
chapter 7

"Boy its been a long time since I've seen Yamcha," said Krilin.

"The shock of seeing fighting team after embarrassing himself must have made him go into hiding," said, Vegeta.

He was going to lord the fact, he stole his woman and had a family with her forever.

Beerus couldn't care less about Yamcha as long as he tasted the food.

Piccolo was helping to set up plates while everybody else made sure those with Saiyan blood were kept from the meat.

17 was here after being convinced by his sister to get off the island and come along for a barque.

Of course, Frieza was nowhere to be seen, but Buu was here with Mr Satan.

Suddenly they all felt something strange coming this way.

"Hey, everybody," said, Puar flying towards them at high speed, faster than normal.

"Oh, it's Puar," Bulma said, and that's when they saw Yamcha.

Yamcha was only flying but they all felt that he was the source of the weird aura.

Yamcha touched down and said. "Hi, guys. Man you guys having changed a bit."

He seemed to have changed a bit.

And that's when two heads peered behind him.

They were all stunned.

"It's okay. Say hi" said Yamcha.

The two slowly came out, and everybody was stunned but Puar at the appearance of two children.

The boy wore a bap army jacket, shorts and even his socks were branded.

The girl wore a yellow dress with red sparkly boots.

"My name is Killua," said, the boy.

"And I'm Kila," said, the girl.

And then they both saw the meat.

"Meat!" They both yelled.

Everybody watched with wide eyes as the two flew to grab the meat.

"Hot!" Both of them yelled, as they touched it, but it didn't stop them from trying to eat it even if it was slowly.

The eating style was...

"It seems Goku and Vegeta aren't the only full Saiyans on this planet after all" Whis said and when everybody heard that they were shocked.


Full Saiyans!?

"Yamcha, I think you need to start talking," said, Piccolo.

And Yamcha was all too willing to explain.

In a light that made him look amazing.

#Minutes Later#

"Saiyan slaves..." 18 said.

"I'm not actually surprised," said, Vegeta. "Any Saiyan who doesn't make the cut can be sent to who knows where."

"They were selling them both at a measly 500," said, Yamcha.

"500!?" Vegeta said.

For 2 Saiyans, that was downright insulting.

"Well, but their stomach and what I spend to take care of them. Makes the price way beyond that" Yamcha said, worried that Vegeta might try to find the slave master to give the person a 'few words'.

"Well, Yamcha. Its sweet of you to give them both a home" said, Bulma and Yamcha did not feel his heart skip a beat.

And that's when Kila and Killua discovered both Goten and Trunks.

Unfortunately both them had never played with kids that they weren't supposed to fight.

Suddenly Trunks found himself assaulted by Killua.

Trunks found himself dodging.

"Hey, why are you attacking me? I didn't do anything!" said, Trunks.

"Waah!" Goten said he tried to run from Kila.

Everybody was attracted by the noise and saw Killua and Kila attacking Goten and Trunks.

"Kila. Killua stop. You don't need to fight them!" Yamcha said.

"No, let them fight," said, Vegeta, painting a target on his own son. "They have Saiyan blood, so it's only natural for them to fight."

"B-But dad," said, Trunks.

"You will fight him, or you will shame me," Vegeta said.

"Vegeta," Bulma said with disapproval.

So Trunks had no choice but to fight Killua.

Killua eyes went wide when Trunks came at him hard and fast, he was not prepared for the speedy fist.

Yamcha winced while everybody watched.

Maybe as a father he wanted to see how Killua would do against Trunks, so he didn't step in.

But Killua quickly got used to it and started fighting back despite the bruises on his face.

Both children punched their faces while Goten seemed to have calmed down Kila enough for her to jump on his back and not assault him.

The kids went higher as they exchanged blows before breaking apart.

"So you can fly and punch pretty heavy." Trunks said. "But can you go Super Saiyan?"

Trunks powered up and his hair turned golden.

Killua stared.

"It's okay, Killua go all out," said, Yamcha.

Killua was stunned but did just that; he began to power up.

His hair grew golden but he wasn't done, Super Saiyan one transformed into Super Saiyan 2!

Trunks didn't have time to process this before Kilua was suddenly in front of him, with a fist.

Everybody was shocked when they saw the punch.

Trunks was sent flying, but Killua wasn't done.

Killua suddenly appeared and knocked him back down to earth, and then reappeared below.

By this point, Trunks had become a punching bag.

How can a kid more than half his age, give him no room to fight?

Trunks mistake was going Super Saiyan one instead of two.

Yamcha realising Trunks could get seriously injured when this was supposed to be a barbeque, flew and grabbed Killua hand before he could land a devastating punch on Trunks.

"Calm down, little guy," Yamcha said, stopping the Super Saiyan 2 punch without powering up. "You won this battle."

Killua powered down, and Yamcha caught Trunks.

He then floated his way back down and got out something.

It was a vial.

"Trunks, if you want the pain to stop open your mouth," said, Yamcha.

Trunks paused and then did.

Yamcha poured it inside his mouth, and before everything eyes, his injuries began to heal.

In seconds he was as good as new.

"I feel great!" Trunks said, leaping up.

"That thing is more effective than a senzo bean!" Krillin said, with wide eyes and looking ready to faint.

"Killua, take one too," Yamcha said, throwing a vial and Killua drank it.

Those swollen muscles on his face began to heal before their very eyes.

None of them could deny the effects now.

Yamcha was actually useful.

