
Your Class Teacher

A school where locking students up is mandatory; teenagers who are locked up within this classroom face discrimination from society; a school where treating students cruelly is increasingly prevalent. Being treated like an object is just so unjust. But isn't it true that the school where these pupils are distinguished is also the institution where they are feared? Nowadays, teens are preoccupied with making plans for their future. They began amassing information for their respective occupations in order to flourish in life. However, there are some teenagers nowadays who are not fond of this type of behavior. These teenagers are more focused on doing something illegal that no normal human could ever do; illegal trading, robbery, gambling, gang management, and others; they are busy living their lives to the fullest through the use of cruelty—- the best example of this being the students who are all gathered up in one classroom. Not until--- A new transferred teacher, who's willing to change the students for good, has been consigned to this class. Mr. Travis Mortal, a charming, brilliant, and well-mannered instructor, should educate these students of his own volition. And, in order to break away from this unjust system, the students had no idea what's the real deal of this teacher. As they all go through their journey as one, Mr. Travis faced some consequences related to his past. But for him, the students are his first priority. Will the students cause even more mayhem towards the end of the school year? Will they continue to be the same? Or will they grow and urge themselves to be on the side of peace? [CONTENT WARNING] This novel discusses sensitive subjects, concerns, and acts. Parental supervision is recommended.

GallantLass · 現実
38 Chs

A Favor To Ask

Mr. Travis's POV

I've been in this spot for over 5 minutes now, sitting and barely waiting for someone who's late. Surely, I plainly stated to him that we should meet at exactly 10:30 p.m. And since earlier, I don't seem to glimpse a shadow of him at all. I arrived here at 10:28, which was pretty early for such a responsible man like me. Unlike for somebody out there, pretty late for sitting pretty, huh.

While waiting, I took the packet of Kalsada Coffee that I brought. I prefer coffee more than alcoholic drinks. Well, it's true that alcoholic drinks are healthier than caffeine but coffee keeps me alive the whole day unlike alcoholic drinks, which could just let me sleep all night. I've got lots of things to accomplish.

Shortly after, I asked the bartender for a coffee cup and hot water to brew this coffee of mine. I will brew it myself, of course. Right. The bartender stared weirdly at me but I couldn't care less. I want to enjoy my coffee while waiting for someone who's late.

Now that I think about it...

This bar is pretty wild as it seemed. These party-goers... some of them looked like they're still in high school, some looked married, and some looked like they're just forced. Such good dancers, sweet talkers, and expert singers. Pretty bold for talented people, huh.

It's not the first time I've seen folks like them. Although I may be overthinking this, high school students who attend a lot of parties crave a lot of attention. They appeared easygoing, yet deep inside, they sought attention... especially perhaps from where they first stayed, which is their home. Some of them appeared to be troublemakers who can't read the room.

We call our place of residence "home." This is where we seek when we're tired. This is where we're off to when we wanted to rest. But the real problem is... what could happen if our home is the source of our problems? Where are we going to stay when we yearn for comfort?

I could go on and on about the many types of parenting. Some parents are just overworked, and when they are fatigued, they vent their emotions on their children. Some parents are so patient and understanding that even when they are exhausted, they can still be soft and kind. Some parents are so self-centered that they can't think of anything else except themselves. Some parents are so worn that when a situation arises, they just don't care anymore.

They come in a plethora of varieties.

There are also several types of children. Some comprehend the scenario as perceived by their parents. Some are so self-centered that they are unable to interpret the situation. Some are working hard to provide their utmost because they hope that one day, all of their issues will be resolved. Some are eager to achieve their goals, which may be described as selfless or selfish.

Consider who produced them in such ways. They come in a plethora of varieties.

At the outset, the persons who should be held accountable for this type of circumstances are the parents themselves. However, this does not imply that parents are likewise at fault. Nobody deserves to be held accountable. Some individuals just can not comprehend the sacrifices made by one another.

Right. This world is filled with complicated people. But as soon as you get to know them, you could deeply understand their intentions. So it's up to you whether you'd pity them or not. In the end, the world treats us fairly, but it is the people themselves who could make things doubt.

Oh, boy. Now, now. He's late.

Lachlan is late.

Super late. Is he sticking to this Filipino Time? Okay, keep your cool, Travis. Keep calm until you calmly dispose of him.

"Oh! My baby pumpkin!"

Speaking of the devil. Now he's here.

Sighing, I put a huge smile on my face and scoffed, "What took you so---" When I turned around and saw him, I froze and was too stunned to speak.

"Hmm? What are you talking about? I've been here for like 15 minutes, duh. You're the turtle one here, yeah? Right, honey?" he flirted with the girl he brought. And this girl... surely she doesn't know me but she nodded as her response... wow.

