
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · 都市
120 Chs

Chapter 32 - Shadow Returns to China

The next day, Deep Sea International Airport, from the exit channel out of five young people, four men and one woman, the leader is a Chinese, the rest are foreigners, these people are precisely Shadow and several of them. Only to see Explosive Bear walking and nagging there: ''Miller, I say how can you be so insufficient? I can't believe you rushed Shadow back to China without waiting for me, it's lucky that I ran fast, or else I would have to run after you guys alone."


Miller also smiled shyly, "It's not like we're going to see the head. Got a little excited and forgot about you, huh?"


Alice, on the other hand, took a deep breath and said, "Wow, this is China, it's so beautiful."


Shadow's face was also a bit excited, and he pulled out his cell phone and spoke into it, "Young Master, we're here."


Yu Tian woke up with a start, knocked up, he was afraid to wake up Fan Siyu, and so dressed and turned his head, I did not expect this girl to wake up early with a pair of big eyes in looking at him. Yu Tian patted Fan Si Yu's little face and said: "Today you don't go to work, rest at home, I'm going to school, there is time for me to come and see you."


Fan Siyu also blushed at once as soon as she heard that Yu Tian wanted her to rest at home, a certain part of her was still vaguely aching from yesterday's crazy night. So she nodded her head, explaining that Yu Tian should be careful and watched Yu Tian leave.


Yu Tian left Fan Si Yu's place and went back to Mangrove Villa to change his clothes, Zhao Yutong and the girls weren't there, so he guessed that Fei Long had already escorted them to the school, so he also rushed straight to the school. Just as he walked to the entrance of the school, he saw Huang Yuejiao walking around there.


Huang Yuejiao ran over as soon as she saw Yutian and asked, "You were fine last night, weren't you hurt? My dad asked Shen to send you, why did you refuse? Otherwise you wouldn't have met Wang Zhihua and the others."


"I'm fine, you know all about it?" Utena asked with suspicion.


"What do you say? Luckily you're fine. But you wasted Wang Zhihua, you have to be careful too. His dad, Wang Qiang, is the vice master of our Green Dragon Gang, and after Wang Zhihua was beaten up by you yesterday, he brought someone to my dad, saying that the person went out in our Rose Garden, and told my dad to hand you over. However, my dad held him back. Wang Qiang originally had been having problems with my dad handing over all the big and small affairs of the Green Dragon Gang to Brother Shen to take care of, and this time, when he asked for the person and hit a snub, I guess he won't listen to my dad, and is probably thinking about how to get back at you?" Huang Yuejiao rolled her eyes and said in a breath.


But what Huang Yuejiao did not say is that yesterday Wang Qiang came to the door to ask for people, Huang Yulong has not said anything, Huang Yuejiao heard immediately rushed up to Wang Qiang they are a scolding: "Yutian is my life-saving benefactor, he went back to my home as a guest, Wang Zhizhi talk to bring people to stop him to want to do? So many people did not beat people, and now you have to find people trouble, loss you also good sense. Wang Zhihua was beaten up, that was his own fault." In the end, Huang Yuejiao also said: Yu Tian is her benefactor, whoever dares to touch Yu Tian in the Green Dragon Gang is having trouble with her, Huang Yuejiao.


Seeing that Huang Yuejiao was so protective of Yu Tian, Wang Qiang didn't say anything more, but only gave Huang Yulong's father and daughter a sinister look as they were leaving.


Yu Tian shrugged his shoulders at Huang Yuejiao's words and blandly said, "I will be fine, don't worry. Although this person of mine doesn't like trouble, I'm not afraid of trouble either. If they want to find me in trouble let them come as they please."


"Don't be careless, I know you're very capable, but if they come secretly, you still have to be careful." Huang Yuejiao advised.


"En, I know, I'll be careful." Yutian nodded, then he added, "But, I say, why are you surrounded by people with burnt out brains? Li Shaohua is, and so is this Wang Zhihua. I've become the one who helps you clean up the trash."


"How am I supposed to know? If you ask me, who am I going to ask?" Huang Yuejiao glared at Yutian, then she said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "But, you've beaten away all the suitors around me, I won't be able to get married in the future, so I'll be relying on you." After saying that, she ran away with a loud laugh.


"Uh" Yutian was stunned for a moment, feeling that he still did the wrong thing with good intentions ah? At this moment, Yutian's cell phone rang, it was Shadow who called, saying that they had arrived. So Yutian called Zhao Yutong and asked her to take time off work for him, he was going to pick up some friends. Zhao Yutong heard that Yu Tian was going to pick up his friends and agreed without asking for anything more.


