
Night dating like a special friend...

"What are we here? Night dating like a special friend, K? Strode the night aimlessly on the beach?"

She gave him a weird look, furrowing her eyebrows and rubbing her nose lazily.

"What? A special friend? Aren't we a couple? A very sweet couple here?" he sulking playfully at me while walking backward moves the strand of hair out of my face, lovingly.

He was holding my hand lovingly like we've been coupling for so many years but of course the serious relationship just started compared that the 'friend' zone for about two years ago.

"Ain't it called as a special friend? Boyfriend and girlfriend equal to special friend..." I brushed off the stubborn strand looking at his sheepishly smile to me with duh tone, rolling my eyes to the dark side of the sky up above us.


I did observed him every minute since in the car until now and I could see clearly how he was slightly uncomfortable and distracted and keep on playing with his phone until he turned off the phone. Something did bothered him tonight and I still want to observe him until I decide to ask him what was all about.

We quietly walking bare foots on the wet sandy beach here. I didn't know he would bring me here so I would properly wear something suitable but alas he lend me his thin gray sweater covering the thin material I wore earlier.

The night breeze here making the scenery vibes with romantic strolling amongst the couples here including us. And he tighten his hold on my hand dragging me slowly enjoying the breeze and coldness gave by the sea current bringing the winds to the shore and together slapping the beach sand angrily. It's changing the way of our foot prints on the sand that we leaves behind. You can never landing the prints more than a few seconds near the edge of the shore because the sea waves did their own job to wash out the obstacles. So much pampering between the sea and his beach.

I really wants to be like sea and his beach. What ever obstacles landing on his beach he would swept it away and leaving the beach as innocent as ever and never leaves his beach alone for more than a few seconds. Don't you see how faithful them both towards each other...but when the sea getting mad poorly his beach had to take his angry and violence act and had to endure everything he gave to her, the beach...am I willingly to be just like them through thick and thin, through good and bad?

I don't know...it's too early to decide...

Suddenly he stopped and closing himself to me. Then hugging me like I was some kind of the most rarest piece of jewelry and planting a few kisses on my head or wherever he likes.

I was hugging him back and buried my face more into his chest. He was smell so good compared to me that just washed my face and brushed the teeth after woken up from short nap in my room. I had to tell Anita that I was meeting with someone downstairs and she just snickered that she knew who was waiting downstairs while watching her K-pop dramas happily on her bed.

When she stress only her oppas can help her stress-ness go away and after some time, she will turned serious back to her task. Like me, I could released the stress by making up the stupid moves call dancing and crazily doing it until I was too lazy to lift up my butt away from the floor. Took a bath and continued dating with my papery boyfriends, ready to rape them by my pens. Hahaha...

He didn't say anything neither do I. We just standing there leaving our ankles soaking wet by the salty water don't even care about the world. The sighing I could hear was coming from him. I placed my left ear on his chest, hearing his breathing and heartbeat. He was calm and warm. Can I import him to be my personal huggy-buggy living teddy bear to me tonight? Or forever?

I could feel my eyelids starting to getting heavy the minutes passed by there.

"With me always, love? Never wavered and never trust your first eyesight when you see me with someone else away from you, okay? Do not put a blind trust on me if you really think I wasn't worth it for you but put the honesty for me if you believing me enough of you thoughts. I wanted to taste the love you will give to me soon and I do really hope I would do the same just for you... you're mine, love...be ready to be in my possession...forever..."

What a beauty but his last word gave me a bit uneasy. Possession? Forever ever? What if I was wrong? Will he beat me? Will he do extreme measures just to make me his possessions again?

I wasn't nodded at all but more having some thoughts about it.

"I know you have the doubts on me but give me a chance, okay?"

The way he spoke all the entire paragraph was had something laying underneath it. Did he was trying to send me those hidden messages just to let me know that I wasn't wasting my time on him?

Trustworthy enough?

I don't know...

He let go off me and holding both my cheeks on his large palms, giving me his meaningful looks, running his eyeballs all over my face.

"I'm always yours..."

With that he peck on my lips lightly before engulfed me once again.


I was speechlessly couldn't put the correct reaction and thus I was tighten his body to mine.

"Let's go...its getting late and I don't want you to catch cold here. This your crucial time and the struggle-ness will take place when your body felt sick." his hand rubbing my back up and down calming me down.

I just nodded and he carried me piggy back to our shoes. By the time he reached there, letting me down I was yawning loudly and he covered it by his back of his hand. I was rubbing my wet eyes slowly. The sleepiness crawling, nearing me like a spread disease ready to attack me.

He playfully pinched both my cheeks and I had to smacked his hand to off from my precious face-porcelain eggs. He just laughing at me while I'm rubbing the aches he leaves behind on me.

Slinging his hand on my shoulder, he dragged me to his car and help me buckle up and steals another kiss on me. I don't know he loves to do that kind of act before. Why tonight?

He and his stolen kisses...

He was totally distracted!

There must be something...
