
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · 都市
120 Chs

Chapter 68 - One World, Two Brothers.

Looking at Shu Yingjie who was stopped in the middle of the road, Peng Xiaofeng turned his head sideways and asked Fan Siyu suspiciously, "What's going on."

Hearing Peng Xiaofeng's question, at once, the tears that had been held back swished down again. Fan Siyu made a long story short, and briefly told Peng Xiaofeng about what happened on the mountain.

The more Peng Xiaofeng heard, the angrier he got, the murderous energy in his eyes exploded out, and in a flash, he kicked out at Shu Yingjie's stomach. Without the slightest anticipation that Peng Xiaofeng dared to make a move on himself, Shu Yingjie instantly flew out four or five meters and fell to the ground half unresponsive.

Shu Yingjie's guards saw Shu Yingjie being beaten and rushed up, ready to take Peng Xiaofeng down.

He was greeted by several blackened gun muzzles, as Cui Hao and Tian Yuan led the special operations team and surrounded all of Shu Yingjie's men with their guns.

Climbing up from the ground, Shu Yingjie arrogantly shouted, "Which troops are you from? Dare to hit me, but also against you? Call your leader to come to see me immediately, I would like to ask, how did he lead the soldiers ..."

Not letting him continue to nag, Peng Xiaofeng pulled out his own gun and pressed it against Shu Yingjie's head, instantly scaring him into a cold sweat, his legs kept wobbling.

"Comrade Major, the person who encountered the attack on the mountain is the Chief Instructor of our Special Warfare Unit. If he hurts a hair, you'll be waiting for the commander of the Guangnan Military Region to give you an order."

After Peng Xiaofeng finished speaking, he didn't bother about Shu Yingjie's reaction and immediately issued orders to the special operations team members. "Cui Hao, Tian Yuan, lead all the team members, check your weapons and run up the mountain to support the Chief Instructor."

With Peng Xiaofeng's order, the special forces team members shot up the mountain like loaded bullets. Leaving Shu Yingjie in the endless regret, heard that Yutian is the instructor of the special operations team, whether it is true or not, at least people with the special operations team relationship is not ordinary. This time the matter, pursue down, their own even mixed to the end.

On the mountain, hearing a cry of alarm coming from Zhao Yutong's side, Yutian secretly said: "Not good" and hurriedly bent his body carefully, groping his way towards Zhao Yutong's direction.

Zhao Yutong was now scared and regretful, the reason she was scared was because she was afraid that the person in front of her, would threaten Yu Tian with her. The reason why she regretted was that she shouldn't have listened to Yutian and ran out privately.

Just now, Zhao Yutong, who was hiding in the bushes, heard a gunshot, and she forced herself to resist the urge in her heart, not moving her body a bit. Behind her, she heard intensive gunfire again, followed by a dead silence.

At this time, Zhao Yutong, could no longer resist running out, she wanted to go to sneak a look, Yu Tian has not been injured. She didn't expect to meet this group of black-robed people as soon as she came out.

When the leading man in black saw Zhao Yutong, his eyes instantly glazed over and his mouth cracked shut. He immediately said to his men, "Take her away and go down the mountain from the side, remember, be careful and don't draw attention to yourself."

"Hi." One of the men in black nodded in response, and came up to grab Zhao Yutong, ready to take him down the mountain.

"Ah. Help ...," Zhao Yutong screamed instinctively as she realized what the man in black was thinking.

The leader of the black-clothed men's face changed, his right hand was erected and slashed towards Zhao Yutong's neck, wanting to knock her out. Suddenly he saw the thatched grass not far in front of him move and immediately stared on guard, turning his palm into a claw and pinching Zhao Yutong's throat, he shouted coldly at the grass, "Who is it, come out."

Yu Tian bitterly smiled and shook his head, secretly sighing that his luck was really bad. Standing up from the grass, he slowly walked over in the direction where Zhao Yutong was. In the grass where Yu Tian had just hidden, there happened to be a pheasant hatching there. When Yu Tian came over, his attention was focused on the group of black-clothed men on the opposite side of the road, and he didn't notice the existence of such a pheasant. And since Yu Tian's movements when he came over were very slight, so the pheasant didn't notice his arrival either.

