
You Are Mine Baby

作者: Rum_Kook
連載中 · 3.7K ビュー
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What is You Are Mine Baby

WebNovel で公開されている、Rum_Kook の作者が書いた You Are Mine Baby の小説を読んでください。...




Creole For The Soul My father became sick with an autoimmune condition last April, 2020 in the first wave of the pandemic hitting our Black community in the MidWest. As the ambulance drivers took him away, little did I know that would be the last time I would see him as his Caregiver/daughter for over a month. Later that afternoon in calling the hospital I found I was refused visitation. Everyone was refused visitation due to raging Covid-19 hospitalizations in our community. I was stunned. Me, a retired medical social worker has always been at my father's side for the last 15 years. Image-2.jpg As time went on, I didn't hear from a doctor for 12 days, nurse contact was sporadic. I heard from a nurse that my father had contracted Covid-19 at the hospital 3 days after he went in. I badgered, cajoled the hospital social worker to see him to no avail. My father was too weak to handle a phone, but I did have 1 conversation after 15 days. He was despondent worried about me and why I wasn't there. I had to tell him about the hospital's no visitation policy. No one had told him! He was relieved I was okay. All I could do was cry. Dad got placed in a nursing home briefly that had a Covid-19 unit to help with patients who were too weak to go home. (No visitation of course). Then back to the hospital again to go into hospice. I got a call after a week in hospice that they were planning to move my father back to the nursing home because he hadn't died. The nurse persuaded me to come in as visitation was available because the unit had extra PPE's for family to wear. My boyfriend and I grabbed the chance. We spent 1 1/2 hour with Dad, talking, saying prayers. My father upon hearing my boyfriend's voice, in a slightly morphine drugged stupor looked at me then him, and spoke for the first time in 2 weeks. It was garbled, but it seemed important to him. After about a minute, my father relaxed and slept. He died the next day. The city lost his body for 3 torturous weeks later. I thought I would lose my mind. Thankfully my boyfriend and friends kept me from being a stark raving lunatic then. Once I got his body identified and cremated (funeral homes were Leary if Covid 19 victims and way overcrowded then) I relaxed. The owner of the city facility noticed my French last name - being Creole. He was from Louisiana and missed good gumbo recipes. I offered to text him a couple of family recipes. Delighted, he put 3 people to work to find Dad's body. It worked! I think my father, a master gumbo maker, who have chuckled over the Where's Waldo search for his body - and that gumbo recipes got him found! I miss his dry, sardonic humor and smile. The guilt over not bring able to visit him during his hospitalization haunts me a year later. My art got me through all of this - drawing everyday my feelings of loss that I could not express to my father. Author and writer name :- priyanshu Chicago Priyanshu

Chotu_Sagar · ホラー
1 Chs

La secuencia será amoral

Vago por zonas ruinosas, la lluvia camufla el olor a excremento de animales, tengo el cuidado de no pisarlos, la atmósfera del sitio actual es penosa, siento un sentimiento de soledad, los golpeteos del agua contra el suelo son demasiados ruidosos, y mi ropa mojada causaría que pesque un resfriado decidí refugiarme en aquella casa desolada. El interior, un frío, no hay encendedor ni ropas abrigadoras, suelo de madera, y la negrura del agua estancada, dificultó mi merodeo, las paredes manchadas de algo viscoso, un color negro con una tinta parecida a la sangre, subí sobre un sofá, apreté el reposabrazos y formo líquido marrón oloroso. No pude seguir ahí. Ahora estoy bajo un árbol, la lluvia forma caminos de agua, mis zapatos lodosos, me incomodaban, los limpié con el periódico que compre la semana pasada. Tiemblo, toso, el frío intenso, la lluvia que no para y esa horrible mirada de la silueta... Corrí, el barro fue mi peor enemigo, la lluvia era su arquero, la tierra el espectro y los bosques mi refugio a veces. Ahora descanso en una granja, me envuelvo con la paja, estoy solo, y el sonido de la lluvia sigue resonando. De nuevo, esa mirada, me observa desde la sombra de la pala, un brazo pálido emerge de su sombra, y otro, los ojos ámbares siguen mirándome. ** * * * * ** * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Palabras del autor: “Esta historia... Sigo dudando si la actualizaré”

Aldeano_solitario · ホラー
3 Chs

The Half-Elf and the Half-Demon Werewolf

Callista Royal Callista is a 19-year-old girl who has just graduated from high school. She loves to read, write, and play video games. She is very shy and doesn’t have many friends but once you get to know her, there is a whole different side to her. She was bullied when she was younger, and it led to her having many secrets that she would like to keep hidden. She lives with her mother and a small dog, Pixie. She wants to go to college but doesn’t want to leave her mother by herself. What she doesn’t know is that someone has been waiting for her for a very long time and just may give her an excuse to stay home. Dustin Anderson Dustin is a 19-year-old boy who has also just graduated from high school. Dustin was more of the chill popular guy. He’s very intelligent and believes in treating women with the utmost respect. He is also a werewolf but has a bit of demon in him due to an accident. He’s 6’5, has black hair and hazel eyes. He is to be the next alpha of his pack and is looking for his mate. After celebrating his 19th birthday, he catches this most magnificent smell. It was a mix of strawberries and morning dew. What he wasn’t expecting was for it to be the quiet girl from his AP math class. What happens when the two of them meet after Callista finds herself in a dire situation while on a nightly walk in the woods? Will Dustin's secret be revealed? Will Callista except him for who/what he is? Or will she try to push him away because she doesn’t want to get hurt again? It’s up to the Moon Goddess….

QueenRose · ファンタジー
2 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


