
Who pissed off God

"EARTH!" A voice thundered, shaking the entire planet. It felt as though the very ground beneath Aaron quivered in response. He sat in his dimly lit room, still wearing his gaming headphones, frozen in shock.


"IT HAS COME TO MY ATTENTION YOU GUYS ARE WAY TOO BORED FOR YOUR OWN GOOD EVEN MORE THAN ME...A LITERAL GOD THAT HAS SPENT MILLIONS OF YEARS!" The voice sounded like an angry parent who had just realized they had spoiled their child way too much. Aaron couldn't help but chuckle nervously. Was this some elaborate prank or an absurdly realistic game event?

"YOU HAVE STARTED CHANGING YOUR GENDER! CUTTING AND ADDING PIECES TO YOURSELVES LIKE YOU ARE A SIMPLE CLOTH!" The voice's words hit him with a mix of confusion and curiosity. It was true; the world had seen some drastic changes, "Dammit you all have finally done it!"He cursed out angrily "You've finally pissed of the big man!"

"AND WORST OF ALL. YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF GODS?" The voice seemed to have calmed down a bit towards the end.

"You long for freedom?"

Aaron blinked, the room spinning around him. He took off his headphones, letting them rest on his neck. This had to be some elaborate audio manipulation or a particularly strange dream.

"Very well then, maybe this will... solve all your problems."


The sudden silence was eerie, and he hesitated, waiting for the punchline. When nothing happened, Aaron couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine.

"Man, I really need to stop playing these games," he muttered to himself, shaking his head. His mind raced as he tried to make sense of the bizarre voice, but his logical side dismissed it as an overactive imagination. He grabbed a can of Coke from his cluttered desk and took a gulp, finding solace in the familiar taste.

But then, out of nowhere, a strange sensation washed over him. It was as if he'd entered a different dimension. His surroundings seemed to blur, and he felt a tingling in his fingertips.

[System fully synchronized] a voice spoke, not from any physical source but seemingly from within his own mind.

Aaron stumbled back, dropping the can of Coke in shock. Panic coursed through his veins as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. It wasn't part of the game; it was something else entirely.

"Scanning host…" the voice continued, its tone strangely soothing.

His thoughts raced, and he tried to regain control. "What is this? Who are you?"

The voice remained calm and unfazed. "Welcome, Host. You have been chosen to participate in a new reality. Prepare yourself for the journey ahead. I am your system but I cannot be accessed for now"

Aaron swallowed hard, his throat dry. His heart pounded like a drum, and his mind was a whirlwind of uncertainty. This wasn't a game. This was real.

The holographic display before him listed out his personal information:

Name: Aaron star

Age: 18

Health: 8/10

Stamina: 10/10

Mana: 0/100

Strength: 5/10

Agility: 6/10

Intelligence: 3/10

Skills: Undetermined

Inventory: Empty

Average human: 10

'The fuck, I think you made a little mistake in….everything'

He couldn't deny it any longer; he was part of something far beyond his understanding. The holographic display continued, "You have three days to prepare. The apocalypse is coming. Choose your class on that day to begin your journey."

Lets go

Narsissistic_Demoncreators' thoughts