
Love Proposal

As if reading his thoughts, Xavier said a few more words to put his mind at ease.

"Don't worry, not a single child died during the tests that we conducted," Xavier confirmed. "Also, we didn't kidnap any children to participate in the experiment. They were the children whom we had saved in the harshest battlefields known to men."

"That's right," Bruce interjected and patted Franky's shoulder. "This boy was one of them and when the Young Master asked him if he wanted to take part in the experiment, he didn't hesitate to say yes. Despite the fact that he would be risking his life to test an unknown serum, he still said yes."

"Why would I hesitate?" Franky chuckled. "It was a chance to gain powers! I mean, even Spiderman was bitten by a spider right? A little pain is nothing if I get to be a superhero!"

"Wow! You're amazing!" Neville gave Franky a thumbs up. "You made the right decision. I wish my power was as cool as yours!"
