
Daily Life in Satellite

Inuyama (https://airgear.fandom.com/wiki/Inuyama)


After talking to his new subordinates in this world, Genesis called Simon.

Sitting on a sofa on the 8th floor of the building, Genesis and Simon were discussing the opposing Gang led by Inuyama.

"Now tell me about Inuyama's gang." Genesis tells Simon with narrowed eyes.

Genesis didn't like the fact that Simon invited him into their gang when he was targeted by a rival Gang.

Simon, seeing that Genesis was angry, swallowed a sip.

Anyone watching this scene would laugh out loud, because seeing an adult scared of a child would be hilarious. (Author: Except Babybeel, this kid is scary.)

"Well, right now we are in the western satellite area, which is the richest area. Because of this, the Gangs often compete for territories, because for each territory gained, new ways to get rich appear."

Genesis nodded and asked.

"And how many gangs currently exist in the West Zone?"

Simon got up and took out a map from an old cupboard.

"Currently we are 5 gangs, there is ours, the 19th Western Street gang, there is the Inuyama's gang called the Rez Boa Dog Gang, he is our longtime rival. Inuyama challenged us and wants to conquer our territory. "

Simon pointed to the locations of the two Gangs. Currently, the 19th Western Street Gang had a very rich territory because it controlled the central place, the zone where the Satellite market exists. The Inuyama Gang on the contrary was sandwiched between the 19th Western Street Gang and the Burning Phoenix Gang.

"I see, what about the other 3 Gangs?"

"The other 3 Gangs are: the Golem Gang, the Burning Phoenix Gang and finally the Sea Serpent Gang." Simon showed the locations of the other 3 Gangs.

"The Golem Gang owns the underground areas, The Burning Phoenix Gang owns the territory of the satellite factory, and the Sea Serpents Gang owns the Northwestern coastline, an area heavily occupied by traders who trade with ships coming from New Domino City. "

"The reason Inuyama is targeting us, is that his gang doesn't own any rich territory, so he wants to occupy our territory."

Genesis nodded and said while resting on the couch.

"A man's greatest crime is to own wealth."

Simon remained silent not daring to interrupt Genesis.

Genesis opened his book, which was an elegant white book with a silver decoration on the cover. As he opened the book, he began to recite.

"My friend, fate is cruel.

There is no such thing as a dream or honour

The arrow left the bow of the goddess.

My soul, poisoned by the desire for revenge,

Hath endured torment to find the end of the journey

In my own salvation

And your eternal slumber.

Act IV. "

Simon looked down, the poem echoing in his heart.

Genesis closed his book and then looked at Simon.

"When Inuyama comes, I'll stop him. Simon, you just have to follow me and I'll show you a world you never imagined."

Looking at Genesis' silver eyes, Simon felt the urge to follow Genesis to the end of the world. With a tremor in his voice, he answered loudly.

"Yes Boss!"

"Well." Genesis nodded and then asked, "Now where am I going to sleep."

Simon pulled himself together and then took Genesis to an unoccupied room with only a bed and a simple wooden desk inside.

"Thank you, now you can go. From tomorrow a long job awaits us."

"Yes Boss. See you tomorrow then."

Genesis closed the door and walked over to his bed after placing his Duel Disk and book on the desk. Instantly he collapsed on the bed from all the mental fatigue from his reincarnation and his physical fatigue from his young age.

Before falling asleep, he had one last thought: "I wonder where the main characters are? I'm excited to meet them in the future."

Unbeknownst to him, a secret meeting was being held between his new subordinates. Genesis had no idea his existence would change the whole plot, it's the power of the butterfly effect.


Over the next few days the West 19th Street Gang changed its name and renamed itself the Ferocious Dragons Gang. The Gang members changed their fierce attitude, and over the last few days, they followed Genesis' recommendations. They began to treat the residents of their territory fairly. Some even began to take care of some orphans who wanted to learn to fight in Duel ... although it was in... a ferocious way ...

Genesis from the top of the building watched one of his subordinates surrounded by children, confront an 11-year-old boy.

"Kid! How many times do I have to tell you! That's not how we play this card! You should only use it in an emergency!"

"* sob * ... * sob *... sorry I forgot * sob * ... don't yell at me sir * sob * ... * sob * ..." 😥

"Ah! Don't cry! Don't cry! Stop I said! Here, take a card, I'll give it to you!"

The boy looked at the rare card offered, and then he looked at the man who looked like a hooligan with hesitation.

"Is that true sir?"

"Yes, yes. Take it, but stop crying, okay?"

"* sniff * * sniff * Thank you sir, hehe!"

The man who looked like a hooligan wiped the cold sweat from his brow when he saw the boy stop crying, but he smirked happily when he saw the boy smile and run bragging among his friends.

At the top of the building, Genesis smiled, but at the same time he found his subordinates' methods clumsy.

"But hey, what can we expect from hooligans."

Genesis saw that during those days, the residents of its territory seemed a little more alive and close. He then went back to his room to rest, after all he had nothing to do and Simon took care of everything.


3 days passed and the territory of Genesis seemed to be gaining prosperity. The people seemed happier and the look of fear seemed to disappear. Genesis' subordinates also seemed happier, and all of them boasted of a feat accomplished by helping someone.

Simon admired the leadership of Genesis, he had never seen so many people laughing in the satellite, if not to extort someone.

