
You Were My Light, During My Darkest Time

Duanmu Waitangi; an orphan, a child with a sunny disposition, always happy, constantly pulling pranks and joking around, seeming to always be spreading laughter, joy and happiness as he runs about his village. A child with silver hair that reminds you of moonlight reflected in a still lake, eyes so clear and violet they rival the sweetest summer sunrise that has not a whisp of a cloud to be seen, whose smile was bright and a laugh that made others smile to hear it... Duanmu Waitangi; an orphan due to a tragedy nobody would talk about. A child hiding behind a sunny disposition, who was rarely genuinely happy, constantly pulling pranks and joking around so others would pay him even the slightest bit of attention. Seeming to always be spreading laughter, joy and happiness as he runs away from the people in his village. A child with silver hair that reminds you of moonlight reflected in a still lake, that was too often coated in blood, tar and semen and grime. Eyes so clear and violet they rival the sweetest summer sunrise, but in which you can only see an endless hollow void; whose smile was too bright, too fake, and a laugh that made others smile to hear it without knowing it held so much pain of the abused child... Duanmu Waitangi was so broken and empty that he truly believed he couldn't be fixed. There were constantly hateful glares and whispers from the villagers, claiming he was nothing but a demon child, a monster, a murderer, he was worthless and they needed to try harder to kill it, and the worst one of all - we'll catch you tomorrow. The small beaten boy didn't understand why; he didn't think he'd done anything wrong, none of his pranks were harmful to others, all he knew is that everyone in the Red Spring Village hated him and wanted him dead. But nobody would tell him why... Duanmu Waitangi couldn't remember a time when he hadn't been bullied, cursed at, put down, beaten, chased, or abused. His earliest memory was when he was kicked out of the orphanage, well, he was tossed out one of the windows into the back alley with the garbage and being told he could go and die because he was nothing but a curse to the village, he was a demon. Behind the Hokage's back the children bullied him, the adults around him encouraged the bullying and praised their children for their harsh words, and discouraged their children from making friends with him. But nobody would ever tell him why....

DaoistLzWy · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Pilot Chapter & Prologue


This story idea was adopted from my friend KakashiHatakiNaruUzu (Thank you) !

1. This story is going to be based in the Naruto "Universe" as such, so similarities will appear such as some of the language (such as jutsu, ANBU, shinobi, ninja, etc.) will appear throughout this book, however, ALL credit for the original works belong to Masashi Kishimoto for the creation of the characters and everything officially released under his name.

I own nothing from the Naruto-verse.

2. This book has been adopted from a friend but I have adapted and edited it to suit my writing style- which I no longer apologise for. This is the second story I am writing since I abandoned High School in 1999...

5. Everything is from my imagination. Nothing in here is real! Even if some parts of this story may have been inspired by events I have personally experienced the rest is fiction. All names and locations have been changed to protect me.

Thank you.


( I Purple You )

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" speaking " ' thinking ' * actions * '* kunzite mental-link *'

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Duanmu Wuxian; an orphan, a child with a sunny disposition, always happy, always pulling pranks and joking around, seeming to always be spreading joy and happiness as he runs about his village. A child with silver hair that would remind you of the colour of moonlight, like the reflection of a full moon on a deep, still lake, eyes so violet they rival the sweetest summer sunrise that has not a wisp of a cloud to be seen, whose smile was bright and a laugh that made others smile to hear it...

Duanmu Wuxian; an orphan due to a tragedy nobody would talk about, a child hiding behind a sunny disposition, rarely happy, always pulling pranks and joking around so others would pay him the slightest attention, seeming to always be spreading joy and happiness as he runs away from the people in his village. A child with silver hair that could remind you of the colour of moonlight which was too often coated in tar, semen, dirt and his own blood, eyes so violet they rival the sweetest summer sunrise but in which you can see nothing but an empty void, a child whose smile was too bright and too fake, and a laugh that made others smile to hear it but held so much pain...

Duanmu Wuxian was so broken that he didn't think he could be fixed. There were always the hateful whispers that Duanmu heard like demon, monster, beast, a plague to the village, useless, murderer, killer, worthless, go die, kill it, get it!, and the worst one of all, see you tomorrow. Duanmu didn't understand; he hadn't done anything that he knew of, all he knew is everyone in the village hated him and wanted him dead.

But nobody would tell him why.

Duanmu couldn't remember a time when he hadn't been bullied, cursed at, put down, chased, hated, or beaten. It had been going on since he could remember; when he was kicked out of the orphanage, well, thrown out a window into the alley behind the orphanage and being told to go and die because he was nothing but a curse and a devil. The adults encouraged their children to bully him, and discouraged their children from making friends with him.

But nobody would tell him why...


If you have a problem with me please private message me and talk to me directly. I am happy to have any feedback - negative or positive, but don't be petty.

This story was my first time writing in more than 16 years (started in 2019), so please be gentle with me. I appreciate any constructive criticism but slander and abuse will not be tolerated. 

I started writing this book in October 2019 to distract myself from the fact my Dad was no longer around since he'd died in a motorcycle accident less than 8 months after my amazing stepMum had died because of being run over by a bus.

The last 2.5 years have been pretty traumatic for my family and writing has been an escape for me - one that has taken what I'd initially thought was going to be a short story and turned it into a much longer (almost) novel length story.

My chapters average between 2000 and 5000 words, so I hope you don't mind waiting on the newer ones. I currently have 29 published on another platform, although as I put each chapter up on here I WILL be editing them -some pretty severely.

Please enjoy reading my writing.


DaoistLzWycreators' thoughts