
☆26: The Witch from DRS II

"Fluffal Mouse, attack Chazz directly!!"

The moment Kei ordered it, the winged hamster with a pillow-size donut flies straight toward Chazz to pummel him.

Fluffal Mouse grips its donut tight, and throws it toward Chazz like a boomerang.

Chazz |LP 700>600|

The pillow-size donut hits his head, then bounced back into Fluffal Mouse's hand. After the winged hamster catches the donut, it then let out a prideful grin as if it were saying, "Take that, you damn meanie!"

Looking at Chazz getting owned by a mere hamster, many of the audience present begin to laugh.

"Youuuu!!", Chazz clenched his hand, looking at the winged hamster with murderous intent as he was humiliated.

Looking at his murderous glare, the winged hamster panicked, then flies away, hiding behind Kei's back, cowering in fear.

"This is just a scratch! Don't think a mere 100 damages can end me!", exclaimed Chazz.

That was he said, but deep down inside his heart he was restless as he knew that with just measly 600 Life Points, he can be killed at any moment, and knowing the opponent... it'll be tricky.

"100 damage isn't a problem... isn't?", Kei crossed her arms, thinking about something as her smile become deeper, almost making a perfect crescent moon-form like smile.

Looking at her menacing smile, Chazz heart beating faster as cold sweat trickling down his cheek, terrified.

"Chazzy... Chazzy, Ouuh! Chazzy!! Did you forget?! I told you before that I'll kill you with this so-called trash monster!!", shouts Kei as she let out a menacing laugh.

Chazz grits his teeth, surprised that Kei Mavis would really beat him with the monster he mocked before.

Beaten by a Level 1 monster with a cute appearance that girls and children like, which has only 100 Attack and Defense in its stats.

If he really got defeated by Fluffal Mouse, it'll be a huge blow to his self-esteem and reputation, he'll be the laughingstock for the whole school!

He can already imagine the faces of student and teacher alike ridiculing him nonstop like a satanic reminder, driving him into madness.

Just thinking about it made him shivering.

That's why he can't let it happen!

But, depending on what move Kei'll launch, the success rate to grab the victory, or just surviving this turn doesn't look that bright.

Looking at his painful expression, Kei licks her lips.

[That's it... that is the expression I've been waiting for!]

Kei's cheeks become redder as she felt a pleasant, electrifying sensation come from downstairs. She can practically feel it... feeling herself wasting away into nothing.

Chuckling like a sociopath, she then snaps her fingers to activate her set card.

The enlarge holographic image of the set card slowly rise like a monolith slab. Etched or should I say written on the card is the cruel instruction of how to screw Chazz over.

"... That card!", Chazz's eyes begin faltering, as he realized what kind of humiliation she'll give to him.

Kei spreads her arms like a vulture, staring at Chazz with hungering eyes.

With sadistic yet sensual tone, she raised her voice and shouted to him in a fanfare:

"Let's start it... the countdown to your death!!!"


It hasn't been a week since the tag duel. Even though Jaden and Yuji already been expelled and no longer on the island, their tag duel against Aster and Sakura team unsurprisingly become the headline topic at Duel Academy.

Even the academy's wall magazine is full of article about it. Beyond that, in the classroom, cafeteria, dormitory, and also inside Dorothy's shop many people still talking about it.

Thanks to the tag duel, the students now have clearer understanding about how the strength and how the way of a Professional Duelist dueling.

But the most surprising part is maybe Yuji's fusion of All Elemental HERO. Thanks to him, the knowledge about fusion everyone known has been refreshed, helping them to realized or understanding the potential of fusion summoning much further.


Yuji raised his hand high, and start the chant.

"When The Combined Power merges into one star, it will awaken a New Miracle!"

E•HERO Shining Flare Wingman burst into a whirlpool of bright white light energy like a Nebula.

"Witness its creation-Heaven Shaking Event!!!"

Elemental HERO Blazeman, Burstinatrix, Liquid Soldier, Ocean, Solid Soldier, Bladedge, Clayman, Stratos, Avian, Prisma, Sparkman, Two Necroshades, Gaia, Plasma Vice, and Nova Master jumps into the whirlpool of light that E•HERO Shinning Flare Wingman had created!

In the first time in the history of Duel Monster, a 16 years old student break the limit and use 17 monsters for fusion summoning a monster.

"GX Fusion!!"

Yuji yells as he draws the card from his extra deck, which he raised it up for everyone to see its purple radiance!

Then, a dark blue light penetrates the center of the whirlpool of light, opening the portal to the vast space of the universe.

"The Power of Unity, Wake Up Your Elemental HERO!!!"

