
Chapter 9

Her scent was beautiful.It gave me a slight high.I smiled at her and she looked down,shyly and stared at my torso.I internally smirked."Good job,so-" "Heyo.Name's Drago.Cally-boo right here is my amazingly good friend,actually,his best friend.I'm his only friend.Nice to meet ya~Ara ara kawaii,Caldyn~" "Bro stop it.Stop claiming yourself as my bestie and dont you even dare bro I will kill you.Kat,come in..?" I said...questioned.?I don't even know or care."Sorry I came here,Rey.I just-" "Heyo,don't worry,Cally-" "Dude, shut the fuck up,you're being weird.You are gonna freak her out dude.Lets eat?" I said then asked as I walked towards the plate of pancakes."Thanks Rey" she said whilst washing her hands."Drago,Choco sauce" "Yeah bro I gotchu" I pulled out a chair as Kat was going to sit.She smiled slightly and as she sat down,I pushed in the chair."So what happened?I absolutely dont mind that you're here but are you okay?" I asked because the scent of fear filled the air and Drago picked it up too because he locked eyes with me."Schtap it Cally boo,you're making me blush." Drago said in the girliest voice while looking away like an anime girl.Kat giggled at Drago's peasant behavior. Her laugh was so innocent and beautiful and pure and it made me feel a little flustered when naughty thoughts entered my mind.I coughed a little and stuffed my mouth with some pancakes."I-I don't know but I think somebody was watching me.Like a stalker.I felt scared,especially because It felt like someone was watching me as I was taking a shower.So I got dressed quickly and gathered my things and took an uber here." Her face had a look of fear and it made me angry.Drago knew that I was angry and his expression became serious.The temperature in the room started to drop as I became angrier.I looked at Kat and noticed that she shivered a little when I looked her dead in the eye."Bro,you need to chill.She is getting  scared"Drago suddenly said as he stuffed his face.He barely took time to replenish the oxygen in his system."Sorry,Kat." I apologized and Drago choked and coughed.He drank some milk...?I think...and looked at me then at Kat and laughed.After a straight 5 minutes of laughing,he fell of the chair and breathed in deeply."Did Sir Caldyn the Great just apologize.Who are you and what have you done with the original Rey.REY MY SON ARE YOU ALIVE?"Drago said then laughed again and my palm made contact with my face.The temperature of the room became warmer as he tried to lighten the mood.Drago and Kat talked a bit and he joked around.She giggled innocently at his weirdo self.I slightly smiled and instantly stuffed my face so they wouldn't notice.


"What you want you abusive old man?" "I'm neither of that"

"Jokes on you,dad"

"Don't be like that Caldyn"


"Oh,nothing but guess what?"

"Bitch,Fucking tell me already what you wanna say or I will stab you in the damn eye ball you damn DEKU"

"I'm coming to your school from today onward."


The update was need.🙂

(I don't own Deku.It was just a reference. ❤)