
Zeref Dragneel in the Tower of God

The story of how Zeref Dragneel got into the Tower of God The Tower of God belongs to SIU and I don't have any rights to this franchise it's just fan fiction

YouLikeBOOBS · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 3 Allies

Part 3 Allies

After the two illegal ones disappeared after the destruction of the sphere, a long silence hung between the three who were in the test room, which was broken by Yuri Zakhard

"We will go up to the upper floors to follow these two, the guide showed the way," Yuri Zakhard said in an authoritative tone

"But we can't enter the test zone," Evan said

"I don't care if life is boring, let it go to hell, and now hurry up, guide, " Yuri said again

"Damn, and why am I accompanying her," Evan said and ran after Yuri

after the two intruders left, Hedon was left alone in this place

"What an interesting sight I have seen, I will look forward to continuing what will happen next," he said and plunged into darkness

In the rays of the transition to the 1st floor

Zeref and Grace were currently in a state of stasis, healing their wounds, however, Black March was watching these two right now

"You two are really the ones we've been waiting for for so long

the darkness that brings light, and the light that brings darkness

while you are here to rest, you still have a very long and difficult way to go"

she said and took the form of a sword placed in Zeref's hand

Location 1st floor

Zeref and Grace were now lying on a vast field covered with golden wheat

Zeref opened his eyes, feeling a strange sound coming from his right

he opened his eyes and saw Grace already opening her eyes and immediately jumping into his arms

"Don't ever do that again, or I won't forgive you," a crying Grace shouted to him

"Of course, I promise," Zeref said

after they calmed down, they began to inspect the area in which they found themselves

"Is this the new floor that Mr. Hedon was talking about," Grace asked Zeref

"I think that yes, we have passed the tests," Zeref said, looking around the neighborhood

suddenly, a voice rang out from the heavens

"an admission test, a test, as you can hear Alo"

Zeref and Grace looked up into the sky and saw a purple cube, from which a female voice was coming

"And so I greet you, the chosen ones, I am the administrator of today's test, the essence of which I will tell you now," a female voice said, and Zeref began to listen

"The rules of the test are very simple and apply to all 400 favorites, so your task is to reduce this number to 200 in any of the possible ways, so good luck, the test will start and yes the number can be seen on your portative good luck clock," a very unpleasant silence followed

"Grace, stay close and don't go far," Zeref said, pushing Black March in a certain direction

"Zeref, let me help you," Grace said, looking at Zeref over his back

"Just watch the background, if you see anything, tell me and don't panic, I'm right next to you," Zeref said, and at that moment a huge man 2.5 meters tall flew out of the wheat bushes and pointed his sword at Zeref

"Zeref!!" - Grace shouted, but Zeref already dodged the blow and pushed Grace away, after which he jumped up and simply cut off the big man's head

The big man fell, as did his head, and Zeref was standing over him

"I'm sorry, but you attacked first," Zeref said

"Zeref, turn around !! Grace shouted in a panic, and Zeref turned around and immediately dodged an arrow that was a millimeter from his cheek

Zeref concentrated the shinsu in his hand and swung the Black March, sending an air cut that cut the archer in half

"Well done, Grace," Zeref said and patted Grace on the head, to which Grace smiled sweetly

"Let's go, we don't need to stand in one place for too long, we need to find a quiet place," Zeref said, looking around the neighborhood and seeing the hills they were heading for

"I do not know how Grace will react to death, but looking into her eyes, I see that everything is fine," Zeref said in his head, worrying about Grace, who ran with him, holding hands

At this time, in another part of the field

A guy in a tracksuit and with a Caesar hairstyle ran through the bushes, periodically dodging various kinds of attacks

"Damn it, this is complete shit, why didn't they say it would be so difficult?" he shouted in panic until he bumped into the other two chosen ones

They were not like the others

One of them was a girl of about 14 years old in an orange dress and green leather, with a green weapon in the form of a sword

The other was a guy dressed as a martial Buddhist swordsman with black hair and black eyes, and also had two katanas on his belt, one with a red handle, the other with a blue one

The guy in sports immediately realized that they were real monsters, because from the two of them came an evil thirst for battle, which the green girl began by swinging a long green sword, lengthening it, and like a whip, the tip of the sword stretched out to the guy who had already multiplied one sword and repelled such a destructive blow that when he reached the rock, he smashed it to pieces