A New HERO descend, but unlike any other HEROES. This particular HERO use translucent staff like a Clock's hand, he has a long moonlight hair, wearing dark blue robe and long cape like it was made from the vast space of the universe that contains the countless Nebula and Stars!

Wake Up Your Elemental HERO (LV.10)

ATK/2500 DEF/2100


Whenever Chazz remembers Yuji's last fusion, he felt as if his blood rushing inside his body, activating his adrenalin and making him entering a battle state where he's shivering in excitement as people cheered on him shouting, [Chazz it Up!]

"Bah! It's just a mere fusion! Even I can do it too!!", told him as he scratches his hair.

As he said those words, the door in front of him automatically slides open, greeting him like an old maid.

With prideful posture like a noble, Chazz walks to his favorite spot of seat.

"Oi, Get me a drink, then one of you quickly massage my shoulder!", orders him with a smug like a Karen, after he was just sitting.

Looking at his attitude, his fellow Obelisk Blue (underling) sighs...

Rather than a drink or a massage, what Chazz Princeton got is someone taking the piss at him.

"WOW... I knew he has shit personality, but to think he'll be this shittier"

The moment the ridiculing words entered his ears, the veins on Chazz's temple begin to bulge, making a plus (+) like mark.

Offended like an entitled Karen, he immediately stood up with an angry expression plastered on his face, searching for the manager of the shop (culprit).

"Who is it?! Who's the one who said those words?! Show yourself!! Let me tell you that I'm The Chazz won't forgive you so easily!", shouts him.

"Pffft! The Chazz he says..."

Chazz grits his teeth, and shouts again, "Grrr... Who is it the-"

"Ah, that's me!"

Just when he's searching for who is the culprit, the real culprit instead raised her hand, sparing Chazz a good amount of time and energy.

"Y-you...", Chazz raised his eyebrow slightly, surprised to see the culprit's identity.

She has long blonde hair that styled into twin tails, wearing the standard female Obelisk Blue uniform and a jeans' jacket which styled like a cape, imitating the style of the 1st Duel King.

Just a glance on her, everyone would instantly realize that this particular girl is an arrogant person.

"So it was you! What are you doing here?! This isn't the 3rd year's classroom?!", asked Chazz pointing his finger at Kei who sit on top of the teacher's desk like she owned the classroom.

Kei tilted her head slightly, confused (lie) by what Chazz is saying.

"That's true...", said Kei, then she continues, "But, remember. Before you, The Cha-ppfft! Sorry, I mean The Cha- hahahaha!"

Kei hold her stomach while laughing so hard at Chazz's nickname and his expression, she didn't think that Chazz can be this fun and cute (bullyable).

Looking at her, Chazz's face become redder like an overheat engine that tried to keep the power under control.

"What are you laughing for?! If you have no business here, hurry up and leave!", shouts Chazz.

"Hahaha ah...", Kei swipes the tears on the corner of her eye then stops laughing.

With a mischievous smile belonging to a witch, she answered his question.

"Actually... I'm here for you, The Chazz", said Kei pointing her finger to his face.

"Me? Why?", asked Chazz pointing his thumb at himself.

Like a dubious hostess Kei crossed her arms, "Put it simply, I want you to become my opponent for the remedial"

When Kei said the words, the mundane and rather silent classroom begin bustling with noises.

Some student expressed their amazement at Chazz, some even begin gossiping the relationship of Chazz and Kei Mavis then the true reason why she wanted to duel him, etc.

The reason is that the one who challenged Chazz isn't just a small no-name character duelist, but Kei Mavis who for Bad or Good reasons is a very well known character in The Duel Academy rivaling Zane "Kaiser" Truesdale.

Beside being Duel Research Society's leader, Kei Mavis also a duelist with many awards and championship under her belt.

Not only that, she is also the first student of Duel Academy who managed to beat The Chancellor and Half of Duel Academy's Instructors, and the only student with a special right to build her own building on the island.

It was such a shame that this particular student has a Rottener than Garbage personality.

With the only one who can possibly get along with her is a fellow madman like That King from ancient civilization-turned into an Interdimensional Alien by a Greater Interdimensional Alien with Mafia rank for its first name.

"Wait a minute!"

After listening to declaration of challenge, one student with beautiful appearance and a pair of heavenly fruit stood up from her seat.

"Yo, Holstein Co- I mean... Atticus Sister! How're you?", greets Kei after realizing it was Alexis who spoke.

Alexis sighs, it seems she clearly heard what Kei is about to call her, but then changed it in the last second.

