

Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it. – Lou Holtz


"Emma" a woman in her late thirties called out

"It's Monday Emma, you are going to be late for the interview"

"Mum, it's still 6:00 am, and I have two hours and thirty minutes before the interview begins," Emma said.

"But Emma you have to be early the woman replied

"Mum I think it's time" Emma said seriously with her hands crossed across her chest

"Time for what Emma" the woman asked looking confused

"Time to start my mission of looking for a husband," Emma said

"What! A husband?, Emma what have I done to you why do you want to get married in such a rush " Elizabeth exclaimed

Emma chuckled "I never said a husband for myself, I meant a husband for you so that you can focus on him and finally stop nagging " Emma said

"So you think that I am a mother who is always nagging right?"Elizabeth said looking hurt

"No mum it's not what I meant, you know that I was joking right," Emma said and she hugged her mum tightly

Her father's disappearance gave her mum an emotional breakdown

"Mum, it has been sixteen years since Dad disappeared can't you forget him and move on?" Emma said as she looked at her mum pitifully

"Emma," Elizabeth said as she freed herself from Emma's embrace

"Take a look at the time, you silly girl it's 6:15 and you are still standing in front of me spouting nonsense? Remember, it takes one hour to get to sparkling beauty from here, Now go and take your bath" Emma's mum said as she pulled out her slipper to chase Emma into the bathroom

"Mum you can't run away from the truth you know "Emma said and locked the bathroom door immediately

' I just want to place all my focus on you Emma and as for James, although I haven't forgotten him yet I won't let it get in the way of your success Elizabeth thought looking at the bathroom door

Thirty minutes later Emma came out of her room in her work clothes

"Are you still in this house it's 6:55 for crying out loud hurry up and go" Elizabeth scolded

"Okay okay mum calm down, I'm done can't you see" Emma retorted

"be careful on the way it's still very early" Elizabeth reminded pushing Emma towards the door but Emma halted and turned to her mum hugging her tightly

"I love you, Mum," Emma said

"I love you too silly girl now go" Elizabeth said


Emma got to sparkling beauty by 7:53 so, standing in front of the tall building, Emma looked upwards and her green eyes lingered on the name written at the top of the building

"Sparkling beauty, finally! " Emma said without hiding the obvious excitement written all over her face

Then she looked forward with determination in her eyes. She walked into the building and asked about the interview hall which she was directed to

On Emma's way to the interview hall, a woman suddenly bumped into her and all the files she was holding fell on the floor which she bent to pick them up

"Are you insane or blind can't you keep your eyes up" the woman scolded

"I'm sorry ma'am but you were the one that bumped into me" Emma said without looking up and when she looked at the agitated woman..."Sage?" Emma said looking a little surprised

"Well well isn't this Emerald Jones the woman sneered

Sage looked at Emma mockingly and said

" do you think that you can get a job in Sparkling Beauty? Wow you're dreaming too big Emma" Sage scoffed

"so because you graduated from college with the highest pass mark, you suddenly think that you can get a job here? This company isn't for poor people like you, you should look for companies like Shining Life and Glittering World they would suit you more" Sage said with obvious disdain

Sage was Emma's coursemate in college, who had always been jealous of Emma's good grades and outstanding beauty so as the most popular girl in college, it didn't sit well with her. As a result, she began to look for opportunities to pick on Emma, but Emma who never allows the words of insignificant people like Sage to get to her, was not interested in Sage's jealousy

"Sage, you're not the one conducting the interview, are you? Or is your father the owner of Sparkling Beauty? So Miss Sage Adams if you have no answer to any of these questions would you please excuse me I have an interview to attend" Emma said and walked away leaving Sage in a daze

Upon getting to the hall, Emma released a sigh of relief when she saw that the interview had not begun and she was the fifth person in the hall.

She immediately went ahead to pick up her number, but before she could take the number card a hand picked it up, she looked at the person who picked up the card

"oops my bad, sorry dear but I took it before you so you can't do anything about it but if you choose to create a scene, then be my guest" Sage said and walked away

Emma just shrugged it off and took the next card which was number six. She wasn't the type of person to create a scene.

When Sage saw Emma's calm expression she became agitated

"Just wait Emma I'll make your life a living hell" Sage said in anger

A few minutes later the first four people were done with their interview and the fifth person which was Sage was called in.

Sage stood up from her seat with an expression which said 'I am rich', she looked at Emma disdainfully and walked into the office shutting the door behind her

After ten minutes Sage came out of the Office with pride in her eyes which reflected all over her body

"Number 6 you are being called," the director said and Emma stood up from her seat with determination in her eyes unlike Sage

"let's see what you can do" Sage sneered in her heart
