

GodOFGames12 · 歴史
38 Chs


As I open my eyes, a familiar ceiling greets me.


I tried to stretch out my body, but as usual, my two lovers are clinging to me with all their limbs, physically, they are vastly stronger than me, so I can't really move much.

Today is Sunday, which means we don't have to go to the academy anymore. I feel like it has been a long time since I've come here, although it has been only one week or so.

Probably because of all the assassinating that I did. But for now, there's no major target in the empire that needed our power to clean up anymore, Duke Forbes was likely the strongest one.

So now, we need to focus on the politic. But that can wait for a while, we need to see how things go with the second prince first.

Conclusion? I have free time now. It's gun crafting time baby.

Using telekinesis to slip out of the double embrace, I let my two lovers hug each other. This scene is simply hypnotizing, to say the least, two young, beautiful elf girls hugging each other naked, sleeping.

After a morning wash-up, I put on my clothes and headed to the working table.

Now then, what should I make next?

I have a few options here, one is to make the other sniper rifle that I wanted to make, which is the Barrett M82, mostly because it's semi-automatic with pretty decent RPM1, so it should shoot faster than the Hecate that I have right now.

But I can use telekinesis to pull the bolt of the Hecate back pretty quickly anyway, so I guess it won't be necessary yet.

Or, I can make a machine gun, which would probably be the MG32, but then there's the problem with ammunition as well, I don't think I have enough bullets for machine guns.

So that means, shotguns.

But a normal shotgun is pretty inefficient, especially in this world where magic has more power than normal guns. The advantages of firearms that I've been relying on so far are speed and range, which the latter shotguns aren't really known for.

So I have to compensate that, by adding more power. Fortunately, mana make fantastic explosive fuels, so I just need to frankenstein them with the ammunition, somehow.

Now the real question is, what shotgun do I make. 

When somebody asks me how much more firepower do I need, the answer would always be 'YES'. So automatic shotgun it is.

After looking on the Wikipedia for a while, I decided on the Saiga-123. AK-like guns never go wrong.


After sacrificing most of my morning looking at the blueprints and making the components, I have managed to get around 40% of it done, I'd say.

''Rest a bit, you've been doing this for a long time now.'' Liana sitting besides me said.

''You're right, I got too focused.'' I replied.

''It's good that you know.'' She pats my head.

''...When did you get so gentle? You used to bully me before.'' I said, not that she doesn't bully me anymore, she's just doing it in bed.

''What? Do you want to be bullied?'' Liana said, pulling my waist closer to her.

''W-Well... I don't... Dislike it...'' I trailed off.

Liana smirks, then she immediately presses her lips onto mine.


After a bit of saliva exchanging, we headed to our own kitchen, where Emy, in her apron, is trying to bake a cake, following a recipe book.

''It is going well?'' I asked.


Hmm, it's looking pretty good so far, as expected of the Sweetmaster.

''Do you guys want to eat anything specifically for lunch? I can make it.'' I said, rarely do we have a whole day off like this, might as well cook for them, I'll be their wife in the future after all.

''Hmm, anything from your previous world?'' Liana asked.

''That sounds good.'' Emy added.

From Earth? Ergh... 

I could only think of fast food, most of the normal ones are here already.

Wait, Pizza? Let's try pizza. I've never heard of pizzas here before, did no one who came here from Earth know how to make it?

''There is one, it's called pizza. Cheese, sauce and toppings on top of a thin dough.'' I said.

''Oh~ That actually sounds good.'' Liana exclaimed, Emy is just nodding repeatedly.

''Alright then.''


Looking for the right ingredients was pretty exhausting, but we finally got all of them. 

It's in the 'microwave' right now, I just slapped some metal together and manually heat up the thing, and then use telekinesis to rotate the dish in the center.

Look, in my defense, I have a very compelling reason, I'm too lazy. I'm not gonna invent the whole microwave here, no way.