"Why would I do that?" the guy in the sports car shouted, continuing to dodge the destructive attacks of the two monsters

Then a voice came from above

In another place of the same field

The guy with one red horn on his head and long blond hair continued to single-handedly repel various attacks and lunges of various rivals and ran from place to place until he tripped over something and fell face down

"What the ?" the blonde wanted to find out what he had encountered while running, and saw a large sleeping bag in which a guy with dark green hair was sleeping, still blowing a bubble from his nose

Then a voice came from above

In another place of the same field

On the mountain among the wheat fields there was a huge dragon, or crocadil, or lizard, which was wearing red Roman armor with a black cloak fluttering in the wind

This huge fearless beast watched and hunted down those who had great strength to fight them and become stronger

And then he saw a guy with black hair and a white dance slung over his shoulder using a weapon for 13 months of the Black March

"Here he is a worthy opponent," he shouted and jumped towards the Black Turtle, as he thought in his head

In another place of the same field

A beautiful girl with blue hair was sitting on the corpse of a red four-armed man, she was dressed in a strict white shirt and a strict black skirt to her knees and the same black shoes with heels it was noticeable that for her 17 years she had grown up in many places with a figure of 82.60.86 another thing that was with her was a strict briefcase and a dagger washed with blood

"Oh, what a bore, there would be at least one interesting person here," the Girl said, sighing with boredom, and then a rustle came from the bushes, from where two interesting people came out to look at her

One of them had a beautiful face strange clothes for the people living in the tower and the most incredible thing was the Black March a legendary weapon of the 13 series

And there was also an interesting girl who was holding the hand of a guy with a beautiful face. The girl had long dark brown hair down to her knees, as well as strange clothes, but what was cut out of the girl was golden eyes piercing the soul of a blue-haired girl with a bloody dagger in her right hand.

"And this is already interesting," the Girl said, jumping off the monster and starting to approach the 2 people in front of her

Zeref did not back down and just stood up folding his Black March waiting for a blue haired girl with shoulder length hair to approach them

"And you're a really interesting guy, like this girl," the girl said, standing in front of the two of them

"My name is Khun Mia Agnis, let's get acquainted," Mia introduced herself

"My name is Zeref Dragnil, and this is 25 Grace," Zeref said, and then introduced Grace, who waved a pen

"Very nice" and then suddenly a voice in the sky interrupted Mia

"Great, now the number of people who survived is 200, you did a good job, and now out of these 200 people who survived, you need to find 2 friends, but no less, and now you have 5 minutes of time, the time is gone," the voice said and left the trio in silence

"I think it's fate, so how about we unite," Mia said, holding out her hand, and Zeref shook it

"Yes, that would be great," Zeref said, but Mia immediately pressed him tightly to her face, so that their noses almost touched, and Grace just watched

"Tell me, Zeref, where did you get the legendary weapon of the 13th series, which is issued only to the princesses of Zahard ?" Mia said in a serious tone, making Zeref take aback, but immediately collect his thoughts

"Princess Yuri lent it to me when I took the test from Hedon," Zeref answered honestly, to which Mia looked at him for a second, and then replied

"That's right, but if so, then everything is fine," she replied and walked away

"Wait, did you believe that so quickly?" Zeref was taken aback

"This is a gift given to me from my mother, the eyes of divination, my eyes can see lies, that's why I reacted like this," Mia replied, pointing to her eyes.

"Or did you think I was going crazy easily?" - Mia came closer to Zeref again, wanting to get a better look at the dark eyes of the Dark Wizard

"No way" Zeref quickly started waving his arms, and Grace found this image very cute, until she saw a shadow in the sky

"Zeref Mia, watch out !! Grace shouted, pushing them both away with her body


Zeref and Mia immediately stood up and took up fighting positions, while Grace stood behind them, looking at the crater from which something had come out

It's a Crocodile

It's a dragon

It's a Lizard

Or a dinosaur, but who is it ???


Said the Great Destroyer of RAK, throwing a spear at Zeref

"Hmm? Natsu, is that you? Zeref asked the creature in front of him

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