I'm fine being otaku, waiting for my isekai
Thanks for the chapter!
I don't want to read the repeated one please, naruto win neji win two lines enough that disgusting filling, please where's the OP MC who doesn't eat anyone if he has hidden talent I'll stop reading if another disgusting filling comes
Filipinos love an excuse to party, and Christmas is the biggest, longest party of all. In the Philippines, they start celebrating three months early, giving them the longest Christmas season in the world! It starts as soon as the "Ber-Months" do — SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER and… DecemBER!
yes, i like yanderes
pseudo legendary in Kanto are few only dratini
if I were rich in this kind of situation I would lock myself in my house and save the world by fighting pollution only with technology, people are the absolute evil
Thks for the chapter update