Regardless, it's a thin-crust, chicken BBQ pizza. I made this because Liana loves chicken meat, Emy and I has no preference outside of sweets anyway.


Oh, looks like it's done. And no, that was not the microwave, it was me.

Taking out the pizza with telekinesis, the enchanting smell starts to envelope the room.

''Smells very good.'' Liana commented.

''Yeah, looks like it came out pretty good.'' I said, bringing it to the table.

On the table, Emy is already prepared to eat, holding a knife and a fork on her hands. Why does she look like an anime character...?

''Ah, this one is eaten by hand.''

''Okay.'' She puts down her eating utensils.

Sitting down on the chair, I use mana to form a knife in the air, then cut the pizza into six pieces, and now we wait for Liana. 

Shortly after, she came back with a tray of drinks, I asked her for cold colas, just to get the full pizza experience.

''Alright, dig in.'' I said.

Each of us grabs a slice and eats it. Hmm, I forgot ketchup, goddamnit.


Looks like both of them do like it, I'm glad.

''This one is so good!'' Liana exclaimed.

''I forgot the ketchup, wait a second.'' I said, putting down the slice on my plate and go back to the kitchen to find the ketchup.

When I went back to the table, the two had already devoured most of the pizza, only leaving my half-eaten slice and another one. I admire their determination to leave some food for their girlfriend, but it's pretty funny how they're still staring at the two pieces intently.

'' ... ''

Well, guess I'll make more.

Spraying ketchup onto the two slices of pizza, I hold them both towards my girlfriends. ''Try it with ketchup, I'll make more.''


''Just eat it, it doesn't take long anyway.''

''Thanks, I love you.''

''Me too, you're the best.''

I nod in satisfaction.


After two more pizzas, we were done with lunch, and now I'm massaging my girlfriends. I heard that wives would usually massage their husband's shoulders or something, so here I am.

Unlike me, who is only doing exercises when in bed, these two move their body a lot, so a massage would be pretty nice to relax their muscles.


''Hah~ That's good~''

''Glad you two like it.''

I'm using telekinesis, mainly because I don't have a whole lot of hands, and it's not like I can massage them with my tits or anything. Well, I can, but that would help some other things rather than muscles.

Besides, it is a good way to practice my precision with telekinesis as well.

Tch, why are their legs so long.


''The newspapers are out, Your Highness.'' An attendant said, bringing the newly published newspaper to the man sitting on the working table.

''Good.'' The man takes the newspaper and opens it.

After reading it for some minutes, he nods in satisfaction before putting it back onto the table.

''This will be devastating for the crown prince, I'm sure.'' William said, his gaze on the front page of the newspaper.

It is now Monday, William and his allies have submitted the story about Duke Forbes to most of the major news companies. And the companies have simultaneously published the story on their front pages today.

The bottom line of the story is that they had found out about Duke Forbes's inhumane act, which was slavery, so they raided his estate to capture him. However, he retaliated against two imperial family members in the process, so he got executed on the spot.

''The trial for Jack Forbes will begin soon, right? Do we have his victims with us?''

''We do, Your Highness, they're ready to testify against him anytime.''

''Good, might as well use this chance to erase the trash altogether.''

*knock* *knock*

''Come in.''

The door opens with a click, then, a maid walks in.

''Your Highness, His Majesty the emperor is calling you.''

''Figured. Let's go.''


William sits down on one of the chairs inside the meeting room. Today, everybody seems restless, they're whispering to each other while looking intently at William. Probably because two major nobles died in just a few days, and this time William is directly involved as well.

Present are the usual members, the emperor and his two sons, Duke Spencer, the ministers and a few more high nobles.

The emperor this time has an even more annoyed face than the previous meeting, and the crown prince Jeremy has lost his usual friendly smile as well.

''Silence!'' The emperor said furiously, veins started to appear on his forehead.

The meeting rom plunges into silence, nobody wants to enrage the emperor even more.

