
Yes My Lady

The Kingdom of Newberry was regarded as strongest of the counties because of their special knights. The seven was comprised of the strongest warriors on the continent each regarded as a specialist in their field. They are run by the eldest woman in the royal family. However the royal family always had bad luck with there line, all that was left was the princess, Ivory, and her father the king. Can they protect the last of royalty? (Updated Every Friday)

Rachael_P · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Who is Christofer?

——Meanwhile at the castle——

"You are tasked with protecting her! How could you let her slip from your fingers!" The king yells in anger at the two boys who stay there kneeling before him.

"My king," Liam starts," I know this is a grave error, but they made no sound there was no way of knowing."

"It doesn't madder what happened with them! It is you're job to protect her and now she is gone!"

"You're majesty, if I may," Dennis speaks up.

The king only gives him a glare.

" From what I've gathered the guards who were going to patrol that area were paid off, so there was no barrier between them and the princess."

The king huffs in his chair. Cloud stands and so does Liam next to him.

"It's not possible for them to know she was going there," Cloud speaks up.

Dennis turns to listen," well obviously they did otherwise we wouldn't be having this problem right now would we?"

"I'm the one that suggested that we go to the bath house," Cloud explains," it was so she could relax, it wasn't her idea to go."

"So it's all your falt that she's out there in the hands of the enemy!" Scarlet says with an angry look.

"No," Mariam says," it's possible they knew she was going to the woods but, not to the bath house."

"What do you mean Mariam?" Katherine asks confused.

Dennis turns to look at Mariam like something clicked with what she suggested," you don't mean, is it really?"

"Yes, it's his birthday," she says.

The king looks sad, and so does Dennis with what Mariam says. The others just look very confused.

"I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" Liam asks.

The three of them don't say anything in response," since when did you know?" Dennis asks.

"She told me," Mariam says," I wasn't here at the time, but every year today she sneaks out of the castle to go to his memorial sight."

The other two look at each other," so they where expecting her to go then, but got a better chance when she was at the bath house."

"I guess that's so," the king remarks.

"I always notice her shift in behavior this time of year, but I don't think I quit understand why?" Cloud says.

"That's because it's his birthday, Cristofer's."

"But who is he?" Liam asks.

The king clears his throat to talk," Christofer was the-"


It had been three days since we had packed up the first camp, it was late day at this point. Traveling in a group on horse back took days according to Lander. He lead the group, and I sat side saddle in front of him as he road his strong gray. He said that we'd be arriving to a village today, and I was grateful. I could take a bath, and actually get some clothes. Lander promised me that, and it was freezing only wearing this bath rope. I didn't what to admit that I was purposely snuggling up to Lander, but to be frank, it was way to cold out. He had wrapped me in a blanket, but even that didn't do much to help. My eyes were closed as I rested on Lander, he was the enemy, but he was much more inviting to sleep on than the cold ground.


I open my eyes to look up at him when he addresses me.


"Are you doing alright?"

"I'll be doing better when I can actually get some sleep."

"I'm sorry, there's not much I can do about that till we reach civilization."

"That's ok, it's not your fault that the woods are so cold, and that I couldn't get myself to sleep."

"Well it's a good thing you wounds healed without any problem."

"Yes, but I'm exhausted from that you know."

He raises his eyebrow in confusion," I'm sorry if this comes out as an insult, but I'm not sure what about it could have made you that exhausted?"

"My body, as part of the royal blood, is a vessel for the light. It takes energy for me to contain it and have the ability to redirect it. I was working in redirecting it to the wounds to heal them."

"Oh, I've never been witness to the light magic of you're family. Though I've been told it's quite magnificent."

"I would entertain you, but I'm quite tired," I look off in the distance and see a town," is that we're were headed?"

"Yes, from here we'll only have an hour walk."

As I look in the distance some thing cold dots my face. I look up to see the small round little flakes of snow falling from the sky. I watch little peaces flutter down, the ones that fly in front of me evaporate in the cloud of my breath.  It really was cold, we must have been heading north. A place where the kingdom didn't have a very strong grasp.


I stand in the inn as I wait for Lander to return. Finally after waiting what felt like hours the door opens. He walks in, a pile of cloth in his hands.

"I bought you some clothes."

I perk up at the offer of something other than a robe.

"And here I was, wondering if you had gone out to the bar or something."

He lays them down on the bed, and walks over to me, he unties me from the chair. I walk over to the pile of cotton. He stands watching in the corner as he usually does.

"Do you mind," I say looking at him.

He raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"I don't even let my maids see me this bare, turn around."

He pivots on his feet to look at the corner.

"You'll need my help fastening the dress when you're done."

"I don't need your help with my under garments though, so stay till I'm done."

I slip the small skirt and then the long sleeved blouse over my body. I tie the frilly sleeves at the bottom of my wrists. Then I slip on the fluffy under shirt layer, it was heavy but it was warm so I could care less. Then the small black flats, I wrap the over dress on top of the layers.

