ALL HAIL THE GENTLEMAN ALLIANCE. experimental log of the crazy lich
take all your time, if you need to release just 1 chapter per day, more rest we will understand and await for you to come back
good luck legion and we all hope things get better soon, take as much time as needed, we will be waiting for you, you are awesome
that raaz part is so funny, I re-read and cried laughing
not a country but a really powerful mage that works for the kingdom, imagine if you are a king and then a mad lith decides to break free and spread chaos?
your work is amazing and thank you for releasing such a great story, sorry for the bad english, not my first language, if you ever release a paper edition it will be a must buy for every fan of fantasy
Interim headmaster is like a second in command
lith is rational almost all the time, it is not that he is regressing, grief is really hard to deal with, even more when he knows it was his fault and dont have a target, he took nana's death well even being sad, yurial also show that. Lark is a totally diferent situation
remember that xedros didnt impart the secret of violet core to the other wiverns
this boss fight is a nightmare
the treeant