
You complete Me

After Brittany and Shen dated 2 years has pass and they both adopted a puppy and name her Stella. That same year Brittany got into an accident and also found out Stella has a medical condition and she is only 7 month old. Due to Brittany accident can her relationship with Shen last and will she toss Stella aside?

brenda_xiong · LGBT+
20 Chs

Be careful where you step

After they finish eating dinner Brittany went into her room to change into hiking outfit. Brittany finally finish getting ready and as they walk to the car Brittany then ask Shen if they can get some alcohol too. Shen also feel like drinking since he been so busy at work some alcohol sound like a good idea. Stopping by the corner store to grab a case of beer before heading to Yosemite National Park.

Brittany also got 2 tall can of Twisted Tea and was drinking in the car while Shen was driving. By the time they got to the front gate of Yosemite National park Brittany was already feeling buzz. Shen notice that Brittany was buzz so she told Brittany that they will go rent a hotel to sleep first and ho hiking in the morning when Brittany isn't under the influence. Brittany nodded her head to show Shen she understand what he was saying and grab another beer to drink.

Shen then told Brittany to stay in the car and wait for him while he go to the reception to book a room. Brittany was pretty drunk by the time Shen left to the reception. After Shen finish with all the paperwork and came out to the car Brittany disappear. Shen started panicking and started looking for Brittany everywhere. He knows that Brittany tend to do stupid things and they go do things but he didn't expect her to wonder off on her own. He was so worry that he went to all the places near by to see if he found her. At the end he finally decided to go to the waterfall and see if she did end up walking up the path alone.

Brittany who was sitting in the car waiting for Shen to come back from inside the hotel reception got bored and decided to go for a walk. Brittany didn't realize how drunk she was so she just wonder off without Shen. While Shen was looking for Brittany she somehow found herself heading up to the waterfall. Brittany going in and out of drunkenness and was walking up the hiking trail. After looking for Brittany and couldn't find her Shen realize that Brittany might be heading to the waterfall on her own.

Shen started to panic and ran as fast as he can to the trail. Brittany didn't even know how she was able to climb to the top without slipping. Though Brittany is drunk her conscious still lead her to head toward the waterfall. The hike is about a hour long and Brittany just keep walking up the trail. Shen was out of breathe chasing after Brittany up the trail. Since the sunrise is coming up Shen finally saw Brittany walking up the trail. Shen try calling after Brittany but she couldn't hear him because she was close to the waterfall so it was too loud for her to hear his call.

Shen has to stop and catch his breathe before he start going up the trail again to catch up with Brittany. A couple of minute has pass and Shen finally caught up to Brittany and saw the was already walking up the stair. Shen yell be careful where you step. Brittany finally hear Shen voice and turn around to see if it was him and at that moment she slip. Whiles tumbling down the stair Brittany leg hit an sharp rock and also hit her head that made her black out.

When Shen saw Brittany falling down the step he panic even more and ran to her like lighting speed. When he got their he say her not moving and see a bone was popping out her left femur. He panic even more and took out his phone to call someone but there was no signal so he couldn't call anyone. He press the SOS button on her phone and hope they would come to rescue soon.

About 10 minutes has pass and Shen say a group of hiker and he call after them to come help. One of the men hear and look up and saw Brittany on the ground and Shen holding onto her. He then turn to his friend and say guys look up someone is injury. One guy ran back down the mountain to look for help while the other 2 stay by Shen side looking after Brittany.

Not long after the guy who ran for help came back with help. Right when they try to carry her down the the mountain she regain conscience and started yell at everyone. What are you guys doing? Let me go? Shen then told her your injury laid down and don't move while we are heading down the mountain. No I don't want to listen, I don't know you guys let me down. She then blackout again and everyone headed down the mountain.

Finally they reach the foot of the mountain and put Brittany in the ambulance. Shen also went into the ambulance to accompany Brittany to the hospital. Brittany was rush into the emergency room and the nurse told Shen at he was to wait outside and Shen just nodded his head. Shen sat by the emergency room and decided to call Brittany family. He grab Brittany phone and dial Jennifer number which was on speed dial. Ring Ring. Jennifer saw Brittany name flashing on the screen and pick it up.

Hello Brittany why are calling me so early in the morning? Hi Jennifer, it's me Shen, Brittany boyfriend. Oh, where is Brittany how come you have her phone. Don't panic but Brittany fell down the stair and is now in the operating room. What you better not ne lying to me, how did it that happen, is she ok, which hospital are you in I will be there soon. Mercy Hospital. It's a long story Jennifer I will tell you about it when you get here.