Everyone in the Gang admired Genesis right now. The residents of the quarter respected Genesis, because it was thanks to him that the extortions had stopped, and they could go out without being afraid.

The children loved Genesis because he was a child like them.

Gradually, many satellite gangs learned that the West 19th Street gang had changed, and it was all because of the change of leader.

Many people visited Genesis territory out of curiosity and in this way rumours spread more and more through the satellite.


In a dilapidated building, a group of about twenty men were gathered wearing a dog helmet with a tall man at their head. He had big eyebrows and a pompadour hairstyle. He also wore a leather jacket and a dog helmet under his arms.

Currently, he was making an energetic speech with tears in his eyes.

"Guys! The time has come for us to attack the West 19th Street Gang!"

Inuyama raised his fist in the air and as everyone shouted a voice was heard.

"Big brother, his name is no longer West 19th Street Gang, but his name is Ferocious Dragons Gang."

Inuyama stared at his subordinate and moved closer to him. Inuyama raised his fist and hit his subordinate's head. The subordinate felt pain despite his motorcycle helmet.

"Idiot! Who cares about the name! No matter what their Gang's name is we'll win! Right guys ?!"

The crowd began to shout.



"No one will stop the rise of the Rez Boa Dogs Gang!"

Inuyama clenched his fist showing his muscles and cried out.

"It's the spirit guys!"

He then turned to the subordinate he hit and hugged him.

"The name doesn't matter, all that is important is to win!" Said Inuyama with a big smile with tears in her eyes.

"* sniff * Big brother! * sniff * Yes we will defeat the leader of the Ferocious Dragon Gang!"

Inuyama and his subordinate shared an emotional gaze. The rest of the gang also started to cry with emotion.

Anyone who saw this scene would feel intense fear and start running without looking back.

___ Far from this gloomy place ... _______________________________________________________________

On top of a building, lying on a couch with one arm under his head, Genesis felt a shiver run down his back, and he stood up from his couch in fear.

"What was that ?!"

Genesis looked around, and he finally calmed down after a few minutes, as he went to lie down again, screams were heard from the bottom of the building.

Genesis walked over to the window to look at the source of the noise. Looking outside, he saw a child running towards Gang HQ shouting something. Genesis was too far away to listen to what the child was saying.


In the streets of the satellite, children were running happily and some were fighting in Duel between them. Around were their parents and the members of the Ferocious Dragon Gang.

But this peaceful scene was interrupted by a cry.

"Everyone! Quick! Quick! The Rez Boa Dogs Gang is here! Hide!"

Quickly the parents took their children out of fear, and the members of the Fierce Dragons Gang helped them before heading to their HQ to meet and confront the Rez Boa Dogs Gang.

At the foot of HQ, Simon was organizing stood in front of his subordinates, he had already sent someone to call Genesis.

In the distance, a group of men wearing dog helmets and leather jackets appeared. Simon frowned when he saw the man at the front of the group.

When the group got closer, Inuyama stepped forward and spoke.

"Hi Simon! Are you ready to surrender? After all, I'm stronger than you."

"Never ! We'll fight until the end! Right guys ?"

"Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!"

Inuyama laughed and his powerful voice echoed throughout the quarter.

"Hahaha !! Well, at least you've got some guts. So all we have to do is fight!"

Simon stopped him and said: "It is not me that you will face in Duel, but our leader."

Inuyama raised his eyebrows and asked honestly, "Your boss? Isn't that the leader of the West 19th Street Gang?"

Hearing Inuyama, the members of the Rez Boa Dogs Gang look at their leader like an idiot. At this point Inuyama's subordinates felt ashamed of having a stupid leader, but despite that they loved him, so they pretended to hear nothing.

Simon on the other hand said: "Our leader is coming, wait a moment, and he will be there."

Inuyama smiled and replied, "I am surprised to see that you have given up your place as Chief Simon, after all you are an arrogant person."

Simon smiled and replied, "Our chef is very special. I'm not right guys!"

"" Yeah! "" Yeah! "" Yeah! "" Yeah! "

"Our chef is the best!" "He is incredible !"

Inuyama smiled and clenched his fist, showing his bulky muscles.

"I'm really interested to see your new boss now."

A few minutes passed in a heavy silence and soon a series of footsteps were heard.

Soon a fierce-looking man with a muscular body emerging from the HQ of the Fierce Dragons appeared.

Inuyama smiled wildly and said, "He's your boss? He looks really fierce. Now I understand why you gave up your place as boss."

Simon and the other Gang members smirked and shook their heads.

Inuyama frowned and looked back at the HQ of the Ferocious Dragons. He saw the imposing man step away from the front door like a respectful bodyguard. Inuyama knew the leader would appear in the next few seconds.

A palpable tension appeared in the streets.

The Fierce Dragon Gang members stepped out of the front door of their HQ and bowed toward the shadow of a person appearing.

"Welcome Boss!"

Inuyama narrowed his eyes to get a better view of the person who had just appeared, and his eyes widened in shock.

With one finger raised in the direction of Fierce Dragons HQ, he stammered: "It's- It's- It's a -..."

Kid Genesis appearance: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/8/8d/7ac-denzel-2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20090713081858

Simon appearance: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4AXHrqsjokFD_R6mTY8wUOlcvbFG3ShdIcA&usqp=CAU

Chick_Thiefcreators' thoughts