''...William.'' He said, glaring at his son.

''Yes, Your Majesty.''

''Why did you do that?!''

''It was just the right thing to do, Your Majesty. I couldn't ignore it anymore.'' William receives the glare confidently, his eyes filled with determination.

''You messed everything up! You just killed the one who managed our force for the conquest!''

''I had no choice, Your Majesty, he would have killed me and Christina back then.''

''And who told you to just went in and raid his estate?! Not only did we lost our best Swordmaster, but now we have to fill up his work as well!''

''I have no excuse.'' 

William is confident, he got the backup of the only politically active Duke and five Marquises, compared to the other side, he is sure that the scale has tipped over to his side.

''You know what? For your punishment, I will have you replace Duke Forbes and go conquer Oplus yourself.''

''Please wait a moment, Your Majesty.'' Duke Spencer said. ''I personally think that the conquest should be canceled, we need to fill the work of the late Duke Forbes first, and I don't think His Highness the second prince did anything wrong. It was Duke Forbes's fault for trying to harm members of the imperial family.''

''I agree.'' Archbishop Henry said.

''I'm in favor too.''

''Me as well.''

''I also think that that punishment is unreasonable.''

A few people immediately jumps on William's side.

''Whatever the cause, he DID kill a Duke, mind you.'' Jeremy said with cold eyes, devoid of any emotion.

''Yes, you can't just kill off an important noble like that.''


A few others tried to fight back.

''What nonsense, are you saying that he should be alive after attacking His Highness and Her Highness?''

''I dare say that this is His Highness's fault for suddenly raiding him like that!''

''What blasphemous-


The meeting ultimately ended in William's victory, without Duke Forbes, he clearly had more support. For his 'punishment' , he will only be grounded for 10 days, which is basically a free vacation at this point.

Walking out of the meeting room in high spirit, William was thinking of how many ladies should he bring to his estate for his vacation, when he is suddenly stopped by someone pulling his right shoulder.

Turning around, he could see an unusually cold Jeremy staring at him.

''...You shouldn't have done that, William.''

''I don't need you to tell me what to do, brother.''

''You will pay the price.'' Jeremy said, walking pass William.

''...Heh, this is satisfying.''


Today is Monday, but I don't want to learn from the professors, so I sneaked out to meet Stephen. I'm rarely alone this time, because I told Emy and Liana to spend some time on their own, usually we cling to each other too much, like, 24/7.

Anyhow, I need to ask Stephen to teach me portal magic this time.

*knock* *knock*

''Come in.''

As I open the door, a familiar scene of Stephen sitting at the table greets me.

''Hi there.'' I said while walking towards the table.

''Oh, Princess Sylvia, what made you come here?''

''I have a little present for you.'' I said, pulling out the pizza box that I made this morning.

''Present? For what occasion?'' Stephen seems confused.

I use mana to make a chair to sit down, and then cast a fire spell to heat up the pizza in the metal box.

''Here.'' I said, removing the lid of the box.

''!!'' Stephen's eyes widen, he then looks at the pizza and me alternatively.

''Nice to meet you, fellow Saint.'' I said with a smile, pulling out two cups of coke, just for the full experience.

''...Hah~ Why didn't I expect this.''

''That means I hid it pretty well.''

''You are right, and it was probably a good decision.'' Stephen chuckles.

''Well, enjoy the pizza, I made this one myself.''

''Sure thing, I've been missing out on these for so long.'' Stephen takes a slice and eats it deliciously.

''So, Stephen, or should I call you Saint Lucas?'' I said, taking a slice as well.

''Stephen is fine, I've abandoned my old name.''

''Alright then, I want to ask you a few things.''

''Go ahead, helping the new Saint is my duty as the former Saint, too.''

''What buff did you get?''

''Infinite mana. The two gemstones on my rings are just decorations.''

''Wow~ it must be nice not having to recharge your gemstones.''