It wasn't until Zhao Yutong let out a scream, which woke up the pheasant and immediately fluttered its wings and flew away, thus drawing the attention of the man in black.

As soon as the leader of the men in black saw Yu Tian, his eyes immediately tightened and he threatened Yu Tian, "Stop, don't come over. Otherwise I'll crush her throat."

Saying that, his right hand that was pinching Zhao Yutong's throat, slightly tightened, Zhao Yutong's eyes then rolled over, her little face became pale, her hands kept on picking and pulling, the iron claw on her throat.

Stopping himself, Yu Tian's face was flat as he slowly spread out his hands, indicating that he had no weapons in his hands. "You guys stay put and let her go. I think your target should be me."

"Hey, both you and her are the targets of our operation. If you don't want anything to happen to her, please be cooperative. I've heard that you're very powerful, and I'm afraid that if you make a move, my hand will shrink in fear. With force, tsk, such a watery young lady will be fragrant."

"Want what? Straight up."

The black-clothed man in the lead looked at Yu Tian and proudly offered his conditions. "It's not impossible for me to release her, you have to come with us." "Fine, you let her go first, I'll go with you guys." Yu Tian agreed without hesitation, lifting his leg and walking forward.

"Don't think I'm stupid, you're too terrifyingly skilled, is it possible for you to come with us just like that? Unless you first condescend and let my men knock off both of your legs first." The man in black shook his head and made an even more excessive request.

"My friend, that's a bit insincere, isn't it?"

"Cut the crap, I'll give you three minutes to agree or not, you can see for yourself." The leading man in black snapped.

Yu Tian was torn, and a cloud of worry rose to his cheeks. He understood that if he really agreed to the man in black's request, then both he and Zhao Yutong wouldn't be able to escape. If he didn't agree, he still had a chance to save Zhao Yutong, but he also didn't dare to guarantee that the man in black wouldn't come to a fish out of water, and in his madness, strike at Zhao Yutong first.

Seeing Yu Tian's difficult look, Zhao Yutong swung her head in agony, the thing she was most worried about had finally happened. She wanted to shout and tell Yu Tian not to say yes, but the iron claw on her throat didn't give her a chance to speak at all. She could only swing her head desperately, wanting to tell Yu Tian not to agree to the black-clothed man's request by doing so.

Looking at Zhao Yutong's agonized appearance, Yu Tian held back his heart's urgency and lowered his head, his mind spinning furiously, hoping to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds.

A breeze blew in, and Yu Tian raised his head and looked at the sky for a few moments. Taking a deep breath and smelling the air, Yu Tian's tightly locked brows gradually stretched out as if they had been blown away by that breeze just now.

"Okay, I'll grant your request."

Hearing that Yutian had agreed, in Zhao Yutong's eyes, a hint of despair flashed.

"Cool." The leading man in black turned to the men around him and winked.

The henchman raised his machete in understanding and cautiously approached Utena.

Just as he approached Yutian and swung his machete, Yutian raised his right foot for a side kick that instantly shattered the knot in his throat.

"Bastard." Seeing that Yu Tian was actually resorting to deception, the black-clothed man in the lead shouted and was ready to crush Zhao Yutong's throat. Then, he would fight Yu Tian to the death.

"Bang, bang, bang," in a row of several gunshots, the head of the leading black-clothed man, his wrist was shot one after another, and without even grunting, he fell headfirst to the ground. Then, there were a few more gunshots, and the rest of the black-clothed men by Zhao Yutong's side were also shot and fell down.

The brains and blood of the leading black-clothed man splattered on Zhao Yutong's body, causing her to stifle a wave of retching and bend over to dry-heave.

At that moment, a black-clothed man came scurrying over, raised his machete, and slashed at Zhao Yutong, who was bending over and vomiting.

After finishing the first black-clothed man, Yu Tian didn't pause, and seeing Zhao Yutong's perilous situation, he ran over with an arrow step and pounced on Zhao Yutong on the ground.

