Finn and Gray have been friends since, well, forever! They know everything about each other, or so they thought. Finn begins to have feelings for Gray. Which is apparently quite hard to hide, especially when you're best friends and see each other nearly every day.
Finn sighed, tossing a ball into the air as he lay on his newly made bed. He caught the ball one last time before setting it beside him and picking up his phone on his dresser. He turned it on, unlocked it, and opened up his messages.
He smiled softly as he saw that he had a new text from Gray. He swiftly clicked on the message to see what he said. His smile grew bigger as he saw the message, the message read 'Hey Finn :) Wanna hang out today? I'm so bored lol'.
Finn quickly typed out an agreement, 'Yeah, sure! Where?' He asked. A short minute passed and then Gray responded. 'Do you remember that little park we went to after school last week?' 'The cute one near Elm street?' I ask, and Gray responds quickly, 'Yep! Can you be there in five?' 'uhh, I'll try!' I respond before setting my phone down and getting up from my nicely made bed, quickly throwing on a plaid jacket.
I pondered bringing my phone but decided against it, quickly heading out of my room. I walked quickly down the stairs, flying out of the door.
I jog to the park, my mind overflowing with thoughts about random things that have happened over the past week. I'm snapped back into the present by a sweet-sounding voice yelling my name. As I snap back into focus I realize that I've reached the park and I see Gray's curious eyes looking right into mine.
I jumped slightly, not expecting to see him right in front of me. "Oh my god Gray you scared me!" I laughed, and Gray did too. "How did I even scare you?!" He said in between laughs. My face turned red in embarrassment. "It's not my fault you were right in my face!" I said in a joking tone.
Gray rolled his eyes playfully as he starts running to the swingset at the park. "Last one there's a rotten egg!" He yelled over his shoulder. "Oh come on! You cheated!" I yelled playfully, starting to run over to the swing set. "Did not!" Gray shouts over his shoulder as he nears the swing set.
I chuckle, groaning in defeat as he reaches the swing set. I jog over to him, smiling softly as I see how happy he is to have finally won a race against me.
I ruffle his curly brown hair, chuckling. "Don't get too excited now, I'll win next time. You only won this time because you cheated!" He huffs "I did not!" He crosses his arms and pouts at me. I roll my eyes playfully. "You did so, but I guess I can let this one go.." I say dramatically.
"Wanna see how high I can go on the swings?" I said, a huge grin plastered on my face as I get on the swing and start pumping my legs back and forth, gaining height fairly quickly.
Gray watches as I get higher and higher. I scream slightly as I do a loop over the pole the swing is connected to. I stop pumping my legs, attempting to slow down.
I hear Gray laughing on the ground below me. He's bent over laughing hysterically. 'He's so cute..' I think, staring at Gray with a loving smile on my face. And that's how the rest of the evening went. With me and Gray just messing around and laughing at our own stupidity.