
yuragi-sou no yuuna-san: template system.

4 years ago, aiden discovered that her body absorbs a type of strange energy that disappears shortly after entering her body. Now 4 years later her body stopped passively absorbing the strange energy and a strange template system was activated. What will fate have in store for aiden? and what character templates will he get?... read the ff to find out. :v The protagonist is not a reincarnated person. (He didn't know what to write, neither in the name nor in the synopsis, but hey, I did my best.)

MiguelCreative · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

chapter 17

[3 days later]

"Yuragi-sou, a former hot spring hotel... huh?"

Yuragi-sou is supposed to have been a very famous hotel thanks to its hot springs, but all that changed one day, when the body of a young woman was found lifeless outside the hot springs.

After that, it is said that a ghost has been haunting the hotel, scaring all the people who stay there. (Simplified story... :v)

'Well, now it's not that I care. this place is a good place for me a saver to stay while i finish school and get a job. Hehehe, ghost oh ghost I hope you really exist because I want to test my purification seal...' - Aiden thought as he stood in front of the hotel.

Today three days after he had drawn the seals and obtained the third character template. aiden is visiting the yuragi-sou, well, not exactly visiting because he already paid his rent and he's here to spend the night while his things arrive tomorrow morning.

He left behind most of his things even the necklace his mother gave him so he could come, see the ghost and test his purification seal that he has been practicing all these 3 days.

At first it was very difficult, several times his energy exploded or dispersed in the air while he was doing it, but after a training between 4 aiden he finally managed to make a purification seal in the air.

Needless to say, it was difficult if he had been alone, possibly it would have taken him a little more than 12 days to make his first seal. But the clone technique is a cheat, so I only need three days of pure hard work to make a stamp so I can come here.

Not counting the hours he was in the training room. that I use them more to train his new powers and to be able to rest his mind from using the clones so much and then 3 hours at night before bed that I use it to be able to train the mind training technique and to be able to try to enter his mind.

9 almost 10 hours he was training to be able to do the fast seal, although he can't put much energy, but he can do one up to 10% of the energy of him so that should be enough.

But okay, let's continue.

Yuragi-sou could be said to be the first hotel on Aiden's list to move into, it's cheap with only 1,000 yen for rent, 15,000 for meals and best of all... the use of the hot springs is free.

But, after he found out there was a ghost, that first option became the last one... before he got his powers things that had to do with the supernatural, aiden avoided them.

For a good reason, if before knowing that the powers existed he was afraid of supernatural things like ghosts and stuff, after knowing that they exist he preferred to avoid them the best I can...

He's not a coward... he's just cautious...

But now that he has the purification seal, he is not afraid, I mean, he feels prepared.

"HELLO!!??" - Aiden yelled. He doesn't know if it's okay to just walk into the hotel since it's been a while since he knew it worked so it's better to call from outside...it's not because he feels nervous...it's not.

Shortly after aiden knocked, a voice was heard from inside, and shortly after, the door began to open.

"Hello?" - After that, a little girl with brown eyes and short brown hair dressed as a servant showed up. Aiden looked at her and I can't help but wonder if she's the daughter of the owner of the place or something for her to look dressed like that…or, she's the slave of the place. Yes, possibly one of the first two.

"Hi, I'm Honton Aiden and I'm supposed to be the new tenant of the hotel..." - Aiden said a little nervous, this type of situation is not his thing. The first time he moved, it was his father's secretary who had taken care of everything and all he had to do was move without talking to the owner.

"Hoh, so you're honton aiden-san? Nice to meet you, I'm nakai chitose, I work as the innkeeper for the yuragi-sou. Please come in...". - Said the girl or chitose while she introduced herself and then gave her way, opening the door a little more so that she could enter it.

Aiden is carrying some things in a backpack for the night, even though he has the inventory, he has to pretend... unfortunately.

"Well, thanks..." - Aiden said as he entered carefully, this place is made in the old fashioned way with doors that look fragile, he doesn't want to break anything as soon as he arrives.

"The other tenants are away today, but they arrive at night so you can meet them later." - Chitose said as he closed the door and aiden was now feeling a strange vibe inside... or is it just his imagination, he doesn't know.

"Oh sure, I'll be waiting for you." - Aiden said as he smiled, honestly he didn't care if he knew them or not, since he's not very good with new people.

"Oh, sure. Which room will you be staying in? Sorry, but they didn't tell me anything other than your name and that you would be staying here at the hotel." - Chitose said as she stopped in front of him and gave a small smile.