''It is, though it was a total gamble on my side, I didn't have a clue on how much my brain could take back then.''

''It worked out though, so that's good.''

''Rather than that, what's your?''

''Ah~ I can go onto the Internet.''

''...Excuse me?''

''I can go onto the Internet.''

''How does that work?''

''Ask the goddess, not me.''

''But what do you get out of that?''

''This.'' I pull out the Desert Eagle.

''!!'' Stephen widens his eyes again. ''I see... Guns, huh. And probably a lot of other things as well.''

''Yup, it's super convenient.''

''So then I'm assuming these are in production already?''

''Not this one specifically, but yes. For now, it's exclusive to our country though.''

''I could see that... With how the emperor is right now, revealing the technology might not be a good idea.''

''It's not too bad now, I think.'' I said, picking up the newspaper on the table for him to see. ''You see, I shot the guy who's in charge of the whole conquest the other day already.''

''... I'm speechless, I was doubting the second prince's force could kill Duke Forbes, so that was you, huh.''

''Well, he was a scumbag, so.''

''You are not wrong.''

''With this, we can build up the pressure to eventually force the emperor to stop the war, if not, I might need to blow up his entire palace.''

''Please don't do that, we still need the empire intact to fight the demons.''

''That's the last resort, but talking about demons, how was your experience fighting against the demon king? What was he like?''

''In my time, it was fairly easy. We fortunately had your dad, which was and still is the strongest mage in the world, and other very talented individuals as well.'' He said. ''As for the demon king, I felt like... He was too weak.''


''Don't get me wrong, he's still very strong, but compared to other demon kings before, he seemed... lackluster, I think. It's almost as though he was not a complete version.''

''That sounds very ominous.''

''Yeah, and this time... The demons are advancing suspiciously fast, I think there's something wrong here.''

Don't set up a flag, dude...

''Well, we just need to do our best, I suppose.''

''That's true, I will help you to the best of my ability.''

''Teach me portal magic then, I want to learn it.''

''...Couldn't you have asked your dad?''

''He said that he didn't need to teach me, which at that time I was confused, but now I think I understand why, seeing you here.''

''...On one condition.''

''Go ahead.''

''...Update me on the Otome Isekai stuff, you have Internet, right?''

So that was you who infected the theatre, you bastard.

''Really? Otome Isekai?'' I said disapprovingly.

I mean, I've read some of them, and they're not total garbage, but the majority of the subgenre are just annoying cliches, I especially hate the scumbag male lead trope.


''At least some of them are good, no?'' Stephen smiles awkwardly.

''Well, yes, but you see, time here flows much faster than on Earth, so only 9 months has passed on Earth since I've reincarnated.'' I said. ''So, when did you leave Earth?.''

Well, I mean, it depends on when he got reincarnated here, according to the goddess, time in this planet flows much faster than time on Earth, due to some kind of interference on the cosmic level. So although I've been here for almost 18 years already, only 9 months has passed on my browser. So if he died in 2023 like me somehow, though very unlikely, he won't get much content.

I don't even know how the goddess is tweaking the browser so that I could watch videos and such normally, being a god sounds so cool and so exhausting at the same time.

''Interesting information, I died in 2018.''

''So before the pandemic, huh, you'll have a lot of content, then.''

''What pandemic?''

''Oh, about that-


''...That's terrible.''

''Well, yeah, but enough of the gloomy stuff, how can I transfer the information to you? Illusion magic?''

''Usually that is the way, you can project your thoughts as images onto a surface, like a projector.'' Stephen said. ''But seeing that you didn't know this, you might have to learn Illusion magic first.''

''You don't know how to do it?''

''Not my expertise.''

''Hmm, fine then, I'll learn it from an acquaintance.'' I could watch films with my lovers like this too, why didn't I think of this before.

''Sure, when do you want to learn portal magic?'' 

