
yuragi-sou no yuuna-san: template system.

4 years ago, aiden discovered that her body absorbs a type of strange energy that disappears shortly after entering her body. Now 4 years later her body stopped passively absorbing the strange energy and a strange template system was activated. What will fate have in store for aiden? and what character templates will he get?... read the ff to find out. :v The protagonist is not a reincarnated person. (He didn't know what to write, neither in the name nor in the synopsis, but hey, I did my best.)

MiguelCreative · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

chapter 15

[Time after]

"Fuuu~~ I'm finally done" - Aiden said as he dropped the pencil and stretched.

"Two and a half hours of work I managed to make 5 drawings of the seals... it was really difficult" - Said Aiden while he looked at the drawing of the Ice Explosion seal.

He normally wouldn't take that long to draw, but he had to do the super-detailed drawings of the stamps, so it took him almost half an hour to make each one and that made them simple. (I don't know if that's a long time or a very short time, but let's pretend it's a long time, it's not like the stamps had a lot of things, but he couldn't make a mistake anywhere or in any word)

For those of you who haven't noticed, aiden is very good at drawing, he's not a professional, but his drawing skill is level 2, so he's very good. (A human drawing professional is level 3 of the system)

"Seal of Purification, Seal of Healing, Seal of Protection, Seal of Freeze, Seal of Explosion" - Aiden named the names of the seals he created.

That was what Aiden came up with, he didn't continue creating drawings since he only had a few minutes to go before he could enter the system training room.

Yes, he decided to enter although he is resting... why?

'I need to use the ticket that I earned by using the level 6 Reinforcement. Fortunately, to complete the requirement, he only needed to use the skill at level 6 and not perfect it like he had been doing ' - Thought aiden as she rested on his bed.

He only needed to do that to complete the requirement. he doesn't know if he could have done it more before (No). but even so he decided not to try it because he wanted to be able to get used to using level by level before saying do it... but not everything goes as planned, so well now he has the ticket sooner than planned. It's not that he's complaining.

"I wonder what character it will be... I hope it's one that doesn't have a problem like chongyun's...". - Aiden spoke in a low voice as he thought of a lot of characters with problems with his abilities and hoped none of them would come up.

Aiden wouldn't lie if asked if he wants a strong one, but most he knows who have strong abilities/powers have a problem.

"But hey, now let's wait..." - Aiden said while he lay down and tried to get some rest, his hand hurts from drawing so much.

[Time after]

"Well, I still haven't gotten used to this since being in here is like being in the future" - Aiden said as he walked a bit through the training room and reached the center where there was a circle with no machines or anything.

"So, system uses the ticket" - Aiden said as the system screen appeared

[Template system: Using the character template ticket... please wait.]

He said the system and then a roulette wheel appeared containing different names, he saw some that he would like to be touched, others that he would not like to be touched.

From Naruto uzumaki, Sasuke uchiha, Goku, master Rochi, Ichigo kurasaki, Gon, Kazuma satou, Bell cranel... etc.

The roulette began to spin at high speed so he looked away and waited for it to finish.


After a few seconds, Aiden heard the system notification.

[Congratulations, he has received the character card: [rin okumura (Blue exorcist)]... The card has been put into the inventory.]

"..." - Aiden stared at the system screen right at the name of the character that touched him.

"Why?...why does he have to be someone like him, with powers that are very, very difficult to control..." - Aiden thought as he sighed for his luck.

[Do you want to equip the character card?]

"..." - Aiden stared at the screen undecided if he should equip the card or not.

Remembering Rin's ability, blue fire, fire that can burn even the soul, I can't help but think how powerful he would become if he could control them completely...

"You know what, to hell... System equips the character template" - Aiden said decidedly, it may be that he doesn't know if it's the right thing to do, but he shouldn't waste such a good template.

[Template system: equipment character card: [Rin okumura]... please wait.]

After hearing that, aiden had a feeling similar to the one he had when he equipped the thomas card.

His body began to present some minimal changes in him, he felt how his senses were sharpening, his body became stronger, much stronger, suddenly he felt how a tail began to grow from his back.

But after that, the blue colored hell began literally, blue flames began to come out of his body, two horns of blue fire manifested on his forehead and a blue flame also appeared on his tail.





Aiden started screaming like crazy as he lay down on the ground and started spinning around trying to put out the flames or something.

The flames began to spread throughout the training room, many of the machines began to get red hot, the good thing is that most of them are resistant to fire, but not that much.

[System: Transferring items from the training room to storage...]

"SYSTEM, HELP!!" - Aiden yelled while he didn't know what to do, he felt as if his body was melting, he felt his flesh was beginning to burn.

The system said nothing as he drew the Heavy Black Ruler sword and it fell on top of aiden.

The sword began to absorb and suppress Aiden's energy causing the flames to begin to dwindle due to lack of fuel to continue to exist.

Seconds passed and now aiden was lying on the floor with a heavy black ruler on him covering his naked body that has some first degree burns in some parts of his body.

(I'm not exaggerating with the pain and the screaming, but it wasn't that much either, no one wants to feel like he's being burned, even if he has very high fire resistance it will still hurt since it's the first time.

The awakening of the pure yang body is different, the flames were also attacking aiden's soul)

"..." - Aiden stared at the ceiling with a blank look.

[System: The host should be thankful that he was in his demonic form and his fire resistance increased a lot.]

Aiden read what the system said as he trembled a little as he read and wondered what would have happened if he had been in his human form and the flames had engulfed him like before.

[System: ...]

"No, don't say it, I don't want to know" - Aiden said before the system told him what had happened, he already gets the idea.

[Template system: Equipped template... Does the host want to see the skills and techniques he got from the character template?...]

And so aiden lay there thinking if it was a good idea to equip the character card, he doesn't even want to check what abilities he gained anymore. For now he knows that he gained a demonic form and the iconic blue flames of the demon king, that's enough for now.


Yes, in a way I am choosing characters with problems with their powers. It is and it is not intentional.

I was undecided whether to choose rin okumura or shisui uchiha, but in the end I chose the one with the fewest techniques to remember.

Should I make a chapter where the templates that Aiden has equipped are or not?

I hope you liked the chapter.