
Zero’s Path: AoE specialist.

Your average weeb and novel enthusiast gets reincarnated and makes his personal ideologies about the supremacy of AoE spells everybody else’s problem. After all what AoE mage hasn’t harmed a few innocent bystanders? This is going to be about a semi-crazy mc going around the multiverse. The first world will definitely be self made then I’ll decide if I wanna do that again or turn it into a fan-fic multiverse. There is a system but it’s essentially just to make my life easier. And no harem instead we’re gonna get a f*ckboy mindset till he finds his one true love or something equally corny. English is my first language I’m just super new to writing and hence something like grammar flow in conversations may suck. But I will hopefully improve given time. I have literally no plan for this and my update schedule will be completely random at the beginning till I get comfortable writing.

FallenVoid · 軍事
14 Chs

The Shadow Tower Ch. 7

It's been two weeks since I was sold off to the ninja people, or as they call themselves the 'Shadow Tower'. And I'd come to the realization that maybe appearance matters when it comes to reincarnation. I mean what are the odds that I choose to look like Kakashi, I just happened to gain an eye skill, even if it's the wrong eye, and I'm going to be raised by ninjas.

After we left the auction house I managed to get a brief glimpse of a nice looking city before immediately being placed into a carriage. I'd tried to use [Soul Appraisal] on the other compatriots of the old man while we were walking, but it was blocked by something. I immediately tried to use soul sense to see outside the carriage but much like the box it was blocked by something.

And so, after two weeks, I'd come to accept my reality, I was going to be raised by ninjas, and probably indoctrinated to be loyal to the organization or cause. The being raised by ninjas part isn't that bad, it's the indoctrination and possible brainwashing I'm scared of. After all in a world of magic, who knows what kind of controlling measures they can take.

I wanted to start making progress in my skills but between being stuck in a cradle and watched by the old man as well as my status not opening I was stuck. I'd tried to open my status a few times the past couple weeks only to be met with a message telling me that the [Void Glaive] is awakening and a percentage. It should awaken today, any minute now in fact and I was looking forward to it.


{[Void Glaive] awakening complete}

Ah and speak of the devil! 'Status'


Name: N/A Dawn

Titles: Reincarnated, Guest of the Void, Gods Witness, High-Functioning Madman, Soul Bastion, Creator of Memes, Unique, Soul Killer, Mana Blessed, Mana Prodigy, Mana Well.

Age: 1 month; 14 days (Since birth)

Level: 2

Xp: 690/3000

Energy: 4800/4800

STR: 10

VIT: 10

AGI: 10

INT: 20

WIS: 20

WIL: 58

NRG: 24

Stat Points: 0

-Soul Bound Weapons-

•[Void Glaive]

•[Magia Aeterna] (Awakening: 873 Days remaining)

-Elemental Affinities- (Collapse)

<Tier 1>

•Earth: 45%

•Fire: 45%

•Wind: 45%

•Water: 45%

•Light: 45%

•Dark: 75%

<Tier 2> (Locked) (Class Override)

•Soul: 95%

<Tier 3> (Locked)

<Tier 4> (Locked)

<Concepts> (Locked)

-Skills- (Collapse)

[Gamers Mind] <MAX> (E/C)

[Voids Blessing] <MAX> (E/C)

[Soul Projection] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

[Soul Manipulation] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

[Soul Resistance] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

[Soul Illusion] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

[Soul Sense] <lvl. 3> (E/C)

[Soul Defense Network] <MAX> (E/C)

[Memetic Drawings] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

[Self Appraisal] <MAX> (E/C)

[Soul Appraisal] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

[Voids Judgment] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

'State into the Void long enough; and it might just stare back'

•All Sight based skills will automatically fuse into this skill

•Skill is permanently active in the hosts right eye; drains no energy.

•Can fuse certain other skills granting them power at the cost of versatility.

•Sub skill [Voids Sentencing] allows the host to mark a target as guilty, causes attacks against the target to be amplified by 50% using void energy. Takes the targets level worth of energy to cast.

[Mana Body Forge] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

'Mana is in all things, and it grants power unyielding.'