Yamcha flew over to them with Trunks and Killua.

"Yamcha, where did you get those bottles from?" Said Bulma.

"Oh, this?" Yamcha said.

"He got it from the Clan vault," Kila said. "There are rows and rows of them in there."

Yamcha realised it was too late to shhh the child.

"Clan vault?" Eighteen said.

"I kind of started a clan in my absence" Yamcha admitted. "They're called the Wolf Fang First Clan."

Mr Satan eyes went wide.

"Wait. You're the head of that!?" Said, Hercule.

"Wait. You know?" Said, Yamcha.

"Of course, I do," said, Hercule. "Your clan sent the martial arts world into chaos for two months. Everybody from that Clan was winning, and the press was even asking me who was stronger. Me or the leader of the Wolf Fan Fist Clan."

Was it really that bad?

"Yeah, sorry about that," said, Yamcha. "Now my clan specialises in doing business. I thought it wasn't fair for the other fighters if my clan was constantly there and winning. I left that world."

He just casually said that.

"Oh, so I can do business with you, than," Bulma said.

"Bulma, my clan is more interest in training than technology," said, Yamcha.

Why on Earth would his Clan need a flying car or a fridge they could take anywhere?

Bulma was stunned.

"Well, can you supply us with those bottles?" Said, Piccolo.

"Actually it is against the rules to use healing items in the tournament." said, Whis.

"WHAT!?" Beerus said.

"If this rule was not in place everybody would be using it left and right," said, Whis.

Knowing what Beerus was thinking.

"So he's useless," said, 18.

"Oh, I'm not entirely useless," said, Yamcha much to everybody confusion.

Yamcha had thought long and hard about who was the person who would drag the Z fighters down the most.

He walked past Bulma, he walked past Piccolo, and he stopped right in front of an eating Master Roshi.

"Hmm?" Master Roshi said.

"Old man, I want your place," Yamcha said.

His declaration shocked and stunned them all.

Puar looked at his best friend with wide eyes.

"Good one, Yamcha," said, Krillin.

"I'm not joking," Yamcha said.

Everybody was stunned.

"Well, it's not against the rules to switch a fighter from the original line-up," said, Whis. "Perhaps Yamcha would be more suitable now."

"Are your sure, you want to go down this route?" said, Master Yoshi.

"Master Yoshi, you are amazing, but my concern is your body," Yamcha said. "How many punches can you take? Are you sure you can dodge them all?"

Everybody here could take punishment but Master Roshi?

"So you're doing this?" Said, Mastet Roshi. "Very well, I will prove to you that I am more than cable of standing on that battlefield."

Master Roshi got up and said. "Let's do it."

"Not near my house!" Burma said.

Everybody was forced to relocate to a empty area.

While flying all the time the Z fighters did not believe Yamcha could defeat Master Roshi.

It's been a year, how strong could he have gotten with his human blood and without a hyperbolic time chamber?

They touched down and Kila was playing with Puar.

This stood in-between the two and said. "When the other is not able to preform. The reselection would be over."

All the Z fighters and Gods were watching this, waiting to see how strong Yamcha had gotten.

"Are you ready, old man?" Said, Yamcha.

Roshi got into a fighting stance.

And than Yamcha came for him, with a smile.

Master Rushi eyes widened in shock when Yamcha was suddenly in front of him, and he was dodging a mirage of punches.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly Yamcha who revealed to have never moved from his spot much to Roshi shock.

Everybody else was confused on why Roshi began dodging.

"Spirit?" Said, Roshi before taking off his glasses and going buff.

Suddenly he heard.

"Old man, no matter how buff you get your still over 200 hundred years old" Yamcha voice suddenly said behind before he delivered a blow to every muscle in Roshi body.

Roshi was unconscious immediately and fell.

Everybody who watched was downright shocked.

What happened!?

"So do I get Roshi place?" Said, Yamcha.

"Congratulations on making the team," said, Whis.

It was then that they all fully realised that Yamcha was stronger than master Roshi.

A lot stronger.

He had dealt with him like a child, Roshi had never went up against Frieza or Cell.

He never went up against the horror that was Majin Buu or the androids.

But until now everybody was pretty sure Roshi was stronger than Yamcha.

The reality was different.

All the females began to look at Yamchi in a different light.

"Lord Yamcha. That was amazing!" Said Killua, flying.

"Lord Yamcha is number one," said, Kila as the two hugged him.

"Please don't say that in front of the God of destruction and my super-powered friends," Yamcha said, he had never went out of his way to pick fights unless it was because of jealously.

And then what he had feared had come to pass.

His friends were looking at him like he was some kind of rival.

He didn't have that fighting drive that everybody else had to go up against crazy strong opponents.

He just wanted to prove that he wasn't useless.

And now Yamcha felt like a primed stake to a pack of dogs

So uncomfortable.

Master Roshi began to wake up.

"What happened?" Said, the old man.

"Yamcha Ko-ed you that's what. Old man" Vegeta said.

"What? He did!?" Said, Master Roshi shocked that he had lost his place so fast and so easily.

To Yamcha no less.

"The switch isn't bad," said Whis to Beerus. "We need as many strong people as we can get"

"YAMCHA! YOU BETTER NOT GET KNOCKED OUT EARLY!" Beerus shouted just when Yamcha was trying to feel good about himself again.

The gods words sucker punched him.

He now had a god of Destruction breathing down his neck, and Vegeta looked ready to fight with him.

Yamcha bad luck had returned.
