

2017-06-30 入りましたGlobal







  • RemielDucrot

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 1 Don't buy drugs
    [BL] QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead
    LGBT+ · ThirtyTyrants
  • RemielDucrot

    See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop

    Ch 210 Don't let your shidi flirt with you
    [BL] QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead
    LGBT+ · ThirtyTyrants
  • RemielDucrot

    It's all three, isn't it? 😑 That would explain why it was "interesting" and why he will have so many rounds every night.

    Meanwhile, the fortune-teller just shrugged nonchalantly, "Oh well, it doesn't matter anyway. I just hope that handsome brother's chrysanthemum and big member will be alright after so many activities every night. Tsk, tsk~"
    Mr. CEO Secretly Reads BL!
    LGBT+ · ForeverPupa
  • RemielDucrot

    Trigger warning of what exactly? This is not how trigger warnings work. You are supposed to say what you are warning us against otherwise we can't make a decision whether we want to continue reading or not. Example: trigger warning - mention of suecide. Trigger warning - explicit depiction of domestic abuse.

    [Trigger warning]
    The Claimed Omega [BL omegaverse]
    LGBT+ · Tiffany_JC
  • RemielDucrot
    に返信 RemielDucrot

    Didn't the two of them have a bad ending in their past life too because of his idiocy? And what about his mother? Surely his mother would have lent a helping hand if he told her how much this meant to him. Or is it that in his entire family not one person respects his choices and wishes for his happiness? And that book of fates is fishy. No way is Zirui supposed to be together with Su assh*le. It might have been worth checking into why it spewed out such bullsh*t. It might have been tampered with or something.

    Ch 196 Don't think it will be that easy
    [BL] QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead
    LGBT+ · ThirtyTyrants
  • RemielDucrot

    Can someone explain to me what's going on? 😅

    Ch 189 Don't hear it from the beginning
    [BL] QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead
    LGBT+ · ThirtyTyrants
  • RemielDucrot
    に返信 cermia

    You really should keep reading. I don't want to spoil it but... Let me ask you, who said that the two of them were happy with each other and mutually in love? Did either of the people involved say anything? There were so many fishy points about this entire thing... You've been tricked! In short, keep reading and I promise you'll thank me later for not dropping it.

    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • RemielDucrot

    Wait, wait, wait. He got together with the one he "loves", but STILL slept with his ex??

    I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]
    LGBT+ · Nilphy
  • RemielDucrot

    It might be the song, but I don't think ML has realized MC is his lover yet. Otherwise his reaction would be more fiery. He might be suspecting there is a connection between them, but he is definitely not sure. As for his behavior, my bet is on him recognizing Su Xueyi. Since he has dreams of MC, he might have also dreamt of Su Xueyi who is the main cause of their BE in every world. Since he hates Su xueyi and wants to make him suffer, whatever it is that Su Xueyi wants, ML would make sure he doesn't get it. Of course, if ML was any smarter he might have deduced the following : 1) Su xueyi is my love rival for the affections of my human lover, 2) this love rival is currently after a "lookalike" 3) what if this lookalike has a connection to my lover? Like... Not being a lookalike but that lover in the flesh? 🤔 Bah, silly ML... This fujoshi wants to slap some sense into you.

    Ch 123 Don't become a prize
    [BL] QT: Don't fall in love with the Male Lead
    LGBT+ · ThirtyTyrants
  • RemielDucrot

    Honestly, Long Shen disgusts me. I keep waiting for this arc to be over so I can forget he ever existed. He is a pure scum that exists only to be abused so we can went all the negativity his actions evoked in our reader hearts. You say that MC is being petty, but if you ask me, Long Shen deserves so much worse. I won't go into debates on how scummy mc is himself because that does not justify Long Shen's behavior in any way. This scum cheated on MC every day with another person. Afterwards, not only did he not recognize mc, this person that he supposedly loves, but he even nearly beat him to death. And afterwards not only did he not regret it, he even mocked him for being ugly and disdained him, when the ugliest person in this world is him himself. Mc knows so many details about the past but it never occurred to ML that he might be his James Grind. His so called love is skin-deep BS. This arc had started interesting but at some point it turned into something that makes me want to puke. ML has learned nothing out of the entire ordeal. What forgiveness? He is not worthy. Some things once done can never be excused. Long Shen does not know how to love and does not deserve to be loved I just want him to be tortured into absolute complete misery because that's what he deserves. Also, what's the purpose of this stupid task of falling in love again? If he succeeds in falling for another person, then why would he still want to find James Grind? The task kills its own purpose. Or do you expect him to love two people at the same time? Then that isn't love. And if not, then shouldn't he fall out of love with James Grind first? If that can be done so easily, it, too, proves that he was never truly in love. The only thing that would satisfy me at this point is for ML to fall for mc again and then for mc to tell him his identity and tell him that he disgusts him and that he will leave for good this time. Pure and beautiful karma. To know that the person you've been looking for came to you because he loved you and wanted to help you, yet you beat him near death, mocked him and abused him until his love turned to nothing more but loathing and disgust. Making you lose him for good this time. Please make it happen. That kind of retribution is exactly what Long Shen deserves.

