
Young Justice: The black super soldier

This is my first fan fiction so let's get into it this will be a self insert and my vision for my story on young justice with me only owning my MC with him having the super solider serum from marvel's Captain America with him having a high intellect of the young justice universe and in all aspects of him being the smartest man in the young justice universe with a small harem that I already have in mind so sit back and enjoy the fan fiction.

Tjsmith1202 · テレビ
46 Chs


[December 30, Washington D.C. Hall of Justice]

(Tyler Rogers AKA Captain America)

Here we go today was the day of the ceremony for the new members of the Justice League and where am I at I am walking to were the team is quietly while they were watching the tv while the android me in costume was on the stage next to Red Arrow as I walked in the team didn't notice me and they started talking saying.

Wally West:"I'm glade they didn't kick Billy out and I love the fact there's a ten year old on the league."

Raquel Ervin:"There is?"

As soon a she said that Dick hit Wally on the side for opening his big fat mouth."

Dick Grayson:"Way to keep a secret genius."

Wally West:"Hey she's on the team now right."

As Superman was handing out official league member cards the first wasn't Doctor Fate in this universe but Plastic Man then The Atom and then Icon who Raquel was partnered with for some time which prompted her to say.

Raquel Ervin:"You know I am the one who convinced Icon to be a hero in the first place I should be outside celebrating with him not hidden away in here."

Kaldur:"Welcome to our world."

Raquel Ervin:"Well I suppose there's an upside to even if Captain America's not here anymore."

Damn girl I mean if I waited long enough but I am a two women man.

Then after that it came down to android me and Red Arrow which Superman gave the card to android me and Green Arrow gave the card to Red Arrow.

Wally West:"Way to go Roy!"

Kaldur:"At last he has his wish."

Dick Grayson:"The first of us to make it no one will call him a sidekick anymore."

At that other people joined in saying.

Ben Rogers:"Glad my bro is now a league member bout time."

Komand'r:"Yes about time he joined."


M'gann:"I so happy for them both no more being a sidekick for them."

Raquel Ervin:"When has being a sidekick a bad thing you sidekicks were my inspiration and Captain America was an inspiration for all heroes."

Artemis:"You got that right sister."

Zatanna:"Yeah of course but-."

Dick Grayson:"Yeah welp see six months ago-."

Before he could say anything I walked in saying.

Tyler Rogers:"Don't worry Rob well get her briefed on it later."

As soon as I spoke everyone jumped from my sneaky entrance getting Artemis to say to me.

Artemis:"Wait how the hell are you here and out there."

Tyler Rogers:"Oh simple that's an android I created for this specific occasion because we got a mission to go do right Robin."

As I said that he smiled and nodded and then we headed off once we did the Justice league with the new members with the android me wondered were they were asking the android of were my former team was which the android me shrugged not knowing where we were at.


[Smokey Mountains]

(Captain America's POV)

As the team and I was flying in the bioship to the destination that Cheshire ship was at Robin briefed us on all that he knew and the case of mind control chips that Sportsmaster took and that Cheshire was now carrying when Rocket spoke up to me saying.

Rocket:"Okay I get the mission but?"

Robin:"But what?"

Rocket:"I mean the Captain America is with us the new member of the Justice League and you guys aren't that surprised about it."


Captain America:"Look Rocket I may be a member of the Justice League now but I will always be apart of the team."


Captain America:"And also the team has way more exciting missions then the Justice League."


Artemis:"Yeah that your precious Captain America all right."

Zatanna:"And he is your boyfriend after all."

Ben Rogers:"Yeah I pray for you."

Artemis:"Oh shut the hell up brother of Captain America."

Captain America:"Alright enough okay Jesus I think I should have stayed with the league at the hall."

Kid Flash:"And miss out on the excitement."

Superboy:"You would be bored at the hall anyways."


Bucky:"Low roar."

Miss Martian:"You heard the two."

Captain America:"I am so glad I'm not leading this team anymore Aqualad what's the plan this is your team now."

As I said that we got to the destination but there was nothing there but a crashed ship with a bunch of wreckage all around which prompted Aqualad to say to the team as the new leader.

Aqualad:"Well we still came here to find the case even if there is a wreckage the device has to be down there somewhere also find any survivors if there is any as well team.


As we left the ship and went down to the wrecked plane we scoured the area to find either the case or any survivors for answers but to no avail after coming up with nothing we all regrouped to figure out where is everything.

Robin:"Not a trace of anything from Cheshire ship."

Kid Flash:"Yeah ran around the area got nothing."

Aqualad:"Were we just mislead by Cheshire."

Captain America:"No were in the right place but I got a bad feeling though."

