
Chapter 9 : SASUGA 'Dio'-sama....

Zero then walk away from the crowds and go above one of the building and he is holding a bitten 'apple' that he stole earlier at the random Street vendor... He is sitting and looking down while waiting or looking for 'someone' , while Shirou is floating above him keeping an eye for a potential enemies

Zero : This is the forth time he died and he just figured out about his time leaped ability right now...?

Zero is sitting right now at the roof of a random building and got another bite of his appa or whatever it called.....

Zero : huh...and here I thought I can only consume blood.....

Shirou : Master... I found the boy or Subaru as we called it.... is sitting on the stairs right there close at that vendor seller , and it appears that he is talking about his modern knowledge , and his time leap ability confirms your theory that he may came from out world....

Shirou : ( as expected from my Hos/User , he is very sharp as before and he take things seriously.... a bit.... but at least he is not giving his enemies a chance too fight back especially when he think's that some are not too be underestimated... so that's a plus.... I think.... )

Zero : Shirou , Let's be friendly at that boy... he can be use of us....

Zero : ( heh... having knowledge from the future really gives me a chance too show off how smart I am , hehehe , I wonder what I'm gonna eat later since I can actually taste and consume food like any human can.... )

Shirou : ( .... I see.... so that's your plan.... truly befitting as someone as him..... too think I didn't thought of making that boy a 'friend' so we can use him as a hostage if it turns out that he is one of those 'STAND USERS' that transport us... even if he's not , that boy must already got a plan too interact with that white haired girl.... since master is not really quite fond at playing nice always since that Feline 'Stand' of hers can read emotions actually.... and from the info I gathered , she is one of the contestant about being a king of this kingdom.... even if she's not she must be rich from the way she wore those expensive looking clothes , and if we got her or their trust... they're money and house also their rank of this world can be a stepping stone my master too rule it since he can't rule earth , he will rule here instead in the shadows using a Flesh bud at the king!!!! , even if she's not the king , I'm sure that master will use her title too get close at that 'king' and use a flesh bud , controlling her/him from the shadows , and those damn Joestars are not here!!! , UwaaaaaH~ your Intelligence know no bound my master~... 7 birds at one stone.... you really think ahead ogf me in such a short amount of time..... I'M SO PROUD OF MY HOST~!!!! )

Meanwhile In Zero's thought.

Zero : ( O~ I know!!! , I'll eat rem's cooking~! , I heard from the anime that her cooking is incredible , Hah~ , Rem is best girl~..... Oh looks like subaru starts too move!!! , )

( A/N : .....Is just me or I start too think that Demiurge is shirou and Ainz is zero.... meh~ that's probably just me , right guys~!. )

Zero then stand up , cutting shirou from his Day dream and the stand heard him said...

Zero : Let's pay him a visit , and ac like you never meet him ok ?

Shirou : Sasuga Dio-sama...

Zero got confused why his STAND suddenly BOWS with his right hand on his chest while the other is on his back , giving off an Aura that he is very happy , proud and got up his expectations on something....

Shirou : Your Intelligence knows no bound~!!!

Zero : I-I see , I'm G-Glad That you knew exactly my plan... I think....

Shirou : of course master!!! , After all Me and You ( Dio ) are the same-

( A/N : IT'S ZERO not DIO he still don't know BTW )

Shirou : - After all , I came from your soul.... so I have your Intelligence... but ALAS! , I can't compete with your infinite knowledge....

He said While twitching from excitement and Zero swear that he saw his eyes are literally Glimmers out of Happiness....

Zero : thanks... I guess...?

Its more like a question than a statement on what zero said , but Shirou did not pay attention on that and just praise his master sharp mind...

Shirou : Your welcome my master... this servant of yours don't deserve you holly praise...

Zero : ...

Zero felt a chill on his spine....

Zero : ( he's creeping me out.... I mean who would not... I bet no one will get used at a creepy and Yandere servant that keep praising you... And I think he think highly of me..... )

~~~ In Nazarick , Throne room~~~

Ainz : Atchooo!!!


Ainz back skull got a single sweat drop

Ainz : I'm okay , I'ts just a common cold , an before you guys react , I'm not Cursed , Sick , Affected by a world Class Item ( Why did I even sneeze... I thought I'm immune at coldness , and I don't have a nose too begin with is someone talking about me...? )

~~~ Re : 'Zero' verse... ~~~ ( A/N : haha Get it ? )

Zero : Achoo~

Shirou : Master!!! , are sick!? ( What the-Since when did a vampire feel a cold anyway!!! this must be a work of an enemy Stand!!! ) ( A/N : Know your meme )

SFX : ~~DOOM~~

Zero : nah must be someone talks about me in a bad way or something....

The Stand Got silence for a second and thought about pummeling Jotaro because of it....


Jotaro : Achoo~

Old Joseph : are you okay jojo...?

Jotaro : I'm okay jiji , anyway let's save Polnareff from D'arby....

Old Joseph : Hah , I'll take the gamble at this stand User....

~~~ Re : Zero verse~~~

Zero walks while holding a map too his face and 'Accidentally' bump on Subaru....

Subaru : Guk... HEy !! watch.. where.....you.....go...ing....

He said slowly as Subaru recognize the outfit that the unknown person who bump him wears....

* SFX : DOOM~ *

Zero : hmmm...?

'Dio' then checked his outfit.....

Zero : ho~? , what do we have here....











To be continued.....

Changed the cover since the fist is hella gay to me... i think.... , for those who don't know his STAND/Spirit familiar

I'ts appearance looks exactly like the org dio from dio without the green hearts , younger , cooler , less buff but still look like a giant , and the color is white-gold instead of pure gold or yellow

Demiurge_Oharacreators' thoughts