 ● french ● english ● filipino ● 🇰🇷 ● 🇵🇭 ● introvert but friendly once someone initiates a topic ●
I think Arizona is her mother. So much mystery on Elliana's birth and power 🔥🔥🔥
yuan is faster than qin in courtship 🤭😄
haha grandpa is so cute
okay... who is bella again? 😆
from Ning Li to Shen Li real quick ❤️🔥 from poor to richest lady in Hong Kong City 😏 .may this be a slap to all her haters ☻️
no. 1 in my lists of must-read novels. the characters are so awesome and very lovable. you won't be bored about the flow of the story because every chapters are interesting. MUST READ!!!! ❤️🔥
mass release please dear author thanks
See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon
mass release pls.
damn. fighting gu qingjiu! beat them all. 👎🤗