As all, you know about the devils and demons and we consider them as a bad omen even their presence makes our body chill. But what if a demon helps a human. Read the wonderful journey of these beings "Akuma to Ningen" " Devil and Human"
In the deep deep end of our earth there leave the demons where everything is dark everything is bad
where everything tries to kill a human or to manipulate the humans.
In that kingdom of darkness, there is light inside the dusk which is shining like a diamond and that belongs to the Yoi Akuma ( " good devil ").
Yoi Akuma is the son of the present king of demons Lucifer and he is the only one who inherited all the powers of Lucifer except Lucifer's dark heart.
When Yoi Akuma was born demons were at war with angels which is considered one of the great wars in demon history.
Even though no one was won that war Lucifer has dominated the angels with his massive army and with his mighty powers.
Lucifer never cared about his son Yoi Akuma.
Yoi Akuma was raised by the servent s of Lucifer.
one fine day when Yoi Akuma was 5 yrs old He went to demon school admissions to master his powers.
But to everyone's surprise, Yoi Akuma shocked everyone with control over those powers.
To get admission to the demon academy every student should go through a test where their physical, magical and mental strengths are tested.
Even though Yoi Akuma was the son of Lucifer he insisted to take the test for himself.
As the test begins every other demon student started mocking Yoi Akuma.
Yoi Akuma first test was to drag demon Buffalos with both hands to hundred meters.
when every student started the test and tried to push or drag the Buffalos to the finish line.
Yoi Akuma the son of Lucifer gathered 4 Buffalos and tied them together.
With his full might, he threw the Buffalos across the finish line
The Buffalos reached the finish line without a single scratch on them in a flash
everyone was shocked and started cheering the Yoi Akuma.
Yoi Akuma passed every test with of the charts performance.
After that Yoi Akuma became number 2 in the demon ranking system after his father Lucifer at end of his academic studies.
But why Yoi Akuma is called Yoi Akuma (" good devil')
stay tuned follow us along the mystical adventure filled with emotions love and laughter,
Singing off yours truly:- Yoi Akuma