"And bro, why are you drinking coffee? This is a bar, man. A bar. This is not your study room. You need to wake up and stay alive, boy!" He slapped my back afterward.

Wow, I almost threw out my coffee for a second there. I bet because of his personality, he didn't mean to slap my precious back that hard.

But really? Right after my brewed coffee? And look who's talking. Wearing a masquerade mask and a coat inside this bar, huh. This party appears to be a formal rather than a festivity. And not only that, he's already here for 15 minutes? Why didn't he come after me then? Because he's partying with some chicks?

At this rate, I might be the one to slap him in no time. I'm certain I am calm right now. I will be sure to calmly dispose of him.

Now, now. Because I need to ask him a favor, I should keep my calm. I have students to take care of, right? I am their knight. I have people I wanted to protect. I am Travis Mortal the immortal. I am inevitable.

"Why don't you sit down first before I throw this to your face? You're disrespecting my coffee, hmm?" I smiled of course. Staying calm is what has kept me alive until now.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Chill out, will 'ya?" he sat down next to me. After a moment, he held the waist of the girl he brought and spoke, "Why don't you go first, honey? I'll get back to you soon."

And with that, the girl just vanished. Wow, too close for people who just met, huh. Well, this isn't the first time I've seen him like this. There are countless times I presume.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" he started. "One drink, please. The usual one." The bartender nodded.

"Oh! Before that, how's your first day of that school?" he took off his mask and leaned into the table. As he caressed his light ash blonde hair, he grinned, "I didn't think you'd survive."

Sipping my coffee, I answered, "I'm still alive as you can see."

"Hey, now. Why don't you take a break first? I know it was tough dealing with that kind of classroom," he gladly received his drink and tossed it with my coffee, "Take a break, man."

"I know. I tried smiling so hard in front of them yet I could still feel their glare daggers on me. I got almost killed several times by their schemes and pranks. In the end, I just saved them from their nightmares. They're too reckless..." I took a sip of my coffee and shrugged. "Well, can't blame anyone though. This is the path that I wanted."

Lachlan poured a drink, "Man. It was just a matter of time. Don't strain yourself too much, yeah? You're the best back in our times, remember that." He then guzzled up his drink, "And besides, they still had no idea who you truly are. And I'm sure they'd shudder in their stomachs and respect you once they knew who you are. Keep your cool, man. Remember whom you are doing this for."

Realizing for a second there, I stared into the void, "Whom I am doing this for?" Well, I am doing this because it's my own will.

I smirked, "Of course, this is what I wanted." And I sipped my coffee again.

As I noticed, the music appeared to have shifted. Earlier was party-rock but right now seemed like some classical and jazz. I rotated my head, tracking the tune of the song back to where it came from, and that's when I noticed a girl in her formal dress... gracefully playing the piano at the center of the stage as she sat in her grand seat.

"Oh, right. Before I get drunk, could you tell me now this discussion you wanted to talk to me about? You made the trouble just to meet up with me though."

Now that he asked, I had to tell him. "Sigh. I just want you to be at an event tomorrow night. The location will be at Fireback Hotel & Casino and be sure to participate in that event, all right? I will give you enough amount of money so you don't have to worry about financial problems."

"Hmm. What if I say no?" I knew he would say this.

Well, there's a way. "I won't give you my Bugatti Noire."

"Oh, located at the Fireback Hotel you say? What do I have to do?"

He is sure as fast as a flash of lightning when it comes to this. This guy. I could really smack him now. If this plan will do or not, I will still find a way... just to reach my students' freedom.

"A student of mine got scammed by some mobsters and his money was gambled to some higher-ups. He wanted to get his money back. But because he's minor, he was asked to bring an adult."

"Hmm, like a parent, huh." He poured a drink again and swallowed it up right away. "You going or not? You're their class teacher, right? Why don't---"

"Elite 3." I cut him off. Now that my coffee is empty, I can't sip a thing anymore.

"Hmm? What did you say?"

"Elite 3 will be there too."

Silence is as loud as a thunder, both of us seemed like we remembered something in our past. And this silence between us... yes, I could hear it louder. And it pains me to think that we could still recall what happened.

After a few moments, a blatant scream broke the silence within us. I glanced over at where the ruckus came from, and that's when I realized, that's where the piano girl performed earlier. Without a second, Lachlan and I both immediately stood up from our seats and composedly went near the stage.

At that moment, I saw the piano girl, calmly soothing down a drunken customer right in front of us.

"S-Sir, calm down please," she said, holding her bleeding hand. There was a long vertical cut on the side of her hand.

Meanwhile, the drunken customer was holding a knife while retaining someone hostage, he pointed this at another tipsy customer who only had his fists to deal with him. And to the girl who's taken hostage, she cried and was constantly trembling.