''Preferably right now, I have something to experiment with it.''

''Alright then, I'll skip the aptitude test, seeing that you have a space bag already.''

''I'll count on you.''


After a 4 hour session on how to connect portals together, now I am able to open two linked portals the size of a normal plate, with a 10m maximum distance between the two and a 15m distance from each portal to me.

For a beginner, this is actually very good, according to Stephen. I mean, you have to take into account that I'm already an Archmage with experience in space magic though.

Regardless, it's lunch time. This morning I told my lovers to wait for me at the restaurant so that we could eat together. So now I'm heading there.

I invited Christina and Anastasia as well, we'll have big, fun meal together. This might be the high school experience that I needed all along.

''Why are you stopping me, Your Highness?!'' A shout from the distance interrupts my line of thought.

Turning to the direction of the sound, I could see my girlfriends, together with Christina and Anastasia standing at the side of the road, confronting the son of Duke Forbes, whose ass got beaten by me the other day.

Behind the dude is several people wearing military uniform, though from the color grey instead of red, I assume those are soldiers of house Forbes, they look kinda restless though.

There's quite a crowd gathered around the group already, people, as always, are whispering. Anyhow, let's see what's going on.

''What happened?'' I said, tapping Liana's shoulder.

''Ah, Sylvie. We were going to the restaurant, but as you can see, this guy blocked us.'' She replied.

''Your Highness, just please! Let me capture these criminals!'' The dude pleaded to Christina, who has a deep frown on her face.

''As I said before, you have no evidence whatsoever that my friends here killed your father.'' Christina said.

''Ha!'' He snorted. ''It is plainly obvious, Your Highness, according to our witnesses, two unknown female figures, one with a scythe and one with a sword were seen attacking my father that day, right before he died!''

''And why would that have to be us, huh? Try to use all three of your braincells for a second, dumbass.'' Liana glares at him.

''Because you whores attacked me and threatened me the other day! And all of the witnesses clearly saw that the figure with the scythe had flat chest, matching exactly with yours!''

''...Huh?'' Liana said in a chilling tone, her eyes rapidly losing their brilliant glints.

Oh god, why did you have to touch that topic. Even I often get my boobs bullied by her, and I didn't even say anything. Welp, good luck getting your ass beaten again.

''Look here, Jack Forbes, this is my last warning for you, if you keep insulting my friends and insist on arresting them, I will not forgive you.'' Christina said firmly.

''My patience is not endless, Your Highness, I WILL show them hell, even if that means I need to get through you!''

Woah hey, isn't that treason? Oh well, I think a have a target to practice my magic here.

''Hey there garbage man, we met again.'' I said with a smile.

''You...!'' Only know he realizes me.

Aha, so he's scared of my status.

''What? Are you still pretending to be cool? Why didn't you complain to Christina when she's directly involved? Aren't you just scared?'' I provoked him.

Immediately, I could see his ego getting absolutely violated, veins appearing on his forehead, his two fists shaking. The soldiers behind him seems worried.

''Why? Am I wrong? If you really were willing to go through her like you said, you would have been long dead, executed for treason already.'' I said with an exceedingly annoying face for him specifically to look at.


This is fun.


He instantly gathers mana around his fist and throws a punch straight at my face.

I activate my portals, one receiving his fist, the other one aiming the output towards his crotch. Usually you wouldn't do this, because if you're inexperienced, whatever body parts that your put in could be destroyed or lost entirely due to the weird space-time phenomena that are happening constantly between the portals.

But I don't really care about his arm, nor do I give a fuck about his genital. The only cocks I would ever care about are the ones belonging to my girlfriends.


The fist comes out on the other portal, hitting his balls nicely, when he instinctively pulls his fist back, I notice his hand has two less fingers.

Turning around, I could see Emy, Liana and Christina frowning, their hands reaching out to their crotch, while Anastasia has a puzzled face looking at the three.