Artemis:"Why would you say that at a time like this you idiot."

Superboy:"I got a question where are the bodies a crash like this should have some bodies laying around."

???:"Here's one and it is stunning but for only one person though."

As we all heard a feminine voice ring throughout the area it was non other then Cheshire but she was not alone there was also the Riddler who escaped Bel Reve some months back and Mammoth with a bunch of league of shadow soldiers with Apocalyptic weapons that were smuggled here from Apocalypse to earth as she said that Riddler spoke saying.

Riddler:"I am flora not fona I am foliates not trees what am I."

Once he said that a big electrical barrier went up covering the area the team and the villains were in leaving no escape for us.

Riddler:"Oh come on you can get this I am shrubbery not grass what am I I'm-."

Robin and Captain America:"Ambush."

Riddler:"Didn't you think we'd be tipped that you all were on Cheshire's trail but on surprise though is that the new member of the Justice League the Captain America is with you but non the less we're tired of your interference, kiddies this here is the end game ordered from above and executed by their master strategist, moi.

Captain America:"Damn you talk to much Riddler I feel bad now that I'm gonna kick your ass."

Aqualad:{"Miss Martian is everyone linked."}-This is how you the reader knows if the team are in a mental link conversation

Miss Martian:{"Yes."}


Once Aqualad said those words through the link we all set off to face the enemy.

As the team and I was facing off with the enemy I went after the soldiers with the Winter Soldier, Blackfire, Rocket, and Kid Flash while Superboy was taking out the soldiers but would eventually go after Mammoth and Artemis going after Cheshire while Aqualad, Robin, Miss Martian, Wolf, Bucky, and Zatanna would take out another group of soldiers in another area.

As me and my group were taking them out easily I caught a glimpses of Superboy getting sent back into the mountain side but then a second later came flying fast at Mammoth even flying him up to the top of the electrical field which Robin saw this and said mentally.

Robin:{"SB your flying."}

Once Superboy was using the shields that Lex gave him to increase his powers I saw that all the soldiers were down and out so I went to help out Artemis with Cheshire once I got there Artemis was on the defensive until I came throwing my shield at Cheshire which she jumped back avoiding the hit saying to me.

Cheshire:"Oh I was wondering when you would come darling."

Captain America:{"You alright Artemis."}

Artemis:{"Yeah I'm fine thanks for the assistance."}

Captain America:{"Yeah what are boyfriends for."}

Cheshire:"So you are just gonna ignore me so mean darling."

Captain America:"Sorry just making sure Artemis was alright oh yeah also we should move before this mountain side comes crashing down on top of us."

Cheshire:"What are you-?"

Before she could say anything else the mountain side that we were fighting beside was coming down I speedily got both Artemis and Cheshire out of there both on my shoulders when the mountain debris came crashing down in the smoke of the debris I put both girls down with Cheshire coming close to me and giving me a kiss which I reciprocated while Artemis watched looking jealous that she didn't get a kiss.

Cheshire:"Thanks for the save Captain and here a little present for you to give to the big Bats I hope your plan will work."

Captain America:"It will work trust me."

Cheshire:"Ha putting trust in someone other then myself I guess you have changed me."

Captain America:"Oh really huh."

Cheshire:"Hey I haven't made my decision just yet so don't get to excited and I'll meet you two later tonight see ya."

After that Cheshire was gone but before she left she gave us the case were the mind controlling device was in and all around us the team got captured all of the villains and disabled the barrier I mentally told the team that me and Artemis got the case and that we succeed before we left I went in and kissed Artemis surprising her saying to her once we broke apart.

Captain America:"You thought I would just kiss her and not give you a kiss as well."

Artemis:"*Blushes* whatever let's just go okay."

Captain America:"Whatever you wish my lady."

After that we all got on the bioship and went back to the cave where Batman would be mad but would praise us for what we accomplished but would be more mad that I gave him a fake me instead of the real me.


[Mount Justice 1 hour later]

(Tyler Rogers AKA Captain America POV)

So once we got back to the cave everything happened as it did on the show with the added benefit of Batman giving me his famous Batman stare for not telling him about the android me but he took the case to analyze it and everything with some of the Justice league members asking me to come to the party when I was done with the team.

Once the Justice League members left it was just the team and I and before we could discuss anything Superboy got the call from Lex but then I heard a voice in my head same as Ben and it was Vandal Savage telling both of us to come to Santa Prisca but he tried using the trigger words on me and Ben which were 'Hail Hydra' we acted like it work but knew it didn't so with that done Conner told the team why he needs to go to Santa Prisca.