Yutian paged Flying Dragon and ran towards the airport in the car Flying Dragon had sent over, the black Audi A8 cutting a vignette along the way.


Xiao Yanxia off the shift opened the door and walked into the house, can not help but a little strange, this girl today how to clean up the home so neat ah. She didn't think much about it, so she went to the sofa and lay down, staying up all night is really tiring for a woman. Just when she was half squinting her eyes to rest, she suddenly heard a movement in Fan SiYu's room and couldn't help but be startled. At this time, Fan SiYu should have gone to work, could it be that a thief had entered? So she numbly pushed open Fan SiYu's door and looked, and her heart calmed down immediately. It turned out to be Fan Siyu is getting ready to get up.


"Hey, why aren't you at work today? On vacation?" Xiao Yanxia asked a bit puzzled.


"Ah" Xiao Yanxia's sudden question that Fan Siyu also startled, see is Xiao Yanxia was going to get up she immediately drilled into the quilt again, nah nah said: "Yes, I'm off today, vacation."


Once she looked at Fan SiYu's reaction, Xiao YanXia became even stranger. No, there was something wrong with this girl. Suddenly, she felt that there was a smell of something in this room, but she couldn't tell. So she continued to ask, "Siyu, there seems to be a smell of something in this room? Do you smell it?"


This time the Fan Si Yu to ask the question, what flavor she is still not clear? Yesterday a *, no flavor is strange, but she killed can not admit, to be known by this girl, may not know how to laugh at their own? So she said with a red face: "Where is it? You do doctors and nurses, this is too sensitive right? Even if there is, it's probably because the window hasn't been opened in the past few days."


"Oh yeah. Then why is your face so red, are you sick, come let me help you take a look." Saying that, Xiao Yanxia approached Fan Si Yu and put her hand over to touch her forehead to see if she had a fever.


Fan Siyu, however, was backing up, all the way to the corner of the bed, and her mouth was also saying in a hurry, "No need, I'm not sick."


Fan SiYu's overreaction also made Xiao YanXia puzzled: "What's wrong with this girl today, took the wrong medicine?" Thinking in her heart, she swept her eyes over. Suddenly she saw that there was a cigarette butt at the end of Fan SiYu's bed and instantly understood.


Then Xiao Yanxia stood up, cleared her throat and said, "Comrade Fan Si Yu, confess, right?"


Fan Si Yu was also puzzled and asked, "What trick, right?"


Xiao Yanxia smiled sinisterly, "Say, who was the man you shared a bed with last night?"


Fan Siyu jumped up like someone had stepped on her tail and blustered, "What man, Xiao Yanxia don't you talk nonsense."


Xiao Yanxia looked at Fan Siyu, this look she was more happy, the original Fan Siyu jumped up when the quilt also brought up, last night a night of madness also did not have time to change the bed sheets, this is not, that a little plum blossom to reveal some.


Xiao Yanxia faintly said, "Pretend, you pretend harder for me." After saying that, she used her eyes to indicate the cigarette butts on the bed, as well as the dots of plum blossoms on the bed sheet.


Following Xiao Yanxia's eyes, Fan Si Yu looked over. It didn't matter if she didn't look, this time she looked Fan Siyu wrapped her head into the quilt and shouted under her breath, "Xiao Yanxia, get out of here, right away, or I'll flip out with you."


Xiao Yanxia laughed out loud and walked out, completely without the reserve that a woman should have, walking to the doorway or turning her head to Fan SiYu with a thieving smile and said, "I'll just wait there on the sofa, waiting for you to tell me about that passionate story from last night."


Fan Siyu collapsed upon hearing this and exclaimed, "Ah, I'm not going to live."


That said, when Utena arrived at the airport, she saw Shadow waving from afar. Miller rushed up and hugged Utena and said, "Chief, I finally see you again, I thought you just left us behind?"


Yu Tian was also thrilled to see these life and death brothers and hugged them one by one. When it was Alice's turn, Jack hurriedly said, "Hey, head. You're excused from this one." Yutian did not say anything, Alice flew up is a foot said: "Fuck off," said the initiative and Yutian embraced a little. Jack rubbed his ass and said, "I was afraid that the head would take you away. Honey, this is a sign of my love for you, you also know that very few women can resist the temptation of the head." The crowd also laughed when they heard this, everyone knew that they were joking, because this kind of joke was more than once.


Yutian waited for them to get on the car, then brought them back to Mangrove Villa. After settling them down, he told them, "You guys take a rest first, I still have to go to school, when I come back, by the way, I'll also introduce a few friends to you guys to get to know each other, they're pretty good too."


"Okay, Head. We look forward to seeing you tonight." Miller said to "Eh, I'll leave then, see you tonight." With that said Utena drove towards the school.