Regardless, at least his fist didn't turn into green jelly, no SERN bullshit here. I've heard worse first tries, does that mean that I have talent in teleporting?

''Hey, get him to the hospital or something, aren't you guys his soldiers?''

''A-Ah, yes, please excuse us.'' A man said, pulling the guy back. ''Let's go, master.''

They started to drag him away, the dude is trying to say something, but I honestly couldn't make out what he's saying. Whatever.

''Well then, let's go grab lunch.''

The day after that one incident, Jack Forbes was found dead in his room with a hole on his head. The trial for his crime was therefore, nulled. Scary stuff, I wonder who killed him.

I do also wonder who will inherit the Forbes title, blood relatives perhaps? Or the emperor would just erase that name altogether. I don't really know.

Regardless, after that day, everything was quite peaceful, with Duke Forbes's death, we don't actually need to join the operations anymore, because the firearms performed way better than we had expected, according to Adam and Isabella.

So all five of us spent our time study together, train together, and play together as well.

Just like that, 15 days have passed.

During this period, I finished my Saiga-12, and I did make some basic ammo types for it as well, such as buckshot, slug, flechette, birdshot, and so on. 

Because I was focusing on improving my magic, I didn't spend that much time on the guns. I wanted to master portal magic as fast as possible.

Right now, I could create around 14 to 16 linked portals that are not any farther than 25m from me, and the distance between two linked portals has cannot exceed 17m. 

I was also learning Illusion magic, to improve my camouflage as well as to watch films with my girlfriends. I could project images and short clips now, we're getting there.

However, today is a little bit different, Christina has finally won against Emy in a duel. She has improved very fast, I'd say, the final score was 1/29, she is getting closer to 3 star, I think. I'll have to commend her effort, I'm moved, really, getting beaten nearly everyday all for getting a date with me.

But it is now nighttime, and needless to say, Emy is sulking quite a bit.

''Cmon, don't be that discouraged, it's just one loss, Emy.'' I said, placing my hand on Emy's arm, who has curled into a ball on the bed.


''Ah, you say something too, Liana.'' I turn to Liana, who's sitting besides me on the other side, reading a book.

''Sylvie is right, Christina is very close to a 3 star anyway, and what, you won the other 29 times, right?'' Liana turns to Emy.

''...But... I'm the weakest of us...'' Emy said, her head buried in the blanket.

''Don't worry, you'll get stronger in no time, I'll guarantee it.'' I said, hugging her from behind. ''In the first place, I'm a Saint, and Liana is three years older than you, isn't that right?''

I then give Liana a signal to move over here with my eyes, which she responds back with an understanding look. 

Shortly after, we simultaneously kiss her, with my lips on the back of her head, and Liana's on her forehead.


It seems like she recovered somewhat from that. ''Right, I'll do anything you guys want today, so cheer up?''

Compensation. Compensation.

''...Really?'' Emy said, turning to me.



Dear mother and father, I am now somewhat regretting my decision yesterday to allow them to do whatever they wanted.

Regretting, because they were doing it even more intensely than normal, almost to the point of hurting me.

Somewhat, because I actually enjoyed it.

...I guess I love it hardcore, what can I say.

 Well, it's not like they didn't ask me or anything, and I'm not actually hurt, so it's fine, my body is great for sex.

Regardless, today I will be going on a date with Christina. Yesterday after she beat Emy for the first time, she asked me very excitedly what activities I would like, so she could properly plan the date.

So I told her that I like to enjoy food and music, alongside watching plays, and the rest we should go with her preferences.

And yes, I do admit that watching those Otome Isekai plays is mildly entertaining, especially the part where the audience gets very angry.

Now then, I should probably wear a dress instead of the normal shorts. Let's see if we have something suitable.

Bur first, I need to get rid of the marks on my body, especially the neck area. Fortunately, I can use illusion magic pretty decently now, so that's not a problem.

