And that was my last fast pass. Sadly enough I won't be able to read on this site anymore. Good luck with your novel mr author, and everyone else have fun reading it.
*must be really strong
Only 5 free passes left, so 5 more chapters to go till I'll be forced to drop this novel. Sad times. :( Anyway. Nice chapters.
*didn't know it.
should be: "managed to escape", or, "managed to get away".
First sentence uses "has", second sentence uses "had". This is grammatically incorrect. Height doesn't grow. Height increases. "... could be seen to have brighter and brighter" -- makes no sense.
This sentence makes no sense after the previous one.
Writing quality is bad. There are some chapter in which the author tries using proper grammer (probably with the help of some software), but a lot of chapters are just straight up horrible, and barely readable. From sentences that make sense and weird random words in places they don't belong, to flipping back and forth between first and third person perspectives and weird tense changes. It's all in there. The writing quality makes this novel hard to enjoy. Only give this a try if you're not really bothered by poor writing quality. Besides that, from what I've read, things all seem like a fairly generic xianxia novel. Nothing too special, but also not horribly boring.
"amid the darkness of the darkness"????????
"I bring your father, couldn't take care of you." What kind of sentence is that even? If you're using software to correct your grammer, at least make sure the software doesn't "correct" it to something nonsensical.