
Young Justice: The black super soldier

This is my first fan fiction so let's get into it this will be a self insert and my vision for my story on young justice with me only owning my MC with him having the super solider serum from marvel's Captain America with him having a high intellect of the young justice universe and in all aspects of him being the smartest man in the young justice universe with a small harem that I already have in mind so sit back and enjoy the fan fiction.

Tjsmith1202 · テレビ
46 Chs

Future Comes To The Present (R-18)

[January 1, 2032 Washington D.C.]

(Third Person POV)

It was a beautiful afternoon in the busy streets of Washington D.C. all was well until some earthquake vibrations happening around the area. And with the people either being confused and standing there or panicking and running away all of a sudden the earthquake vibrations stops until a big drill machine pops out of the ground scaring all of the civilians in the area while the police tried to contain the situation.

But that was all for not when the top of the drill machine opened up with a man with black clothing with a red skull in the middle with his face being a completely red skull this man was non other then Red Skull leader of the Hydra organization and arch enemy of Captain America. And he brings out a holo cam to broadcast what he would say to the people of the area but more importantly the heroes saying.

Red Skull:"Listen and listen well you mortals of this pathetic world I am Red Skull and I am here to change this world into something better and something that will bring this world under my feet so I can control where there is no heroes where there are no sidekicks where there is no villains where there is only Hydra and you will all know-."

But his speech was cut off when he saw at the last minute a black and white shield fly pass him with Red Skull gritting his teeth and says out loud to the person that threw the shield saying out loud.


After he said that the image of Captain America or his real name Tyler Rogers come into view on a near by rooftop looking straight at Red Skull saying to him once he shield come back to his arms.

Captain America:"Hey there Red Skull come on now you know me and you both are to old for this even though the super soldier serum does slow our bodies from aging but you get the point old pal."

Red Skull:"Like I would give up when I am so close!"

Captain America:"Fine if you want to do it the hard way guess let's do it the hard way."

Once Captain America was done with his conversation with Red Skull that is when Red Skull ordered all of his men that were in the drill out to cause havoc but that is when Captain America went to his ear piece and said to it.

Captain America:"Jarvis call them in."

Jarvis:"Yes sir they are already there."

And once Jarvis said that one of the Hydra soldiers was about to kill a civilian until a flying projectile came sailing disarming the Hydra soldier and the next second a person dressed as a falcon came in hitting the Hydra soldier full force knocking the soldier out. At this moment it was a new hero named Falcon or his real name Sam Rogers the child of Tyler and Artemis Rogers.

Once Falcon dropped down beating up the soldiers another group of young heroes came in helping Falcon as well stopping the soldiers from harming any civilians. But while the new young heroes were taking care of the soldiers Falcon was getting back into a corner with a lot of hydra soldiers converging on Falcon's position.

Falcon:"Hey come on guys can't we talk about this."

At that they just raised there guns about to fire at Falcon until an E.M.P grenade was dropped on the ground exploding taking out the hydra soldiers weapons and a figure drops down and taking out to of the soldiers skillfully and gracefully and that is when Falcon spoke up saying to the figure.

Falcon:"Hey it's about time what took you so long."

?:"Hey I had other things to do then save your ass I mean come on if dad and mom found out about you being cornered by guys like these they would give your ass even more hellish training."

At this the figure was reveled to be a woman in a black suit with yellow linings on her suit with a mask covering her face with a hourglass emblem on her belt and mask which indicated that this woman was non other then Black Widow or her real name Natasha Rogers the child of Tyler and Jade Rogers.

Black Widow:"Look Falcon, Captain America says to meet him on the drill to help him out with Red Skull he's giving us 5 minutes."

Falcon:"Why 5 we can be there in 1!"

Black Window:"Because these guys here will take up most of the time so 5 minutes you ready Falcon."

Falcon:"*Sigh* Yeah fine let's do this Black Widow."

And after that the two siblings engage in their fight with the remaining Hydra soldiers that they had to face while they were dealing with that Captain America and Red Skull were having their own battle with Red Skull and Captain America on even footing in their fight not giving each other the advantage until Captain America threw his shield which distracted Red Skull for Captain America to tackle Red Skull to the ground giving him a couple of good punches until Red Skull pushed him off and said to the Captain.

Red Skull:"Over and Over again Captain don't you ever get tired of this saving these pathetic people only for them to be saved again."

Captain America:"Oh Red are you saying that I'm getting to old and need to stop awwww seems like you do have a heart."

Red Skull:"Seems like I do dear Captain but I will also destroy you and these people if I have to for Hydra to reign supreme once again in this world."

Captain America:"Yeah not gonna happen Skull time to put you down."

After there discussion the engage in combat once again with Captain America hitting Red Skull with flurry of attacks which Skull tries to dodge or parry but ultimately that isn't enough and leads Captain America to hit Red Skull with a kick to the stomach launching him almost off the mining machine and that is when Red Skull speaks up and says to Captain America.