"Ok you can come help me now."

I hold the front of the dress up with the side of my arm. I can hear him as he walks up behind me. I pull my long locks of hair over my shoulder to get it out of the way of the back. He pulls the strings at the bottom as he works his way up. He ties it together, then I feel him tug the fabric to close the clasps that hide the lacing.

"There, better than that old bath rope."

"Thank you Landor."

"No need, you're comfort is my top priority," he repeated it every time I thank him for something.

"I wish there was something I could do to repay you."

"That's really not necessary Princess."

"But I insist. There's nothing I can do for you while I'm away from home, but one thing."

The idea comes to mind when I'm reminded about what we talked about on the way here.

"Come sit down," I say patting the bed beside me.

He looks confused but complies. I focused my power to my fingers and in my palms I form a lily. The white-blue crystal shines brightly in the softly lit room. The surprise on his face was priceless, I giggle a little at his response. It was rare to see light magic, but even more so if you lived outside the castle. My mother had royal blood so she was able to use magic, but dad wasn't because he married into royalty. I hand him the delicate crystal, he cradles it in his hands.

"I'm speechless," he says," it's so elegant."

"Yes, we all have our own stile, I guess that's what you could call mine."

He looked almost hypnotized by it.

"My mother was probably the magic you heard of, she was very talented at summoning, all of her creations glowed a soft pink. She could formulate fields of flowers like this with a sweep of her arm."

"But didn't you say this stuff takes energy? You didn't have to do this."

"That's fine I can always regenerate it back. Speaking of that I'm going to bed."

I crawl over the sheets and lay down on the pillow. It was nothing compared to my bed at home, but it was a huge improvement to the ground.


"My lady!"

I turn to see Cloud in the hall, jogging up to me.

"Good morning Cloudio, is something wrong?"

"No, my princess, the king sent word for your presence in the ball room."

"Will you tell him I'll be there in a moment?"

"I'll need to escort you, but I can send someone with the message, yes."

I was always surprised that he was only a year older than I was. Even at 16 he was so put together. I had seen him battle as well, and his skills were nothing far from exceptional.

"Alright," I walk towards my room.

I purposely walk quickly so that I don't delay myself any farther. I thought this would happen, I just hoped it wouldn't be so early. I go into my room quickly changing into a formal dress, and with my shoes in hand I leave the room. Claudio seems surprised when he sees me run out.

"My lady, please let me assist you."

I slow down, I was so used to being on my own, but now I had Cloudio here to help, I should at least try to normalize it.

"Sorry, I'm just so used to doing this on my own."

He offers me his arm and I take it but instead of walking forward he gets on a knee in front of me. He puts my hand on the top of his shoulder, as he takes my foot in his hand. He takes the shoes from me and puts them on, slipping on and buckling them for me. He stands up again, my hand on his arm.

"You must be stressed, running around like this all the time," he says as he turns to me with one finger he swipes the stray hairs from my face.

I start to feel embarrassed, I had spoken to officials been the center of attention, made public rounds, but I never was embarrassed like this before. This was so different, I was embarrassed, my ears and cheeks burned but I didn't know why. At the same time it felt as if my heart was warm and happy, it had been a long time since I felt like this. That was the moment I decided that I liked this new boy, was this what having a friend was like.

Seeing my face flushed he also gets a little embarrassed, turning his head away from me," sorry that was a little inappropriate wasn't it, I wasn't thinking."

"No that's ok, I wasn't bothered."


"Yes my lady?"

"Just call me Ivory ok? If we're going to be seeing each other often I figure it will just be more comfortable if we talk informally."

"Yes my lady- I mean if that is what you would like than I'm happy to agree, Ivory."

I smile when he adds my name at the end," and how about I call you.., Cloud? That's a good name isn't it?"

"If that's what you'd like to call me Ivory, is that my nick name now?"

"No, that's what I'm going to call you, everyone else can use something different."

He gives a gentle chuckle raising his hand to his mouth," as you wish Ivory."

We soon arrive to the ball room, and the doors open as we enter. It had been 3 months since Cloudio had been sworn in, but my birthday was only in two, so I had a feeling father would what me to do this ceremony. This ceremony was the celebration of the new member to the seven, I, as the keeper of the seven, would have to commence the ceremony. Dennis had sworn him in, witch would usually be my job, but at that point I wasn't ready for that. I would also gift Cloudio with a new sword to represent his relationship with me and the royal family.

"Little princess!" Dennis says with a smile.

"Dennis," I say all embarrassed," I'm not 5 anymore you know."

"And what's wrong with that lass, you're still little anyway." He say putting his hand on my head.

"Aw Dennis, don't make fun of her it's not her falt she didn't get as tall as you'd hoped," Mariam says," But the new boys pretty tall isn't he?"

I think Mariam was still salty about being bested by him in there duel. In one night, Cloud had became the second most powerful in the seven, witch was a feet in itself. Father waved me over to him, I let go of Cloud and walk over.

