
Zombie World, A Stud Life Style (The Walking Dead)

****PLEASE READ AUXILIAR CHAP BEFORE YOU START READING, I DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO BE CONFUSED LATER ON, ALSO THIS IS HAREM AND R-18 IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW BY THE TAGS, SO DON'T READ IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THAT**** The Usual, Smutty fic. No real plot here, he just wants to live a peacefully with beauties around him, repopulating the world and providing his stud genes. Some tall beefy young man surviving this world with noting but pure raw power and agility, but he has a soft spot for women, after all. They are very scarve nowadays. The Profile Pic isn't mine, I found it in a shady place but I tracked down the author and the author was Ptimm in DeviantArt. If said Author wants me to drop it, just let men know. Also, I am not profiting from this, I just do this for fun so if the owners of the art work or TWD or someone else wants me to drop this, just let me know. I don't own anything except my OC everything else is from TWD and some resamblance of characters is just coincidence.

TheLonelyGod · テレビ
62 Chs

Notice (Not a Chapter)

if you still have this book in your library, then thank you. However, I will be rewriting this.

As I wrote this before, I kept adding stuff that made me a little giddy, and after so much, I came to see how naive I have been.

I like sex as much as the next guy, but I went a little overboard, I think.

I want to remake this into a good story, one worth my time. There will be smut in the rewrite, of course, but I won't be adding girls like Pokemon lol.

So I am still going for three or four girls, but that's as far as I go.

So if you have a suggestion of ONE girl because I already have three, I won't mention them, but you'll know in time.

I am going to erase all these chapters in a few days, so I'm letting you guys know in advance.

The reason I can't just make another boon is because my account is already filled out with the limit of books I have in drafts, lol. I have like 17, I think. Naruto, TLOU, The Flash, MCU, HOTD, GOT, and some others. When I get reader block on one of them, I write on the other.

My new rewrite of TWD will follow closely on the TWD plot for a while. Of course, my MC will have his own story, and I don't like repeating the plot word for word in my fics if you didn't already know.

anyways, that's what I wanted to say. I am rewriting it. I'm not adding girls from other movies, tv shows, or anything. I'm going TWD straight up so you guys can onle suggest ONE girl. I will see if the girl is fit and then add her. Who knows, if I see a lot of demand on another girl, then I will add her too. I keep daying one girl only but I'm very open and I will try to make it as real as I can!

So yeah, see yah buds.