She then raised her hand, "If I may, what is the reason you wanted to duel Chazz?", asked her.

"Alexis...", Chazz turned his gaze to Alexis, touched by her concern for him as his cheeks start blushing like a beet root.

But Alexis hasn't stop asking yet.

"Surely, for someone strong as you, there must be someone who is more suitable than Chazz. For example, like Zane Truesdale", told her.

"Alexis...", Chazz lowered his head, bawling his eyes out like a Comedic-relief character after hearing her comment.

Kei closed her eyes and crossing her arms, thinking about Alexis' words.

"That's true, but..."

Kei opens her eyes, then with a smile belonging to that of a petty criminal, she replies.

"If not for a certain damsel in distress, Jaden Yuki and Yuji Kusanagi would not be expelled...", said Kei, grinning like a clown that tried to impress his grumpy nocturnal multi-billion friend with a cheap joke.

Listening to Kei's replies made Alexis clutched her chest, stunned, as Kei manages to open the wound, and reminds her of her fault.

Especially when Kei speaks the words "Damsel in distress", Alexis felt a disgusting sensation in her heart as guilt overwhelm her, and made her stressed than before.

Sakura, Jasmine, and Mindy hasn't arrived yet in class. Without them at her side, there isn't anybody who can support her.

Looking at the trouble expression of her, Kei's smile become wider, like the Cheshire cat.

A smile that filled with malevolent intent, yet disgustingly warm as the innard of a ranch animal.

Distressed, Alexis slowly return to her seat, lowering her head and didn't dare to say another word.

Chazz who is looking at Alexis raised his eyebrow, he didn't know why but his instinct as Detective Chazz said that it was Kei's fault.

Also, listening to Yuji and Jaden's name, somewhat made his blood boiling and rising his temperament.

[That Kusanagi lost to her before, then if I can defeat her, it'll prove that I... Chazz Princeton is better!]

Like a newly lit bonfire, Chazz has uncovered a new goal and entered his battle state.

With his right hand clenched, Chazz points his fist to Kei.

"That Challenge... I accept it!!!", declares Chazz.

Kei closed her eyes then slowly nods in amusement, "Heh... I knew you would say that"

Shifting her eyes from Chazz to Alexis with a bratty attitude, Kei raised his left index, middle, and ring fingers as she is going to answer Alexis' previous question.

"Now, as to answer Alexis' previous question, there are three simple reasons why I want to challenge Chazz. Firstly, I have dueled against all the 3rd and 2nd year students. So, I want a new challenge, especially from the 1st grade"

Kei hid his left ring finger, and continues.

"Next, just because he is younger doesn't mean he can't defeat me. Remember Crowler? He was defeated by two students who age is Wayyyy Younger than him, plus they are a Slifer Red students"

Kei then hides his left middle finger, then continues. "The third and last reason is..."

"Because Signore Princeton lost to Slifer Red... twice!"

If the Devil is real, then it certainly can speak.

Just when Kei going to reveal the third reason, Crowler suddenly arrived from the classroom entrance.

"Oh, about time...", told her with conceit.

Like a judicatory, Crowler swaggered down the stairs and told Chazz why he had to duel Kei Mavis.

"Signore Princeton, because your rapid lose against Slifer Red and the low score on your exam. Tomorrow, you'll be dueling against Signora Mavis as Promotion exam"

Chazz widened his eyes, the news about the duel is so sudden as he can't help but shouts to Crowler with harsh tone.

"That's mean if I lose, I'll be downgraded to Ra Yellow?!!", asked with eyes filled with mixed emotions like anger, surprise, and fear.

Grinning, Crowler nods his head.

"That's right, Signore Princeton. If you want to stay at Obelisk Blue, you must defeat Signora Mavis here", told him as he continues walking to his desk.

Chazz lowered his head, gritting his teeth as he's holding the urge to curse Crowler loudly.

But it didn't end with that, some student who heard this news begin to whispers and sneering at him which... of course Chazz himself heard the ridiculing words, like:

"Hehe... poor thing"

"Serve him right!"

"Ouch, tomorrow gonna be hurtful"

Kinda ironic that most of the sneering come from fellow Obelisk Blue like himself.

The sneering isn't only heard by Chazz but also soon to be his opponent Kei Mavis. Unlike him however, when she heard the ridicule she felt rather amused, as she gained an idea, Kei suddenly waving her hand to Chazz.

"Hey... Hey, Hey! Don't put on a sour expression like that! Okay, to cheer up your mood, how about we place a bet?", suggest Kei.

Chazz raised his head and then shifted his gaze to her. While as Crowler jumped in place surprised by her words.