Now throw some random clothing on first, then I need to ring the bell to call a maid, let these two sleep some more, I guess.


After waiting for a minute, a maid came in.

''How may I help you, Your Highness?''

''Can you please bring me some good dresses? The ones for outings.''

''Understood, please wait a moment.''


In the end, I chose a simple beige apron dress, with white shirt beneath it. Also, white stockings, obviously.

I spin around before the mirror, appraising my looks. 

''How do I look?'' I asked the duo, who's been sitting on the bed watching me try on dresses for a while.

''Simply amazing, if not for the fact that you're someone else's today.'' Liana said with a chilling smile.

''Exactly.'' Emy added.

''Eh~ I've already compensated you guys yesterday, no?''

''Not enough.'' Liana said firmly, Emy's just nodding in agreement.

''...Fine, I'll do it today, too.''

''Great, I think I have the motivation to train now.'' Liana said. ''Right, Emilia?''


These two horny idiots.


Walking normally to the designated location, which is the fountain in the plaza near the academy, I'm currently enjoying the morning sunlight pouring on my face.

In the distance, I could see a stunning woman wearing a red one-piece dress, sitting on the edge of the fountain, looking up at the sky.

''Hi, Christina, did you wait long?'' I said, approaching her.

She instantly turns to me. ''No, not at all. Rather than that, you're very lovely today.'' She said, smiling brilliantly.

''Thanks!'' I replied.

Christina then stands up and offers her left hand to me. ''Now then, shall we?''

I take her hand. ''Sure~''


After walking hand in hand and making small talks for a few minutes, we arrived at a restaurant.

''Sylvia, did you eat yet?''

''No, I was choosing my dress earlier, so I didn't have time.''

''Great, let's have breakfast first.''



Now that we have replenished our energy, it's time for a nice Otome Isekai play again, let's see what will it be this time.

Sitting on the couch together with Christina, I rest my head onto her shoulder, which she readily accepted, even using her hand to pull my waist closer.

Alright, so, the female lead is a very powerful knight, she then by pure chance encounters a small child in a forest, and she adopts him.

I'm calling it, this one is the male lead, either that or she'll have a different male lead, if so, this will be a pleasant one. The fluffy raising kids type, I should say. 

And then...? After raising him for another decade or so, the boy, now a handsome young man that she considers her son started to act weird around her.

Yeah, I can see where this is going, there's no other male lead candidate here.

So obviously, the next logical move to do is to accidentally trip on NOTHING so that the male lead can come in and save the day with his incredible ability to instantly teleport from 10 miles away and catch her like Slenderman.

Girl, you're the best knight in the country, how the hell did you trip on air?? Did you get your knighthood from Walmart??

Yeah, no, this one is just creepy, isn't this considered grooming?

''Who in the world wrote these scripts...'' Christina mumbled.


''I might know who wrote them.'' I said while still giggling.


''The headmaster.''

''...You're joking, right?''

''I wish I was.''


Well, at least I enjoyed watching the audience raging.


''Where is this?'' I asked.

''You said that you love music, right?'' Christina said, guiding me to a plain building with no sign anywhere to be found.

''Yeah, I do.''

''You'll love this place.''

*knock* *knock*

''Who's there?'' A voice came from inside.


''Come in.''


Wow~ what a collection. There's tons of musical instruments here, is this a shop?

''Sister, could you play something?'' Christina said, looking over the counter.

Following her gaze, I could see a woman in a priest's attire sitting behind the counter, tuning a guitar's strings.

''What? Why suddenly?'' The woman said.

''It's for...'' Christina turns to me, before looking at the woman again. ''My girlfriend.''

''Hoh? You of all people is dating now?'' The woman brings her gaze up to see me, after a few seconds of dazing like usual, she snaps back. ''I see, no wonder you fell for her.''

''Well, this sister here is Maria, she loves music, I discovered her by chance a while ago.'' Christina said. ''And this is Sylvia, my girlfriend for today.''