Red Skull:"You are strong Captain even with my own super soldier serum I am no match for you in this time... But maybe in the distant past I can easily defeat you hahahahahahah."

Captain America:"What are you talking about Red Skull?"

After that Red Skull pulls out a green stone and says to Captain America.

Red Skull:"With this here stone I can go back in time to whenever I want as long as I can remember what year I want to go back to so I will go back to the year 2019 where I first emerged into the world and me and you meeting once again but this time around I will be there to help my past self rule over the world and you dear Captain America will not stop me in doing so."

Captain America:"Will see about that."

After that Captain America throws his shield as hard as he could at Red Skull and when the shield got close to Red Skull he vanished into thin air.

And with Red Skull gone and all of his soldiers captured both Falcon and Black Widow get to the top of the machine where Captain America is and once they get there they say to him.

Falcon:"Hey dad where's Red Skull did you defeat him already?"

Captain America:"No something worse Red Skull said he is going back in time to 2019 and going to try taking over the world."

Falcon & Black Widow:"WHAT?!"

Black Widow:"Well we got to call the Legion and the League to help us out with this."

Captain America:"No no need they won't help us."

Falcon:"Well what do you want us to do dad just let Red Skull go and mess up the timeline and rewrite the future!"

Captain America:"No! Because both you and your sister will travel back to 2019 and help the heroes of the past defeat Red Skull."

Falcon:"But how we don't have a Time Machine?"

Black Widow:"Well."

Falcon:"Wait we have a Time Machine and sis you didn't think to share with me what the hell!"

Black Widow:"What? Dad and mom thought to just have it on hand and with me being with dad most of the time me and him built the Time Machine if the time ever came."

Falcon:"And dad you weren't gonna tell me really."

Captain America:"Son look you were doing your own thing in school having a normal life I didn't want to bring you in and ruin it for you I wanted you to be happy son."

Falcon:"Haaaaa whatever it's fine but you said that we could travel back in time right when do we leave."

Captain America:"Now we don't know how long time has passed since Red Skull left so let's hurry."

Falcon & Black Widow:"Right."

Captain America:"Oh yeah one more thing never tell your mothers I sent you two back in time okay."

Falcon & Black Widow:"Okay."

After the trios conversation they headed to Smith Corp to retrieve the Time Machine and set out to the past of 2019 and Captain America give his kids his last parting words and says.

Captain America:"Alright you two once you two get to the year of 2019 go to the Secret Haven base in Happy Harbor and meet the team say you are time travelers from the year 2032 and that a villain named Red Skull came back to the past to reek havoc in the timeline. Also do not under any circumstances say anything about the future especially not to the past me or your mothers you got that."

Falcon & Black Widow:"Yes sir."

Captain America:"Good I'm gonna send you to the month of January best start you off there. Alright good luck kids and get back home safe I'm counting on you two."

Black Widow:"Wait dad why aren't you going I mean I know why obviously you meeting your past self and messing up the timeline basically making the whole timeline crash."

Falcon:"What sis means is why are you putting this big of deal on us I mean you could have asked mom or any of the other Legion or Justice League members why us."

Captain America:"Well simple it's to test if you two are really ready to be superheroes this will be your biggest test that I have ever put in front of you so show me that you two are ready and that I was right to put the future of superheroes on your shoulders."

After the talk Falcon and Black Widow start to take off and slip into the time stream into the year of 2019 while the two were time jumping a shadowy figure is seen creeping in the background until Captain America speaks saying to the figure."

Captain America:"You don't think I should have let them go.

?:"Not at all I mean I can not see their future so they are an anomaly same as you which in tail will bring about a new future we have not seen."

Captain America:"Haha I hope your right."


[Rogers Mansion January 1, 2019]

(Tyler Rogers AKA Captain America POV)-Age 26

It has been 3 years since the events of the invasion of the young justice universe and after that I had no idea what was in store for me since I only watched up to the second season of young justice so I was basically running in blind but at the moment I didn't mind right now since after three years it's just been business as usual with the team and Justice League with new Justice League members like Superboy, Nigtwing, Miss Martian, Aqualad, Tigress, And Kid Flash now just named Flash.

But the League is not the only team that got new members because the team got some new members like Arrownette aka Cissie King-Jones, Spoiler aka Stephanie Brown, Traci Thurston aka Thirteen, and Cassandra Wu-San aka Orphan.

In these three years there has been superheroes that continued the life or took a break from the life like Garfield Logan aka Beast Boy and made himself a famous actor like his mother. Oh yeah right also good news is that I saved Garfield's mom from the hands of Queen Bee so Garfield doesn't go through that dark path which in all honesty is good.

And all other sort of stuff has happen in the three years since the invasion but I stopped mulling over the past and start looking to the future like my company Smith Corp which is still doing big numbers better then both Wayne enterprises and Lex Corp combined, also my hero life is great taking down the bad guys left right and center with the help of the League, and finally my family and friends that I have had over the years are here with me facing life head on and I couldn't imagine anything better.

