Avid reader who loves read than eating or sleeping or vacation
Dang... Xiao Ming getting scarier and scarier
I usually don't make review.. But this fanfict actually made me pulling my hair so hard. So I'll try to make my review as fair as possible without spoiling the stories.. The Good * The writing actually really good. Languange wise and how Author bring the story to the table. * The premise actually have potential. Dig deep and make it realistic as possible. You can do it Author! * The interaction between character and how Author describe thing felt so natural. Believe me, I write a lot as it is my job. It's hard to write as good as how Author write. The Bad * The premise itself is double-eged sword. It have potential, but can go wrong easily if Author don't know what is the goal. And that actually happened to this story. * The character dan interaction between them itself was really fun to read. But not their decision. Try to read it by yourself. If you don't like, then you won't. If you like, then it gonna be a decent reading material to past time. The Ugly * The story development is.... how to put it nicely... dumb. MC shouldn't be this irrational and clueless on every choices he made with his background. Seriously? I won't nitpick. But, really Author? He is adult for Godsake! Not a 5th grader. If you said he is gonna be realistic, stick with it. (Sorry for my rambling) I know Author write some fanfict in this platform. So maybe if you as reader wanna try this fict, give it a try... If you feel this stories not your cup of tea, try other fict made by Author. Godspeed for Author! Wish you all the best. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
I never leave comments if the story really not move me nor really ticks me.. And trust me, its not the former...
and I thought you dropped this series one month ago. well...
welcome to the grim marvel universe...
wait. isnt sasuke supposed to be bald? am i read it wrong? "his hair fluttering"
How can i missed this gem. Dear author. Your writing is good. your prologue is good as it is. Don't mind what people said. Just keep the quality. Take good advice from your reader, just turn blind eye to troll. This is fanfic for God sake. They are reading this as fanatic HP fans.