
Zack Fair on Remnant

An ignorant guy dies by accident, as he wasn't supposed the one to die by Truck-kun but the random teenager should've been the one. Now the wrong soul got reincarnated in a world were Grimms, bandits, and bad-ass women that kick ass and take names are roaming freely. _______________________________________________________ This is my first ever fan-fic, if you don't like it, don't read it :D I may update once a week/3 days I do not own RWBY nor this cover picture, so peace. I also don't own any characters that I might mention from any known series

NoirZero11 · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

Cat ears

A few days have passed since that food war and everyone noticed the armed military has been increasing on Vale. Ozpin did state to everyone it was just for precaution and security during this upcoming Vytal festival so they all just went with it.

At the moment, team ZPNR and team RWBY are still having their training but everyone couldn't help getting curious about Blake, she has been spacing out lately and sometimes sleeping at classes.

Zack, being the one in charge, approached her while everyone looked on curiously at them.

"Hey Blake, you alright there?" Zack asked.

"...Yeah, why do you ask?" Blake replied normally.

"Well, for starters, you were spaced out that you accidentally barged in our bathroom while I was inside. You accidentally shot Cardin at his nuts while we were at Glynda's class, not saying that's a bad thing though. You mistook your clothes for Wiess while we were all hanging out and the most amazing one yet is that you somehow took Ozpin's mug from him without him noticing but when he did, the guy actually called Beacon on lockdown just to find it," Zack counted down while looking at her.

"Ughh… I… I just can't stop thinking about Torchwick and the White Fang, I know they're up to something and no one is doing anything about it" Blake gloomily said with her head down.

"But Blake, Ozpin told us not to get involved in this and just trust the police and the Huntsman. I'm sure they could handle it." Yang interjected at the sides.

Blake finally noticed everyone was looking at her with concern.

"But they don't know the White Fang as I do, they are just a bunch of misguided individuals and Torchwick with them is not making it any better," Blake responded.

"Hmm… alright, I'm in, how about you guys?" Zack suddenly said as he asked everyone else.

"Huh? Wait, you mean to go look for Torchwick right?" Weiss asked him.

"Why yes, yes I am," Zack answered innocently.

"Alright! I'm in Captain Zack! Let's break some legs!" Nora excitedly exclaimed.

"That's the spirit, General Pancake!!" Zack answered excitedly as well as they both hive-fived each other then proceeded with their secret handshake.

*Sigh* "Excluding these two, you all don't have to go with me," Blake said as she faced them.

"Hah! What are you talking about! You're my partner, I ain't about to leave you now," Yang exclaimed as she draped her arm over Blake's shoulder.

"We are a team so we do this together," Weiss added as she nodded at her.

"Alright! Go team RWBY!" Ruby exclaimed while she brought out her arms in the air.

"We may not be on the same team but we are friends so I'm in as well, besides, our team leader and resident pancake eater already decided to come," Ren agreed as well.

"That's right Blake, we're all in this together," Pyrrha commented.

"Oh yeah! Go team!" a familiar voice suddenly joined in with them.

They looked in his direction as they saw Sun and a guy with tan skin, blue eyes, and messy light-blue hair in the form of an undercut, following him.

"Sup Nerds! Meet my nerdy friend, Neptune," Sun waved at them as he introduced his friend.

*Cough* *cough* "I prefer the term intellectual," Neptune argued with him.

"Whatever nerd, that's Ruby, Yang, Pyrrha, Ren, Blake, and Ice queen," Sun shrugged his shoulders as he introduced everyone.

"Hey!" Weiss voiced her annoyance at the nickname.

"Excuse him!" Neptune suddenly came forward to Weiss and bowed properly.

"I believe I hadn't heard of your name, snow angel," Neptune said with a smile while winking at Weiss.

"O-oh, i-its Weiss," Weiss blushed a little at that.

"So, what's the plan anyway?" Sun asked them about their excursion later.

Everyone didn't say anything and just looked at Zack, who was busy teaching Nora a secret handshake.


Everyone sighed at these two, they were already used to their antics.

*cough!* "Zack! Do you even have a plan?" Weiss asked out to him.

That got their attention as Nora suddenly brought out Zack's teaching glasses to him and Zack swiftly took it and put it on calmly.

Everyone just sighed at these two. They all thought the similarities of their personality is just scarily in sync with each other that they won't be surprised if they are really blood-related siblings. Fortunately for Yang, Pyrrha, Blake, Glynda, and Ren, these two don't look like there will ever be something more than that.

"Oh right, we will start with…. who is this dude beside Weiss?" Zack said as he suspiciously looked at Weiss and Neptune.

"Hmm, Captain, they're looking really nervous maybe… mayBE! *GASP!* They are hiding some chocolate pancakes from us!" Nora interjected and took out her Magnhild in the ready.

Everyone was speechless at Nora but before they could say anything, Zack cut them off.

"Stand down General Pancake, I sense something else," Zack holds out his arm as he narrows his eyes at them.

*gulp* Weiss and Neptune couldn't help gulping at Zack's intense stare at them.

"I-I'm Neptune by the way, you're Zack and Nora right, nice to meet you both" Neptune hesitantly said in order to diffuse the tension.

"Oh, nice to meet you too, wait I finally got it," Zack absentmindedly said as he finally figured them out.

Everyone, who was used to Zack's ridiculously dense assumptions, sighed and was already preparing for something outrageous again.

"You two just met each other but you both already got pretty interested in each other and you guys are willing to spend more time with one another in order to confirm that you might really like-like each other. Weiss being strict as she is, she is thinking of having Neptune take a few primary tests in her head in order to know if he is perfect for her. Neptune from what I have seen so far is that you're the type to flirt with someone you like and beneath that flirty behavior is that you're actually really shy when a girl actually pursues you." Zack said it all of a sudden while adjusting his glasses making them shine.