"Mmmm...if I'm not mistaken it's in room 4" - Aiden said as he took a moment to remember the room number. He hadn't learned it because he mentally prepared himself to come and he almost forgot.

"Huh!!??" - Chitose gave a small cry as he made a surprised face.

"What's wrong?" - Aiden asked, confused by his reaction.

"Oh, honton-san, if you came here you should already know about the ghost right?" - Chitose asked after getting out of his surprise.

"Huh, yeah?" - Replied the now insecure aiden... that the innkeeper herself told him that, gave him a bad vibe.

"If you already know that, why did you come?... Sorry, I'm just curious..." - Chitose said while he looked at Aiden strangely. If he knows there's a ghost, why did he come, although it's not uncommon for several people to come and stay because they don't believe, Aiden gave him the feeling that he did believe in the ghost that lives in the inn.

"Oh, well…I…learned a few things about exorcisms and thought maybe I could exorcise the ghost…" - Aiden replied embarrassed by what he said, although he hopes that the other person doesn't believe him, since, who in the 20th century believes that the supernatural exists. (I believe, I don't have proof, but I don't have any doubts either. :v)

The worst thing that can happen to aiden is that they call him weird or crazy and avoid him, which he wants so he doesn't have to bother to socialize so much, but he's still embarrassed to say it out loud.

"Oh... Well... good luck..." - Said chitose not knowing what to say to aiden, so far she hasn't felt any spiritual energy coming out of him. So she only thinks of him as another false exorcist who, after she sees the ghost, will run away scared.


"Well, if you could tell me the address where the room is, I'd appreciate it..." - Aiden said as he tried to get out of this embarrassing situation.

"Yes, yes, this way" - Chitose said as she started to walk and Aiden followed her.


"If you continue straight, you will reach room 4" - Said chitose as he pointed towards the corridor.

"Thank you..." - Aiden thanked while he gave a small smile and quickly, without looking back, walked away towards room number 4.

Chitose only looked at aiden for a moment before sighing and then walking towards the kitchen.

Arriving at room number 4 and opening the door, the first thing Aiden saw is a butt and some feet of what looks like a girl coming out of the wall...

Aiden quickly drops his bag and takes his vision out of inventory and with a flick of his right hand he makes a seal made of blue energy in the air.

"PURIFICATION SEAL !! ..." - Aiden yelled, a little embarrassed, since he has to yell in order to make the seal, he just hopes that he won't have to do it later. (Don't worry, even I'm embarrassed to write it. :v)

Aiden shamelessly placed the purification seal on the butt of the girl sticking out of the wall. Aiden felt as if he really had touched something. (no perverted thoughts, it was the fastest place I can get to. :v)

"KYAAAAA!!, IT'S COLD!!...". - Aiden heard a woman's scream on the other side of the wall while she watched as the ghost's butt pierced the wall and the seal disappeared into particles.

"Impossible..." - Aiden said, surprised that the seal didn't work, he put 5% energy on that seal, that wasn't little.

"How cold..." - Said the girl's ghost as she came out of the wall and rubbed her body from the cold.

"..." - Aiden silently took a few steps back as he prepared to make another seal.

"MMM?" - The ghost after a second noticed aiden, who was standing in front of her with another seal already done, this seal has 10% energy.

"Excuse me, but I will purify you..." - Said aiden and without giving the ghost time to react he used shundo and placed the seal in the most accessible place that he could reach... in the center of the ghost's chest. he would have preferred in the forehead, but he was very high and he didn't have time to jump.

"Mmmm??... KYYYYAAAAAAAAAA!!!...". - The ghost had a moment of confusion and then screamed very loudly, but Aiden doesn't know if it was because of the seal taking effect or because he saw where her hand was.

But aiden felt like a strange force (spiritual energy) covered her body and then made her fly towards the wall.

Luckily she managed to stop before she hit the wall, all thanks to koku shundo who miraculously stopped her flight in the air.

"..." - And now Aiden was looking at the ghost without understanding how a purification seal made with 10% of her energy didn't work. while the ghost is now shivering with cold and covered in a thin layer of ice/frost.


(For those wondering, this fear comes from Mamoru Takamura's side, he was afraid of supernatural things or something like that. This is the reason why he first started training how to make the purification seal)

I move things forward a bit.

I think it was time, how about the little chapter at the last moment? I wrote it last night out of boredom.

I hope you liked the chapter.