•Circulate Mana in the body to increase physical stats. +5 to each physical stat per level: takes 25 mana a second.

•Cycle your mana to improve its density and reserves. Requires a clear mind and takes 50 mana a second at the current level.

[Mages Mind] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

'A mages mind must be at its peak when casting, an addled mind makes awful spells'

•Host comprehends magic based knowledge easier.

•Host can hold two trains of though at the same time at the current level. Every 25 levels gain another train of thought.

[Surgical Mana Control] <lvl. 1> (E/C)

'A Medical Mages mana control must be as steady as a normal surgeons hands'

•Spend 15% less mana to cast a spell.

•Mana control comes naturally to the user.


'Why is it suddenly called mana instead of energy?'


{Answer this worlds form of energy is called mana. Please select wether you wish to continue calling it energy or switch to mana for this world.}

'Uhm…. Just call it mana I guess, actually set it up so that the energy is always referred to by what the locals call it.'

{Acknowledged… changing…. complete}

'Well that was interesting… but back to my status how do I use the [Void Glaive]?'

{Would host like to summon the [Void Glaive]?}

'No! Ah I mean no thank you.. I just wanted to know about it.'

{Would host like to view the [Void Glaive] stat page?}

'Ah yes please!'


[Void Glaive] (Bound) <lvl 2> (Matches Host)

ATK: 20

Durability: Infinite


[Void Damage]

•Infect wounds with 'Void' energy causing regeneration and healing to be anywhere from negated to slightly lessened depending on several factors.

[Casting Focus]

•Boosts mana recovery rate by 1%.

•Decreases spell cost by 1%.

•Boosts casting speed by 1%.

•Allows ritual type and group type spells to be cast without outside components or assistance needed.

[Energy Conductive]

•Mana passed through the staff is 15% more powerful.

•Enhancement type spells cast on the weapon are 50% more effective.

[Form Change]

•Every 50 levels the [Void Glaive] will gain a new weapon form based on the users desire.

•Current Forms: Glaive, Staff.


'Hmm that looks good, although I do wonder about the attack stat?'


'I wasn't asking you!'

I'd noticed that the system was rather random regarding what questions it would answer and what questions it wouldn't. Usually only extremely basic questions would be answered but every now and then it will answer a question regarding a core mechanic of the world..

Training is my primary goal but I can't really do that here, besides keeping soul sense active that is. The only skill I'd consider training under the old man's watch is the new mana cycle ability of [Mana Body Forge] but I was hesitant, if the old man had the ability to sense mana moving in me then he may get suspicious. Granted he would likely assume it was subconscious, but I don't know enough about the norms of this world to risk that.

Well I guess with nothing to do but use soul sense I might as well get some sleep… I've been getting tired now that I've gained a body and the sleep is a welcome occurrence.

-Toby Umbras POV-

The child was… strange to say the least. I'd picked up several infants before and all of them would cry and whine about being supplied nutrients through the enchantments. They would also just cry and giggle randomly. However, this new born seemed to enjoy silence as one of the only silly faces he'd made so far was one of displeasure at a loud fight occurring outside.

Another odd things was the eyes.. most of the time both his eyes were closed but when he did open them, he would only open the left one. I'd run several diagnostic spells on him while he slept and found that he'd been blessed with an eye skill in his right eye. I haven't the faintest idea of what it does but it must be irritating to him if his subconscious refuses to open it.

When I first discovered the eye skill I nearly yelled in joy after all very rarely do people get eye skills and even then it's usually a thing they gain later in life. The fact he'd awakened one so early was incredible and I was anticipating the moment he starts to talk so he can explain what it does.

However, it wasn't all good. Despite awakening a martial type weapon his stats were heavily sided towards magic. While all stats are important for both magic and martial type fighters there is definitely bias towards one or the other. While WIL can help a fighter stay focused through pain, it's far more useful in its ability to increase mana control. The only truly neutral stat was Mana as energy reserves are equally useful to everyone.

I was going to have an experienced fate mage look into this when we get to the tower. After all a Glaive is rather staff like and I don't want to set him down the wrong path.

-Mc POV-

'I'm so bored!'


'Sorry we're so bored! There, you happy?'


'Smug little shit.'