"How about this? If you manage to defeat me in tomorrow duel, I'll give you everything I had", said Kei nonchalantly.

Chazz squinted his eyes, skeptical about her words.

"You said... everything?", asked him.

Kei nods slowly, glaring at his eyes.

"Everything! If you win, you can have my Frightfur deck, my position as DRS' leader and the building, my money, and... even my body if you wish for it", said Kei as she then let out a chuckle.

Crowler who heard about the bet, pushed his cheeks as he was flabbergasted by the content of Kei's wager.

"O Sole Mio!"

Crowler quickly walked to Kei's side, then begin to bring his wide mouth to her ear.

"Signora Mavis, are you sure about the bet?!", whispers Crowler.

Kei replied by grinning, "Yup! To motivate a child, a prize is needed"

"Who are you calling a child?!", remarks Chazz.

Understanding that Kei Mavis is serious about the wager, Crowler crossed his arms then repeatedly nods, "Okay, Ai allow it! If Signora Mavis lost against Signore Princeton, he can have all the thing you wager"

"Pusha! That if he can win", snorted her.

Gaze still plastered onto Chazz's face, Kei then points her index finger, with a smile like a Kitsune going to scam her next victim, she said to Chazz.

"But if I win, rather than Ra Yellow.... You, Chazz Princeton! Would be downgraded to Slifer Red instead!!"

When she said those words, some of the audience gasped, with both Crowler and Chazz also stunned.

Kei squinted her eyes, with a wicked expression she said.

"You already accept my challenge! Don't refuse this bet if you still had the pride of being an Obelisk Blue duelist!"

Remembering who is Chazz Princeton, or specifically his family name, Kei decided to add more fuel to the fire so that he would accept her bet.

"If you truly are Slade and Jagger's younger brother- no... if you truly are part of The Princeton Family, then you must accept this bet! If you refuse, then I'll spread the word that the youngest son of Princeton family is nothing but a third-rate duelist and a coward!"

Chazz widened his eyes, shocked to hear her provocation/threat.

His siblings Slade and Jagger are already the heads of the political and financial worlds, respectively.

Then, as part of The Princeton Family, it is up to Chazz to become the head of the Dueling world to ensure the superiority of the family name.

Because he is a part of The Princeton Family, Chazz also has the responsibility to keep his family name clean.

If he refused, Kei will spread the words that he is a third-rate duelist and a coward.

This in and out itself seems like a small matter. But for someone of his pedigree, Kei's threat can harm Princeton Family's, especially his two older brothers' reputation.

[That girl! How dare she's using a cheap threat like this to me!!]

Sweats formed on his forehead, slowly trickling down to his cheek as the cold sensation begin to crawled on his back.

Looking at the troubling expression of him, Kei's smile become wider and deeper, to make him agree to her bet, she just needs a little bit of push, and she knows well what to do next.

"Hmph! In the end, you Chazz Princeton isn't any better than Jaden Yuki..."


Various bulging veins emerges on his face, twisting his expression into that of a berserker.

Chazz grits his teeth, the gnashing sound of teeth being rubbed against each other become louder.

His fists clenched so tight, that his fingernails almost dug into the skin, piercing the flesh and giving Chazz a new wound.

With a glare belonging to that of a man ready to beat someone to death, Chazz quickly walked toward Kei.

The fellow students, who previously dare to mocks him, all begin to turn their head away from Chazz, didn't even dare to say anything anymore and staring at him in the eyes.

While everyone was scared of him, Kei who still sit on top of the teacher's desk calmly received Chazz's murderous glares and his killing intent as she began to unwrap her Chupa Chups lollipop.

Like a fated archenemy, Chazz bring his head closer (headbutting) toward Kei, which she also replied by bringing her head closer (headbutting).

With the two stay in a headlock, Crowler who saw Chazz's murderous expression and the tense atmosphere between the two, bites his handkerchief and then took ten steps away from both of them.

No one dare to say anything, not even dare separate them both to resolve the conflict.

With no one to dare to intercept, Kei and Chazz start discussing the deal.

"Accept the bet, you damn weakling!", said Kei while slurping her lollipop to provoke Chazz.

"Bring it! I'll rob you of everything tomorrow...", replied Chazz, holding out the urge to smack Kei's face.

Feeling joyous, Kei crunched the lollipop in her mouth.

"Good boy! Let's do this, tomorrow 10 a.m at Obelisk Blue Duel Arena", said Kei as she's munching the crushed lollipop while praising Chazz like a dog.

As the bet has been settled, Chazz immediately turned back and then walks, exiting the classroom.

Fed up by everything and everyone today.