And that wasn't all because Miss Martian said she had to go saying Queen Bee was blackmailing her which was impossible since Garfield didn't get hurt since it was me but I guess I couldn't change everything so she tells us why she needs to go and shows her true self her white martian form which some of the team backed away except me, Aqualad, and Superboy which gave Superboy and Miss Martian a moment to show that they really care about each other flaws and all.

After Conner and M'gann's reasons for going Artemis told her story which went as it did on the show with her adding the her sister and her are in a relationship with me which the team was stunned about and asked a million questions but we didn't have time right now which prompted Wally to say.

Kid Flash:"Huh well who's next."

Captain America & Winter Soldier:"We are."

Kid Flash:"I swear I was kidding."

After that we told the team about why we have to go to Santa Prisca and about the plan we have been concocting with Batman which is when Robin speaks and says.

Robin:"So what your saying is that you have been one step ahead of the lights plans and if things go the way they go we will have at least half of the light members while Batman and the league face off against Vandal Savage and Klarion."

Captain America:"Well yes but some things I wanted to stop so that the light couldn't go along with this plan but I wasn't capable enough."

Kid Flash:"Damn."

Zatanna:"Wait what about Klarion the league can't handle the lord of chaos without a lord of order there."

Captain America:"Well about that."


Blackfire:"He is trying to say that he made a deal with the gold helmet with your father basically if he wants to get out and do magic then he would let Giovani Zatara wear it but the helmet wouldn't posses his body so your dad can use the helmet whenever he wants."

Winter Soldier:"Yeah what she said."

Zatanna:"What are you serious?!"

Captain America:"Yep and I will tell you all about it but right now we need to head to Santa Prisca Jarvis sent me a message saying the the light members are on the move."

Rocket:"How do you know that."

Captain America:"It's a secret."

Rocket:"You know Artemis and Bucky your boyfriend/owner is a real pain in the ass."

Artemis:"Don't we know it."

Bucky:"*Low roar*."

And at that Artemis, Superboy, Miss Martian, Ben, and I all got in our personal aircraft transportation and headed off to Santa Prisca with the team behind us.


[Santa Prisca few hours later]

(Captain America's POV)

As me and Ben were approaching the island he turns and ask me.

Winter Soldier:"Hey Tyler are you sure that we are gonna stop the light to finally put an end to our nightmares of that group."

Captain America:"I don't know Ben we came this far might as well see it through I at least hope we cripple them enough so they can't regroup or ever reform again."

Winter Soldier:"Relying all on hope again you really are just like dad."

Captain America:"And you are just like mom always the realist and thinking everything is gonna go bad."

Winter Soldier:"Shut up haha."

At that moment Batman started to contact me saying that Vandal Savage and Klarion were at the watchtower all members of the league without the android me was there giving off the illusion that they were under Klarion's control while they were all their I asked about the android me which Batman told me that Vandal boom tubed the android off planet to a different world which I wanted to happen.

After that Batman said to me when the team and I start our attack on the light members on Santa Prisca they will attack Klarion and Vandal.

Once we landed on the island me and Ben stepped out to meet the light members and their lackeys as we came face to face with them it was Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Ra's Al Gual, and the most surprising one Deathstroke with some league of assassin and shadow soldiers with Bane and his lackeys with Blockbuster there as well so we had half of the light members on the island to be taken down.

As we meet the members of the light Artemis, Superboy, and Miss Martian came out of their respective aircrafts in a surprised look which was fake to me and Ben but real to the others once the light was giving us orders of what to do I said mentally to Aqualad.

Captain America:{"Ready."}


Captain America:{"Good let's go team."}

As soon as I said that I took my shield off my back and throwing it at a few of the light's lackeys which surprised them and Lex being the smart guy he is knew what has happened and says.

Lex Luthor:"It's a trap."

Once he said that all of the light's lackey including Blockbuster and Bane came and charged at us but they were stopped when an explosion went off blasting them away which showed the rest of the team coming out to our side looking at the light members which prompted Lex to say.

Lex Luthor:"But how you shouldn't have known Vandal said you knew nothing of this."

Captain America:"Yeah he doesn't but I'm smarter then Vandal Lex and by this time right now Vandal and Klarion should be having trouble with the league at this very moment might want to check.

After that Lex contacted Vandal which Vandal screamed out to Lex to abandon the mission and retreat which angered Lex and foolishly to by him time to escape screamed out.

Lex Luthor:"KILL THEM!!!!"

Once he said that all of their goons came at us which I replied telling the team.

Captain America:"Let's take em down."

And we began our fight the team faced off with the people they did on the show with some help from Blackfire, Wolf, and Bucky while me and Ben went for Ra's Al Gual and Deathstroke.