Everyone couldn't believe what they just heard from Zack, the dense as a rock Zack, actually analyzed all of that with a glance.

Ruby and Sun were shocked the most as they were their respective partners but Zack actually knows more about them than they themselves.

Ren was stunned at Zack's comprehension when he actually uses it.

Weiss and Neptune are both blushing right now as deep down they know what he just said was the truth. They momentarily looked at each other but they instantly looked away while blushing even more.

Yang, Pyrrha, and Blake stood frozen for a moment then they looked at each other then back at Zack who was touching his imaginary beard.

They all took out their weapons as they faced Zack with a serious expression.

Even though they really like Zack, right now they feel they want to brutally attack him over and over again.

Nora was the most least affected as she nodded her head at Zack's words earlier while muttering "Ah, youth…"

"Alright, enough of those new love birds for a moment, we have to plan this out carefully or else... I will be in trouble with Glynda again like the one that happened in the docks," Zack said seriously at all of them.

They all broke out of their thoughts as they heard this as they concentrated on what he was saying but they faltered mid-way for his reason.

"First remember your codenames alright!" Zack said with a serious expression to all of them with Nora the only one who nodded.

"Um, I still don't have-" Neptune tried to interject but before Weiss and the rest stopped him, Zack beat them to it.

"From now on, you're Ice lover, now first you and Ice queen(Weiss) are going to the CCT to check the SUNY records for any other dust robberies. Ninja lover(Blake), Mr.Banana(Sun), and I are going to regular faction meetings in order to know what they are planning. Firecracker(Yang), General Pancake(Nora), and Pancake Chef(Ren), you guys are going to this club, you guys will meet Junior, an information broker, we go way back so just mention my name, find out everything he knows about Roman's recent associates. Cookie monster(Ruby) and Red Wolf(Pyrrha), you guys will come with us, you're going to be our back-up in case our cover is blown." Zack said as he took off his glasses.

They all nodded at him with Neptune slightly in awe at how he ordered them in quick succession.

"Alright team, suit up, you got 10 minutes, meet up with your assigned partners then head out. If you guys encounter trouble, contact others immediately, and most important of all, watch each other's backs." Zack instructed them as they all headed to their lockers.

As the team got ready for another mission, Sun approached Zack about something he was curious about earlier.

"Hey dude, I gotta ask, but how exactly are you gonna come with us when we are the only faunus in the group?" Sun asked.

"Oh, that, don't worry I got my secret weapon, I'll show it to you later," Zack answered reassuringly as he gave Sun a thumbs up.

"Huh, alright, whatever you say, man," Sun replied.

Eventually, they all went to their destinations.

At Weiss and Neptune

Weiss and Neptune were trying to act normally at each other as they didn't know how to act after Zack basically mind read them. The two went to their destination in silence but Weiss eventually broke it, from there they talked about random things about themselves until the awkwardness from before was gone.

The two did notice this but they didn't do anything. They didn't know whether to hate or praise Zack on what he just blurted out in front of everyone but considering he did put them together, they can hate him another time. They looked outside and they finally noticed it was already night, they didn't realize the time.

At Nora, Yang, and Ren


"WWEEEE!!! THIS MOTORBIKE IS THE BEST!!!" Nora excitedly cheered while she was hugging Ren who was driving Fenrir.

*sigh* "Nora, stop squirming around," Ren said as he concentrated on driving.

"But Renny!! This motorbike is awesome! I still can't believe our leader made something like this!" Nora replied as she marveled at Fenrir's design.

*Chuckle* "I guess you are right about that," Ren chuckled as he continued to drive while leaving Yang's Bumblebee in the dusts.


"Wait!! My baby can't keep up!" Yang, who was following them, yelled out for them as she was driving her motorbike, Bumblebee.

"Ugh, next time, I gotta force Zack on upgrading my Bumblebee," Yang sighed as she kept trying her best to catch up with those two.


In Pyrrha and Ruby

*Sigh* "Back up again" Ruby pouted while she and Pyrrha were looking at Zack, Blake, and Sun's backs using binoculars.

"I know Ruby, but this is still an important role," Pyrrha placated Ruby.

"I know, I know, after this I'll definitely need a fresh bake of cookies," Ruby said as she started to daydream about her cookies.

*Sigh* "Now where am I again.... oh right, I gotta keep watching his back, yes that's right, he did say "back" didn't he, fufufu" Pyrrha shook her head at Ruby then she continued looking at Zack but her target was a bit lower than normal as she started giggling while a small stream of blood was coming out of her nose.

At Zack, Blake, and Sun.


Zack instinctively shivered and turned around in case there was anyone around but he didn't see anyone.

"Here we are, though I'm still curious what disguise you're going to use?" Blake asked as they were really close to the possible recruitment site of the White Fang.

"Huh, looks like there's no other choice, Blake I gotta tell you something first… please don't kill me later," Zack said as he looked seriously at Blake.

Blake was taken back at his word when Zack suddenly took something from his back and placed it on his head while fixing his hair to cover the headband.

Sun at first didn't get it but when Zack placed it on, Sun suddenly covered his mouth to avoid laughing out loud right now.

Zack stood in front of Blake with a bashful expression on his face.

Blake stood frozen for a moment as the only thought on her mind right now is that she finally understood Pyrrha and Yang urges.

What is up gentlemen,

I have a story to tell...

There I was...

streaming youtube videos when suddenly...

I encountered a scary video...

curiosity got the better of me and pressed play...

I watched it all...

Its name was Clannad ending scene...

I then vowed to myself...

One day...

I'm gonna make the Onions cry...


NoirZero11creators' thoughts