
Funnullone aka Slacker

Duel Academia

Like its name implied, it's a school for nurturing and training youth to become the strongest, the most elite, and respectful duelist.

The very exam for entering that academy is now being held at Kaiba Land.

There are two exams for the examinee must pass, that is: written and practical exam.

The practical exam only eligible for the examinee who already passed the writing exam.

For good or bad reason, the number the examinee get for practical exam is based on the scores of the writing exam.

"Number 77: Yuji Kusanagi, please wait until your examinee number and name being announced for the test" say a girl who was wearing white jacket.

"Got it" reply Yuji, as he nods.

The girl then turned around as she gives the man in black suit the paper about him.

"Hm? Where is he?" Yuji looks around, the stranger that crashed and sprint with him this morning suddenly disappear.

"Oh well, whatever. I can't miss seeing what kind of duel the others had been through" smile him, as he walks to the podium.

There, he saw a bunch of students is dueling one on one against the teacher or examiner.

There's one short kid with light blue hair who is wearing a round glasses, struggling to bring down the examiner.

But in the end he did it, even using a low attack insect type monster.

There are 3 more examinees who haven't ended their duel.

But among the three of them, the one who stood up the most is the guy with flushed back black hair and wearing a white gakuran.

Even facing high DEF monsters which his Vorse Raider can't attack, that guy just casually used the trap card Ring of Destruction.

Which had the effect to: Destroy 1 face-up monster and inflict damage to both players equal to its ATK (anime effect).

He even put it on his own monster Vorse Raider and blow him up, dealing damage to his and the examiner Life Points.

Thus, he ended and won the duel.

"Woah... that guy's good" say Yuji amazed.

Yuji then watch him walk away from the arena to the podium, "Ah, there he is", then Yuji's eyes found Jaden who were standing beside the short light blue haired kid earlier.

Just when Yuji wants to walks toward the three of them, somebody pat his shoulder.

"Finally, you're here"


Yuji look back, there he found a girl with bob style silver-white hair that reach her neck and wearing a Pink Stray Lamb hairpin for the accessory.

She's also wearing a red blazer and white skirt, which probably the uniform of her former school.


Sakura Isshiki, she is the granddaughter of Shinjiro Wakaba the café owner that helps Yuji.

Even though she is his granddaughter, she didn't have the name of Wakaba. Why? Because it was her father surname, and some children are given the surname same as their parents, which is mostly the surname of the father.

Back to the topic, Yuji had known her naturally from Shinjiro, as she often helps her grandfather running his shop like a good grandchild does (for pocket money).

"Why are you here?" ask Yuji.

"The same as you" told her with blank expression, and very straight and flat tone.

"Eh? Really?! Why didn't you tell me?! Wait, are you already finished? How?! How-mmff" Sakura put her index finger in front of Yuji's mouth, "Shhh, one by one okay?", tell her, and Yuji reply by nodding.

"First of all, I-"

"Examinee Number 77, Yuji Kusanagi, I repeat Number 77 Yuji Kusanagi"

Sakura's words were cut by the announcement, "Ah, that's my name. See ya Sakura, wish me luck" say Yuji as he begins to walks down the stairs.

Sakura didn't reply,

"Tch!", Sakura clicked her tongue, as she was frustrated because the sudden announcement disturb the moment between Yuji and her.


In the duel arena.

A middle age man (probably) were setting his Duel Vest (a Duel Disk that worn horizontally which has a motion sensor, and shaped like a blade) with the help of the girls from the test committee.

"Che Palle~ We should just kick them out, arriving late at this hour! We don't need another funnullone for The D. A!"

The middle age man (probably) name is Vellian Crowler.

Blond hair which sectioned in two layers, with the layer furthest from his face tightly-bound in a ponytail, and he also wears crescent-shaped earrings.

The most interesting about him maybe his face, which kinda resemble Pot of Greed that draw misfortune rather than cards.

"Ha... nonetheless it was moi job, I, Vellian Crowler must not get The Academy another slackers!"


Just when he has said that, the floor open and bring Yuji to the arena from below.

When he appears, Crowler and the girls just finished setting the Duel Vest.

A bit curious, Crowler narrowed his eyes to see Yuji's appearance.

Straight black hair that bands down to his neck, with bright blue color for his bangs and side locks.

He wears black pants and an unbuttoned black gakuran that shows his white shirt, which the collar part also unbuttoned.

Yuji was folding his hands when he appears to the arena, but more importantly, he gives Crowler a confident smile and gaze.

[Hmph. A slacker who acted like a big shot, eh? Non problemma! When he sees my Ancient Gear Golem, he's going to run away to his madre]

Say Crowler in his thought.

Yuji then start walking toward Crowler, and to his surprise, he gives him a perfect 120 degree bow.

"I'm sorry for my lateness, and thank you for letting me take this exam"

"O- oh..." Crowler was lost for words, and then he coughs and smile toward Yuji "Non problemma Signore Kusanagi"

[Hmm... at least he got manner] nod Crowler, saying this on his thought.

"Thank you" Yuji stops bowing, and he prepares his Duel Disk for a duel, "Then, shall we?" Say Yuji, as The blade part of the Duel Disk start to expand and gives a booting sounds.


[You won't stand a chance against my monsters!]

Don't want to lose, Crowler let out a snort as he prepares his Duel Vest, resembling that of a guitarist.

When they met, Crowler hasn't introducing himself and then-


They straight out for a duel.