He hands me the sword, it was simple except for the small simian shaped stone at the center, it shined brightly when I took ahold of it.

"You remember what we practiced?"

"Yes father, of corse."

"Then go ahead," he says stepping off to the side.

I glance at Father before looking back at the group who wore exited expressions, well except for Cloud who looked confused. So I guess he had no clue what was going on.

"Sir Cloudio," I announce in a strong voice," please come to the stair."

The others watch in anticipation as he slowly makes his way over. He gets to the stair then hesitates for a moment before kneeling.

"If you would Sir Cloudio, present your weapon."

He unbuckles the sword in its sheath off his belt. He presents the sword horizontally on his palms. I take it from him, then pass it to Dennis, who had crept up next to me during this. I unsheathed the new sword, and gave Cloudio the sheath as well as the new leather harness used to hold it. Cloud looks at me and he puts on the new sheath, his face looked like in his mind he was thinking, is she crazy holding that sword, like I had never before. I look to the simple looking sword, and I do something that I don't think any one was expecting. I focused the light into my hands then down into the sword. Many consider object touched by the magic blessed, so I blessed his sword. I etched the sword in delicate patterns and designs, the crystal glowed with a strong power in my hands.

"Sir Cloudio, I'm glad to welcome you into the seven, and as a reward for your devotion to us, to me. I would like to give you something as equal repayment. This sword, the weapon of your choice, is to be a gift from me to you to show our bond. To the outside who might question you, show that you are one of the strong, you are part of the seven."

I hand him the weapon, witch glows softly in my presence. He takes the sword, then stands sheathing it. I close my eyes to blink only for a moment, then I open them and before me is Cloud, but not from this time, it is Cloud.

Cloud reaches out for me touching my cheek," I'm going to find you Ivory, I promise."

"Princess? Princess." I'm shaken awake by someone.

I didn't even notice that I was asleep until I was awake again in the Inn. I turn and see Landor.

"Are you alright princess, you were turning and mumbling, but I didn't want to wake you early."

"I'm ok I was just dreaming," I feel a tight sharp pain in my chest as I remember Clouds face, and the old memories, our first memories.

Landor has a sad look on his face," it's time to go again, so get ready, before I have to tie you up again."

I grab my things as I walk to the door, I didn't have much well, anything at all really. Only a small crystal I had picked up to absorb the light from it, since I left home I had been sluggish and tired, even now after a good night sleep. I waited at the door for Lander who finished getting his things and put on his bag, before gently tying my feet together then my hands. He lifts me up, witch had become a normal thing at this point. I didn't like it, but today I didn't have a complaint, my body felt exhausted today. He clumps down the stairs to meet the group before walking outside into the snow. He lifted me up onto the white horse before stepping in the stirrup and slinging his leg over. He pulled my skirt off the of the horses neck, since that was dangerous. His arms caged me in as he used the reins to steer the horse down the snow covered path threw the woods.


The groups of knights followed behind the black and bay horse at the front of the pack. The leaders each carries a flag of the royal guard, the fabric flaps softly in the wind. Atop the leading horse, was Cloudio, and following him on the bay was Liam.

The group of knights had followed the two of them, since the others had gone off with the other 4 of the seven. Liam trotted up next to Cloud.

"Witch way did you want to go Cloudio?"

Cloud turned his head to look over at Liam," I'll take the left side and the village. You can go right then check the outskirts, and I'll meet up with you there."

Liam nodded before turning off to the right and halting, he starts to shout orders to his group. Cloud walks off to the left with the rest of the group.

"I'm just up the east side of this forest, come find me if you find anything of value. I will check the village, and you there," Cloud points to a blond man in the front," You will accompany me."

"Yes sir."

"Onward," Cloud says, and the rest of the soldiers run off with there horses threw the light snow.

The snow fell, but it melted as soon as it hit the ground, so instead of tracks in the snow to follow, they'd have to look for a disturbance in the wet turf, wich was difficult to spot and could be inaccurate.

"Let's go," Cloud says cantering towards the village confidence in his eyes, as the blond man follows after.

The two ride threw the village streets looking for places to hide, and occasionally stopping to speak with women to see if they had encountered something strange with some of there jewels, if they had glowed.

Then from the woods a soldier rides up to Cloud.

"Sir, one of Sir Liams knights came to tell us that Liam found something in the woods, he wants you to come see."

"Let's go."

The three of them ride off in the distance towards Liam, who had dismounted his horse. Liam stood staring at a huge tree, but this was not any tree, this one had been blessed. It was a tall, huge, dogwood tree that's white flowers sparkled in the light and the bark had glowing white veins between the marks. This had to be the work of Ivory, who else would be able to bless a tree like this. Liam had come to this conclusion as the sound of Cloud's horse rides up to him.

Liam looks over to Cloud," so what do you think?"

"I suppose we're on the right track," Cloud says face firm as he looks up at the 20ft tall tree.