    Ch 303 B2.6
    (BL) Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System!
    LGBT+ · ForeverPupa
  • RemielDucrot
    に返信 Zonnestraal

    I know, right? 😂 When author-sama asked whether we could guess I thought she left us a hidden clue somewhere but I didn't catch it. Pfft, I really should have guessed!

    Astar daddy's tightly pressed lips relaxed, and his usual low and cold voice emerged in between, "Have you made sufficient preparations for the wedding night?"
    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • RemielDucrot
    に返信 Tidal479

    I assume that they can still block individual numbers, just not all unknown numbers.

    “I would assume so. Otherwise, there would be no way for numbers not on their contact list to contact them at all. Besides, communicators usually don’t have a built-in setting for blocking all messages. They’d have to be specially modified to include that. And why go through the trouble of getting it modified when it might not even be beneficial. If all messages are blocked, it would mean they wouldn’t even receive some automated service messages.”
    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • RemielDucrot
    に返信 Kakkarotto

    Why? Why do you do this?

    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • RemielDucrot

    Just helping bring up the rating after some special cookie gave a one star rating just for the heck of it... 😐 As a reader who adores this novel, it pains my heart to see its rating drop. It's one of the best novels on Webnovel yet every once in a while someone random pops up to downvote it without any explanation. I can't imagine how it must feel for the author to have their hard effort treated like garbage. How can you be so malicious? You didn't even pay anything! Someone out there is putting in their sweat and tears to bring you this gem to read for free yet not only are you not grateful, but you even... Sigh~ I really can't understand...

    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • RemielDucrot

    Saw someone accidentally bring down the rating of this gem and came here to pad the review count and bring it back up. Sigh, sigh, giving this anything less than a 5 is a sin. 😧

    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • RemielDucrot

    Over the past two months SSC has become my favorite BL novel on this site. It is a masterpiece filled with humor and fluff, delivering daily dose of sugar to those who read it. I'm now like a child on Christmas morning, getting up excited knowing that a new chapter is waiting for me to read.  If you are a BL lover, heck, even you aren't, this is something you should definitely give a try. But beware, you might find yourself with your heart stolen, thinking about it every day ;)  And if you find that the writing style isn't to your taste (I can't possibly imagine why, but everyone's taste is different so surely there will be someone who won't like it), you can just stop and go find something else to read. No one is forcing you to read, and you aren't even paying anything to read it.  Just don't come here to rage over something stupid like the emoji usage and bring down the rating of this gem. So what if it uses emojis? What's wrong with having "pictures" mixed with text? If J.K.Rowling decided to print a version of Harry Potter where there are emojis inside, would it become a trash book? Don't be ridiculous. You might personally find that the emojis aren't fitting, but you can just ignore it and concentrate on the beautiful essence of the remainder.  Don't automatically assume that a book is some kind of am*teurish cr*p just if it doesn't use the format that you are used to. SSC isn't. It is as far away from cr*ap as one could possibly go - the writing is fluid, no grammar or spelling mistakes, there are no plot holes or glaring logic flaws, characters are well developed and very lovable, the plot is smoothly and steadily building up, the romance is to die for, etc.  The craft of this novel is exquisite, but of course, no matter how beautiful something is to one person, there will always be people who find it ugly. It is a matter of taste, not an inherent flaw in the work itself.  I've read someone complain that the start is vague. You only feel that way because you have gotten used to information dumps in the beginning of novels and SSC has no information dumps whatsoever. It feeds you information gradually which is great, no long texts of boring info, no filler text, no sections you just want to skip because you don't really care, etc. If it is vague, and the questions you have aren't explained soon after, then you'll just have to wait until it becomes relevant and gets elaborated further.  Someone also mentioned tone flip-flopping? Yeah, it's what makes it so funny! It leads your mind in one direction and then tugs it in reverse creating this surprise comedic effect. It's the punchline of a joke. Sigh, what I'm trying to say is, it's ok if this isn't the type of humor you enjoy, we all have our preferences. But don't mistake what others consider great humor for bad writing!  And what do you mean maybe the author will come back and edit it? What's there to edit? The "overuse" of emojis? Um, objection! I don't want them edited out!

    Soul Shard Captor [BL]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • RemielDucrot
    に返信 VeoAno

    It's world hopping but that doesn't mean it has to be "quick" transmigration. What's wrong with staying in one world long enough to develop meaningful relationships and a wonderful romance? I love qt stories too, but I don’t love them due to "quick" part but the transmigrating part. I love seeing different worlds and plots, and the always fresh romance between mc and ml. In fact, if you ask me, most qt novels are too quick. They set up this whole world and don't make good use of it. But yeah, I get what you mean about it being slow. It's because of the decreased release rate. When we used to get 7-10 chapters a week, the plot progressed much more quickly and was juuuuust right. Well, because of the release rate. Not because the plot is slowing down.

    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora
  • RemielDucrot
    に返信 BlueFirefly

    Then why the low rating? 🤔

    Soul Shard Captor [BL] [QT]
    LGBT+ · LucyPanDora