It is a problem. When you choose to read MTL, you accept atrocious writing. When you choose not to read MTL, you expect better.
He is on someone else's property. A property he knows is owned by a man he hasn't met yet, and he responds to a simple and extremely common question with hostility. That is "how". This wasn't worth remembering, so I have forgotten it, but I'd bet he did other idiotic things earlier too.
This guy's morality is all over the place.
It's a decent story at best. Spelling and grammar get a solid 1. Character and world building get a 2, arguably a 3 for character building. Though at chapter 32 the MC seems to be getting dumber. Power system gets a 3, maybe 4.
Except he agreed to a pill for each chore and already paid one pill.
I've already let this fall from my mind, so you might be right. I do recall my point was to tell the author that pulling new skills or items out of nowhere is not a good method of development.
Apparently so. Wormhole, spear-torch, remote activation, ranged mana sense with which he has been memorizing many different mana signatures... Damian has grown up quite well in the time skip... oh wait. :p
I must disagree with you. It is your work, but that is exactly how it should go. Him pulling out skills and powers right as they are needed, but never mentioned before, comes across as, and is, plot armor. The wormhole came from nowhere and is going to create so many plot holes unless you use it a lot. The spear having such an ability makes sense, but when did Damian have time to study it? This is just my opinion, but I feel you are rushing the story and it is detrimental. Having a few chapters detailing him practicing with the spear would have been beneficial. I've read a lot and I have seen many promising LNs be ruined by the pulling-a-rabbit-out-of-a-hat trope.
"first ranker"? You have got to properly explain the power system and stick to it. As it is, Damian's strength make this feel more of a power-up fantasy than fantasy world with magic.
Where did this come from?