''Nice to meet you, sister Maria.'' I said.

''Me too, Sylvia. Sit here, because you're cute, I'll play songs for you.'' Maria pats the seats behind the counter.

After we settled down on the seats, Maria brings out another guitar. ''So, what do you want to hear?''

''I'll follow your recommendation, Christina.'' I said, mainly because I didn't really hear many songs from this world.

''Play 'Summer breeze' then.''


Plucking the strings, Maria started to sing, her voice is clear and euphonious, she's very confident in her singing, I like it. This song is pretty nice, too, except it's autumn now, not summer, but regardless.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

''You have a very nice voice, sister Maria.'' I commented.

''Thanks.'' She said. ''You want to try, Christina?''

''You know I'm bad at singing.'' Christina said with a sigh. ''Do you sing, Sylvia?''

''I can sing in elvish, if you want.'' I said.

''Oh~ That I'm interested in, please try it.'' Maria replied.

Taking the guitar, I wonder what song should I play... Hmm, let's go with this one.

''I'll sing '忘れじの言の葉'1''


*clap* *clap* *clap*

''That was great!'' Maria exclaimed. 

''I didn't expect it either, one more song please!'' Christina seems satisfied, too.

''Alright then.''


After we said goodbye to Maria, it was already lunchtime, so Christina took me to the very expensive restaurant that I, Emy and Liana visited on our first day here in the capital. Needless to say, the food was exceedingly good, especially with a cute girl feeding me. Well, we were feeding each other, to be exact, I feel like such a normie.

But anyway, after that, we had a very fun time going to the casino. Gambling with magic is pretty lit, I'd say, maybe I'll visit this place again with my girlfriends.

When it was around 3 P.M, Christina took me to a hot spring. That reminded me that I totally forgot to come here during the past week, maybe my brain is actually degrading due to all the sex, you know, like in one of those hentais where the female character's brain turned into her womb for whatever reason.

Regardless, we registered a private room for privacy, now we need to undress first.

Taking off my dress, I could feel Christina's gaze on me.

''I-I'll go in first.'' Christina said, when I turn around, she was no longer there.



After washing myself, I walk towards the hot spring, where Christina is already melting into the pool, her eyes closed.

I silently come near her, then sit down right besides her in the pool. Ah~ This is great.

''!!'' Christina opens her eyes wide.

''Hi.'' I said, smiling lightly.

Christina blushes, then turns her head away. Seeing that reaction, I think I will need to tease her a bit more.

I move even closer to her, then wrap my bare breasts around her arm. ''You can look freely, you know?''

Below the clear water, I could see something big rising up against the towel.

Ah, she's hard.

Christina turns her head around, her face flushed red, her breathing is rough, and in her eyes I sense uncontrollable lust, her left hand is already touching my inner thigh.

Although I don't really like to do her like this...

''Not yet.'' I said softly. ''Please try to endure a bit more.''

I don't have permission from my girlfriends yet. This will have to be delayed.

Christina forcefully closes her eyes, biting her rosy lips, she said: ''I understand.''

''Thanks. '' I said, resting my head on her shoulder again.

I'm glad she knows restraint.

So we stayed in that position for a long while, before it was time to break up.


I almost lost control there, thankfully I didn't do anything unforgivable. Not that I could win against her anyway.

But that body is just sinful. Coupled with her natural cuteness... Ah~ I can't wait to hold her.

Right now I'm overjoyed, I've never felt something like this before. Now that my mind has somewhat cleared, I could remember what she said back there.

'Not yet.'

This basically confirmed my position in her heart. Now I just need to get through the other two. I've won.

''I think I'll fly home from here.'' Sylvia said.

''Ah, alright, I hope you enjoyed yourself today.'' I replied.

''Heheh, you bet I did, darling.''



She just gave me a kiss on the lips...

''Then, I'll see you again.''

This is unfair...