
Episode 1

"This is it," I said to myself, looking at the address on my phone. I looked at the building and walked in. It was an antique building. A library actually. Since I'm bored and have nothing to do, let's just go in there and read a book because why not? Since I have nothing else to do…

"Yo, this is really old," I told myself, walking around the antique place. A man with long black hair, tied into a ponytail smiled at me.

"Hello," he said, putting his glasses on. "My name is Han Kyo Hye, how may I help you?"

"Uh, hi…" I replied, clutching on my backpack. "I'm just looking around…"

"Is there any particular book that you're interested in?" he inquired.

"Eh… Not really… Probably a book that can make my life more exciting?" I answered.

"Then you can check out aisle 3 over there. I recommend the book called "Cat and Mouse", it's pretty interesting," Kyo Hye said, pointing to aisle 3.

"Sure, thanks." I walked towards aisle 3 and looked for the book that the man recommended.

"Cat and Mouse… Cat and Mouse… Ah! Found it!" I grabbed the book and turned it to the back where the written summary was.

It was pretty interesting but I have a feeling that I would give up on the first page but it's worth a shot. Maybe I'll check it out.

I then come across a book that lured me in. It was a big, dusty looking book. For some reason, it was placed on an empty shelf and it just laid on the dusty area.

I picked the book up and dusted it. I let out a cough and flipped through the pages. Then I come acrossed a page that seemed unique. It was a map of three kingdoms but for some reason, the kingdoms were labeled Cat, Dog, and Mouse. They even showed me a picture of the three kings.

What's even more strange is that they all have weird ears. The Cat King had cat ears but his appearance is identical to a human being. That goes the same to the other kingdoms. Dog King with dog ears and Mouse King with mouse ears. How weird is that?!

All of a sudden I flipped to a page that was blank. Why was it left blank?..., was all what I could think of.

Then a bright light shined through the pages and sucked me into the book like a whril pool. I screamed as I was being sucked in but no one could hear me.

The book fell to the ground after my disappearance. The man named Han Kyo Hye picked up the book and dusted it off. He let out a sigh and said, "Aiyaiyai…"

He then placed the book back onto the empty, isolated shelf and locked the entrance door. He snapped his fingers and the whole library became a dark and empty building. Fixing his suit, he then grabbed the book again and exited out the back door, opposite to the entrance and disappeared.

please fix my grammar mistakes

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