
Little Moments

Prompt: No

Request: No

Summery: Y/N and Mark unwinding from a long day, dinner ate and leftovers stored in the fridge. Tired, minds slowing, limbs aching. TV humming, lights soft, house warm. 

Pairing: Mark x Female Reader


As the clock struck nine in the evening, Y/N and Mark's long day finally came to an end. They had both worked tirelessly, recording, editing, and serving their fans' needs. Exhaustion weighed heavily on their minds and bodies, urging them to unwind and find solace in the comforts of their humble abode.

Entering their cozy kitchen, Y/N and Mark sighed with relief knowing that dinner was already prepared and awaiting consumption. The tantalizing aroma of their favorite meal filled the air as they reheated the leftovers and stored the remaining portions in the fridge for future indulgence.

With satisfied bellies and tired eyes, they retreated to the living room to find respite from the demanding day. The soft glow of the floor lamps cast a warm ambiance throughout the room, embracing them in its gentle embrace. Slipping into their well-worn couch, they finally allowed themselves to rest.

Together they sat, their bodies sinking into the welcoming cushions as they let out contented sighs. The TV hummed in the background, filling the room with an inviting murmur. Their favorite show played, but tonight, it was simply background noise, a soothing soundtrack to their winding-down ritual.

As they sat side by side, their fingers interlaced, Y/N glanced over at Mark's tired face. The lines etched on his forehead seemed to soften in the dim light, revealing the vulnerability that only exhaustion could unveil. Y/N couldn't help but smile, appreciating the strength that they shared as a team, both in their careers and in their day-to-day lives.

Seeking solace in each other's presence, Y/N leaned against Mark's shoulder, feeling the weight of the day lift off her shoulders. Her mind slowly began to unravel, the worries and stress of work dissipating with every passing moment. In her tiredness, she found a peaceful refuge, shielded from the chaos of the outside world.

As the evening turned to night, Y/N and Mark allowed themselves to drift into a state of blissful tranquility. Their limbs, once aching from the demands of their day, began to relax and unwind. Wrapped in a cocoon of warmth and love, they found comfort in one another's embrace.

In this calm and serene atmosphere, Y/N and Mark appreciated the simple joys that their home offered. The familiar sounds of the house settling, the subtle creaking of the floorboards, and the gentle hum of the air conditioning became a comforting symphony, lulling them into a state of deep relaxation.

As the night grew darker, their eyelids grew heavier. Y/N yawned, her exhaustion finally catching up with her. Mark's eyes sparkled with a mixture of contentment and fatigue, mirroring Y/N's state of mind.

With a gentle kiss on Y/N's forehead, Mark whispered, "It's time to rest, my love." Y/N nodded, feeling a sense of tranquility washing over her. She knew that the world could wait until morning.

As they made their way to their cozy bedroom, the house continued its symphony of comfort, embracing Y/N and Mark in its soft embrace. Snuggling under the warm blankets, they drifted into a deep slumber, dreams of peaceful oceans and sunlit meadows filling their minds.

And so, in the sanctuary of their home, Y/N and Mark found the tranquility they sought. Their tiredness molded into a testament of their hard work and dedication, reminding them of the fulfilling lives they led. In those quiet moments, they discovered the true essence of unwinding, finding solace in each other's love, and the safety of their humble abode