For the past three weeks I'd done nothing but use soul sense to view the inside of the carriage. And admittedly this was a good thing. I don't know if it's because of the anti-sensor enchantments that stop me from looking out or something else. But soul sense had actually leveled up twice in three weeks.

I still haven't opened my right eye since the first time. The fact my soul sense was stuck like the box makes me feel like I'd only encounter a similar situation with a flash bang like light. Soul sense at level 5 gives me 7.5 meters of view which is rather respectable. I mean in my old life being able to read 8 mm letters at 20 feet was 20/20 vision, I could read 8mm letters at 24 feet. Actually I could probably read one millimeter letters… how small can soul sense see?


'Your right I should test it.. but how?'


'What do you mean I'm the planning guy'


'Oh shut up and let me think.'

Asshole, but anyway how could I test it. Wait the cushion I'm sitting on! The threads will be small. Alright but how do I zoom in? Maybe just put more mana into the skill? Yeah that feels right..

After around 10 mana I felt my perspective through soul sense sharpen ever so slightly. But it still wasn't what I wanted; and finally after pumping a little over 200 mana into the skill I could see the individual threads woven into the cushion. But being curious I kept pumping mana into the skill, after I hit the 300 mark I could see the individual dust grains on the cushion, after 400 nothing changed. I kept pumping mana in, and finally when I hit around 600 mana I saw something, small flickering particles of different colors, mainly light green, golden yellow, and a misty black. My money was on it being the mana in the material.

Unfortunately my little experiment had only brought up more questions. Such as; is the material imbued with mana on purpose or does it gather it over time, if I sharpened my view while looking at air would I see mana, and finally why were there no bacteria?

Questions such as these raced through my mind. And while I was thinking about them I realized something. The carriage had stopped, normally this would mean nothing after all horses and drivers have to rest. But this carriage hadn't stopped once in the past five weeks.

The door to the carriage opened and I let my soul sense out—


{System reminder set by host; mana pool at 2}

Or maybe not, I quickly turned off my soul sense and opened my left eye. Immediately I noticed the huge obsidian black tower in front of the carriage door. The old man Toby picked me up and walked out the carriage.

"Back home at last…" He muttered under his breath. So this was the shadow tower? I was expecting mor—-

All of a sudden a breeze of cold air hit me, I flinched in reaction and opened my right eye. I-it was beautiful in a scary way, the entire tower glowing in a purple with dark blue glowing in the cracks between the bricks. A giant spinning beam of purple light at the top. With flickering purple lights shining out the windows. Of course this only what my right eye saw; my left eye simply saw an imposing obsidian tower.

As we began to walk towards the door I shut my right eye tightly. After all I could see the mana shining through from the outside, the inside would blind me no doubt. We walked in the door, or more accurately the old man walked in while I was carried. What greeted us was a young man wearing black robes.

"Welcome back Grand Elder Umbras!" He said in a respectful tone while bowing slightly.

"It's good to be back Lighthouse Keeper" He was smiling! The last time I saw him smile was when he told me I was the new recruit. Also this tower is a light house? I mean the spinning light on top was there but it was only visible with mana sight.

"Would you like to go through now Grand Elder or stay for a while?" The lighthouse keep looked almost to excited for what was just a simple interaction, besides the impressive title that makes me worried about sect young masters how important is old man Toby anyway?

"I'd like to go through right away, I've been gone for far to long.." What's with that ominous phrasing!

Toby walked over to the center of the first floor, me just know noticing the engraved magic circle in the floor. The lighthouse keeper walked over to a side of the room and made a made a hand sign. The circle on the floor began to glow in a dark blue with purple accents. I felt like my stomach was being pulled out of my body and with a loud hum we disappeared.

We appeared on a large stone platform with the same magic circle engraved into it. Several people wearing armor rushed over and kneeled. And as one cohesive unit they all said.

"Welcome back, Grand Elder, to the Plane of Shadows!"

And with that out of the way.. I threw up.

I accidentally deleted my stats document, so I went back through my chapters to create a new one. But I’m kinda dumb so if I missed anything please let me know and I’ll fix it.

FallenVoidcreators' thoughts