
Getting the award


That evening was quite eventful, Yuvi and Pari were enjoying the whole thing. 

The whole time Parinithi was leaning her head on his shoulder. 

" This is soo good!" Parinithi exclaimed. 

" Yeah, But I think it will get only after midnight or early morning maybe?" Yuvi, chuckled. 

" Yeah, worth watching is it not?" 

" Yeah! But I think Nakshu will fell asleep in an hour or two!" He said. 

" Keeping thinking! She will not, damn that kid is more excited than anyone in here!" She exclaimed once again. 

" That's for sure!" Yuvi just chuckled. 

The evening faded like this and the night was already. 

That's one when Balakrishnan was called.

" To present the next award we kindly invite Mr. Balakrishnan, the chairman of Lime Tree Agro's!" The host called Balakrishnan to the stage. 

Many in the crowd gasped hearing that. 

" Wow! Dad you are rocking!" Parinithi grinned. 