As me and Ben stared off against Ra's and Deathstroke Ra's speaks up saying to us.

Ra's Al Gual:"Well you did deceive us didn't you Captain and Winter Soldier I can also say that you both are not programmed with the mind control commands as well huh."

Captain and Winter:"Nope."

Ra's Al Gual:"Huh I guess we have no choice then right Deathstroke."

Deathstroke:"Yeah I have been waiting to kill the Captain you take the Winter Soldier Ra's."

Ra's Al Gual:"Very well."

After that was said me and Ben begin our fight him with his old mentor Ra's Al Gual and me with the infamous Deathstroke.

As me and Deathstroke circled each other we were waiting on who would make the first move which Deathstoke does coming in fast trying to hit me with a flurry of attacks punches to the head to trying to kick me in the head of stomach even brining out his sword on his back trying to slice me up but I counter a dodge every attack he tried to put on me which surprised him but even with his mask on he was happy to be facing me.

Deathstroke:"Hey I have to say your good better even then anyone I have ever faced even better then Batman and your brother."

Captain America:"Really huh so you know you won't win right."

Deathstroke:"Oh don't get cocky kid I haven't even gotten serious."

Captain America:"You gonna keep talking or you gonna start fighting."

Deathstroke:"That's what I like to hear."

Once that was said we started attacking each other going shot for shot with both blood coming from our mouths but I sent him flying back with my shield and went to throw it at him again but he recovered quickly and shot me in the leg with his pistol getting me onto a knee.

As he was walking over to me he spoke saying.

Deathsroke:"You know I thought you would have dodged that guess I was wrong about you are nothing to be scared of don't know why Ra's was ever scared of you but oh well see you in the next life Captain."

But before he could pull the trigger I got up jumping over him with my shield in hand hit Deathstroke with a back fist sending him to the ground but before he could get back up I throw my shield at his head knocking him out leaving me the victor.

Once my fight was done I could hear the team over the mental link saying that they got their guys the only ones that escaped were Lex Luthor and Ra's Al Gual which I was a little angry about but we got at least Deathstroke who in time would be a problem in the future so I was at least happy with that so after all that Batman contacts me and wants me and the team to meet at the watchtower.



(Tyler Rogers AKA Captain America's POV)

As me and the team entered the watchtower the team was so excited and couldn't believe that they were in the Justice League's main base I told the team to mingle around with the Justice league members which prompted Robin to say.

Robin:"Wait didn't you say you weren't our leader anymore."

Captain America:"Ah well I guess old habits die hard just go I got to talk with Batman and some members of the league.


Once I left the team I made my way to the meeting room opening the sliding door I was met with Batman, Superman, Wonder Women, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Red Arrow, and Red Tornado once I got in the room Batman wasted no time saying.

Batman:"As we expected with our attack on the light they were not ready and unprepared for what would happen with your tech and Doctor Fate's magic we fooled Vandal Savage and Klarion to think that the entirety of the Justice League was under their control which once they found out we weren't panicked and were about to run but with the league working together stopped both Vandal and Klarion."

Captain America:"But something bad happened because both Klarion and Vandal aren't in your custody are they."

Superman:"Yes once we had Vandal in our custody and Doctor fate had Klarion he used some type of magic to escape and take Vandal away but enough of that what about you and the team.

Captain America:"Well we have Bane, Blockbuster, Queen Bee, Sportsmaster, and Deathstroke in our custody crippling the light a little."

Wonder Woman:"That's some good news are you and the team alright."

Captain America:"Yeah the team is mingling with some of the league while I'm in here."

Black Canary:"You do know that you are a league member now and won't be the team's leader."

Captain America:"Yeah I know but I will be giving them a hand every once in a while."

Green Arrow:"Huh I guess so."

Red Arrow:"Yeah I think I may do that as well until you can give me the info on the real Roy Harper."

Captain America:"The more the merrier and we will find him I promise."

Red Tornado:"On to other business your android of yourself went through a boom tube and we-."

Captain America:"Yeah I know Jarvis told me of what happened and that the android me made a mess of an alien planet called Rimbor but was ultimately destroyed by the alien authorities."

Batman:"Will that trace back to you at all."

Captain America:"To be honest I don't know once it was destroyed it was suppose to beam out that Vandal Savage is the person that was responsible with the Rimbor attack but it never aired but for now I am safe."

Batman:"Alright that is all we wanted to talk about."

Black Canary:"Yeah now let's party to the new members of the league and the league and team's victory over the light."

After the meeting we all came out and went to the main area of the watchtower were the party was with both the team and the league together.