It’s opresive
Can’t he keap his secrets they don’t tell him nothing either and he doesn’t get preferential treatment either As a hermit selling books would be his best life
He gets to monitored I wold want my mony back and search a other scool
Is it not very hard for normal necromancer to upgrade tier
Kings daughter and that’s an secret Jea
And the stat gain ?
And if I said i found my own ?
I feal that school is not worth it for him he has already all information he neads and he comes to mutsh in forefront and gets to mutsh stalked on its oppressive he has right now all basic neads to upgrade frealy time is the only constrain He should let them eat each other up because no one wants to help him
The best are not the most expensive Like blacksmith of the Apokalypse Crysalis and Shadow Slave
There is a problem with your chapter they are not readable