

2017-12-06 入りましたUnited States







Return of A Star

When Li Hua was three years old, she was taken from her family as a part of a cruel plot. At the age of fifteen, she was found once more but the Li family was not the same. In their grief, Li Jun and An Yexi, adopted their distance relative into the main family to fill the void. When Li Hua was brought back the couple had conflicting feelings on how to deal with her. Li Ling was happy to be the young miss of the Li family because she was able to live the life of a princess. When Li Hua came back she saw the way the family treated her and she worried about her place in the family. Starting from the age of fifteen, Li Ling plotted and tarnished the reputation of Li Hua. Making her hated by the public and kicked out of the Li family. Li Hua learned of all this as she was dying a slow death from blood loss. Seeing Li Ling's smiling face as the world turned dark, she made a vow in her heart. **** 'You poor child, I shall help you with your wish.' "Who are you?" Li Hua asked to void. 'I'm your friend and wish for your happiness.' "My friend?" 'Yes, I'll help you grant your wish.' **** Opening her eyes, she found herself standing outside the Li Family Manor. 'My friend, are you happy with my work.' The voice said Smiling, "Yes. I'm very happy and my wish will definitely come true this time around." Li Hua said. Reborn to the past, Li Hua will show everyone her true self and will pull out all those hiding in the shadows.

DarkLilyRose · 一般的
22 Chs