Artemis:"Tyler can you come here for a second."

Tyler:"Yeah sure honey be right there."

Well guess I can think more later now time to get back to being a husband and father.

Tyler:"Alright Artemis where are you?"

Artemis:"In the bedroom."

After she said that I made my way to the bedroom and once I got to the bedroom I was stunned and amazed at what I saw and just said.


What I was seeing was both Artemis and Jade completely naked standing there sexily awaiting my arrival and that is when Artemis and Jade said to me."

Jade:"Well what are you waiting for tiger."

Artemis:"Come here and get some hehehe."

And without wasting anytime I grab both of them and toss them on the bed and start licking and sucking on their necks and their bare breast making them moan uncontrollably but that is when I realized and said to them both.

Tyler:"Wait! What about the kids won't they hear us?"

Artemis:"The kids are gone with my mom we have the whole night to ourselves."

Jade:"So let's not waste a minute of our alone time huh honey."

Tyler:"Haha your wish is my command my ladies."


Once that was said I start to undress myself taking off my white t-shirt showing my muscular and buff body for both Artemis and Jade to look in awe over but they had no time because before they knew it I pulled my pants and underwear off showing my member to the two women leaving them in a blushing mess over the size of it with Jade saying.

Jade:"Even after all these years I am still amazed at the size of your cock."

Artemis:"Same here."

Tyler:"Hahaha let's get started shall we."

So after I said that both women get on all fours on the bed and start to suck and lick on my cock leaving me moaning at the pleasure that they were giving me but I didn't want just me getting pleased so I pushed them both back on the bed and started pleasuring them with my tongue first doing Artemis leaving her in to a moaning mess leading her to cum in an instant while Jade tried to hold on but ultimately came as well.

After the two women were pleasured and panting I decided to finish it off so I got near Artemis and plunged my cock into Artemis getting a gasp from her with her saying to me while I started my strokes.

Artemis:"Ahh you should have ahh warned me ahh!"

Tyler:"Sorry seems I will have to make it up to you sweetie."

After that I made Artemis cum a total of three more times with her unable to move or say anything else which left Jade stunned and said to me.

Jade:"Wow honey seems like you have been pent up huh looks like I will have to get you that release you have been needing huh."

Tyler:"Haha yes please."

So after that I entered inside of Jade with my strokes on her not slowing down leaving Jade in a moaning mess which lead her to her climax a total of four times leaving her panting. So once both women were satisfied I say to both women.

Tyler:"Alright I about to cum Jade, Artemis get my cum."

Jade:"Yes honey."

Artemis:"Of course sweetheart."

So after a minute later I came on both Artemis and Jade's faces getting my own release on them. And after that we all got cleaned up and went to bed for the next days events to come.


[January 2, 2019 Rogers Mansion]

(Tyler Rogers AKA Captain America POV)

As morning came I awoke from my slumber and did my daily morning routine it wasn't until I got back from my run is when I got a message from Secret Haven saying that they need me, Jade, and Artemis there now so not wasting anytime we all got into our hero outfits and set off to Happy Harbor.


[Happy Harbor Secret Haven Base]

As we got to the compound base we were greeted by both Robin and Wonder girl with them saying to us as we landed and got off our ship.

Robin:"Hey Tyler, Jade, and Artemis good that you got our message you are gonna want to see this."

Captain America:"Why? What happened here Tim a villain that got access to the base or something?"

Wonder Girl:"No not that it's something more strange."

Artemis:"Like what?"

Robin:"You'll just have to see it to believe it."

After he said that we all move to the main hall area of the base where the other members of the team were there as well with them all looking at a strange machine that was in the middle of the room which prompted Jade to say.

Jade:"Huh so this is why you called us huh?"

Robin:"Well we thought you would know something about this since it has your logo on it."

As he said that he pointed at a logo of Smith Corp on the side of the machine that surprised us and the occupants of the room which prompted me to say.

Captain America:"Okay so going by this and that I haven't seen this machine in my life this leads me to believe that this is a full blown Time Machine from the future."

And once I gave that bit of information to the people in the room that is when the machine starts to open up leaving steam coming out of it with everybody getting into a fighting stance ready for what will happen next when we see two figures through the smoke. And after a few more seconds the steam disappears leaving two figures there a man and women that looked to be 18 the man was in a suit that looked like the falcon suit like in the MCU while the woman had a suit like Black Widow as I saw their suits I looked at their faces but they were masked but the two spoke up saying to us.

Falcon:"We do not come here to harm any of you actually we came here to help you with a threat from our time that came back and ruin your time."

Black Widow:"What we mean to say is we are from the year 2032 and a villain from our time has come back to 2019 to rule the world and we need your help especially Captain America's help."

At that everyone looked to me which I looked at the two time travelers and at that moment I just say to them.

Captain America:"Huh?"