Facing the man in black who didn't stop his blade, Yu Tian side-stepped and supported the ground with one hand, his legs stretched out with lightning, clamped down on the neck of the man in black and twisted it with all his strength. Only hearing a "click", the man in black spat out blood and fell to the ground.

Seeing that Yu Tian's strength was used up, another black-clothed gang member seized the opportunity and slashed at Zhao Yutong. Seeing this, Yu Tian hurriedly reached out and pulled Zhao Yutong to his side, then, holding her, he rolled on the ground.

After the blade, Zhao Yutong was unharmed, and the black-clothed man's blade cut through Yu Tian's back, leaving a bloodstain. Yu Tian climbed up, not caring about his own wounds, he was ready to bring Zhao Yutong to a safe place first.

At this moment, bang, bang, bang, bang, a few more gunshots rang out, and three foreigners came out of the woods.

"Shit, Jack, sniper rifles are being used as submachine guns by you." Miller joked, seemingly not giving a damn about the remaining, few black-clad men in front of him.

"Cut the crap and speed through the few scumbags in front of you, can't see the heads are hurt." Jack chided with a cold face.

"Just as well, Exploding Bear, if you try to steal from me this time, I'm going to get in your face." Miller said and charged forward.

"And I don't know every time, who's grabbing from who." Explosive Bear muttered a couple of words, and also rushed up unwillingly.

Jack, who didn't feel the need to strike at the few people in front of him, walked over to Utena and asked with concern, "Head, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Utena shook his head, just now when he took a deep breath, he smelled a familiar scent in the air. After years of getting along with each other, he understood that Jack and the others were nearby with that smell. Thus, he also boldly agreed to the harsh demands of the leading black-robed man earlier.

The few remaining black-clothed men, seeing Jack and the others who suddenly appeared, knew that it was too late, so they immediately retreated towards the bottom of the mountain. Not waiting for them to run far, what greeted them was a series of bullet rain.

"Bla bla bla bla" Under the sweeping fire of the sub-machine gun, the few remaining black-clothed men, instantly died a clean death.

"Brother Tian, are you alright." A shout came from Peng Xiaofeng from afar, Cui Hao, Tian Yuan with the members of the special operations team, followed closely behind.

Hearing Peng Xiaofeng's shout, and then looking at the three Jacks in front of him, Yu Tian's heart was moved. These were his own brothers, his own relatives. When they had any trouble, they always arrived at the first time. In this life, to have the company of these brothers, what regrets does one have in life?

In the twinkling of an eye, Peng Xiaofeng rushed to Yu Tian's front and saw that both Yu Tian and Zhao Yutong were unharmed. "Brother Tian, is your injury serious?"

"It's fine, thank you, Feng."

"What are you saying? Brother Tian, do you still need to be so polite with me?" Pang Xiaofeng touched the top of his head and asked aggressively.

With a smile on his face, he glanced at Peng Xiaofeng, Yu Tian then turned his gaze to the three Jacks, Jack and the others avoided Yu Tian's gaze, as if they were afraid that Yu Tian would have a polite word with them as well.

"Haha, I'm the one being cheesy, nuff said, one world, two brothers."

"Hey, that's right, all brothers, what's the point of being polite." Peng Xiaofeng smiled like a child when he heard Yu Tian say so.

"Xiaotian, your wound is still bleeding, let's go down the mountain first, wait to get your wound treated, then we can talk again, okay?" Although very reluctant to interrupt, the conversation between Yu Tian and their brothers. But seeing Yu Tian's still bleeding wound, Zhao Yutong still couldn't help but open her mouth to remind.

"Sister Yutong is right, Brother Tian, let's go down the mountain first, there will be plenty of time to talk later." Ever since Pang Yuyan got rid of the knot in her heart, Pang Xiaofeng had treated every woman around Yu Tian with respect.

"Well then, let's go down the mountain now, I guess there are still many people at the bottom of the mountain who are worrying for us, go down quickly so that they can be relieved earlier as well."

Peng Xiaofeng nodded his head in agreement, and then arranged for Cui Hao to bring a team of people to search the mountain in case there were any leaks, and he himself took another team of people and escorted Yu Tian to the bottom of the mountain in a great hurry.