
Xianxia: Beyond Body Potential!

Cheng Shan life is overturned when he gains a clone and attribute panel. In a cultivation system where potential is important, a human without any potential slowly rises beyond even races with the supreme potential!

Aurora_Ryan · Fantasy
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62 Chs

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When practicing by the stream, he continued to consume the ginseng raw and it seemed that its effects were worth praise until he finally saw the situation the proficiency being obtained had stopped coming, but the gains were worth something. He was suspicious about how a sword move could be this useful in tempering the body.

At this moment his Basic Sword technique was at (513/999).

This was half gone, and at the same time, his power unleashing seemed to have multiplied. Just swinging the stick seemed to be lacking when compared to a real sword, but in this moment it could do.

He knew that the Basic Sword Technique had no follow-up, and he was not that interested in playing around with swords either. What he was interested in at the moment was having an ability to control his entire body strength and the basic sword technique stance seemed to be covering this aspect while helping him refine his bones.

Just standing near the stream, he could feel his savage aura had been repressed by something. He seemed to have returned to a harmless human, and he seemed up to understand that perhaps the human bones were more mysterious than he knew.

More than that, he had forgotten that improvement in physique affected the bones too, and when he took the initiative, with ginseng it just improved an already existing state.

"The impact of using the ginseng in practicing the basic sword technique seems to have started to wane. Perhaps if I insist on it, the wastage would be beyond measure. It is best to stop here, in the future I can come once again." He was already aware of the problem, either his path with the technique was wrong, or something had gone wrong somewhere.

From the moment he started to practice, he could feel his blood energy weakening, and over time, he found out his bones are hardening.

It reminded him of the legendary bone refinement, and the reason the art seemed to have stopped bringing him any changes, was simple. The bones had reached the limit of improvement.

It seemed that the reason for it was beyond his understanding, but once the clone improved, he would still have an improvement in the physique that was an overall improvement that strengthened even internal organs.

On this part, he was not worried and wanted to start moving around the world, but that thought was thrust aside, he had yet to tour everywhere in his country. The thing he needed to accomplish this was money to purchase but eventually, this idea seemed to have been thrown out of his mind.

The reason he decided to retire in this place was to avoid too much hustle and he can stay in this place, and visit any place he wants at any time. The most important thing was that this forest seemed to have just opened up some new resource point, and he was certain some good things could be obtained in this place.

Just like that, he started to practice the five animal boxing again after having stopped for a long time. He had a clear goal in mind, and thus he practiced it for a while before resting. He was planning to see the impact it would have if he practiced in the water trying to go against the current but suddenly he seemed to realize something he had not given much attention to before.

The waterfall would be a perfect place, and the river he had diverged from could help him locate one, the only problem with this was that he could end up staying in the forest for long periods, but he pushed that concern to the side. If he managed to break through in the next stage of Five Animal Boxing, he would gain more benefits.

The feeling when practicing this kind of boxing was indeed refreshing and the moment he made a move, he could feel that his body was relaxed. The effect was better than in the past, but it was not going to take that step at all unless he got some inspiration and in this place, that was not going to happen, as his chances of meeting any of the creatures that are mentioned in the practice are nonexistent in this weather.

Even the wild animals know not to move around in the rain, as such when he finished practicing by himself, he could only move back, and he did without taking anything.

The reason for this was actually simple, regardless of how much ginseng he took, it would not be very helpful to him. In that case, he did not bother to take some, besides he had that thought of coming back to this place. On the way back, though he went through the same path he had taken.

He seemed to see a massive mad fish floating on the turbulent water, and he did not plan to let it off. With his current strength and precision, he did not take much energy and skill to pull it out of the water.

Despite its struggles, it was impossible for it to escape and he used the stick he had been practicing with as a sword to stab through the making it convenient to carry it around.

The fish was indeed not small, close to a meter in height, and the reason he did not seem to feel any difficulty carrying it was his current ability to move objects was beyond normal people.

By the time he walked back to the main road, it was already dark and the road seemed to have been washed clean by the rain water. He did not seem to be in any rush, as he walked on the road. Halfway through, a vehicle seemed to pass by him. The car was moving fast, but he could still see it clearly.

His eyesight was indeed improved and even something hundred meters away could be seen clearly. When he reached the direction diverging towards his mountain residence, he seemed to see some kind of car tire tracks. This was not normal and it showed that the car had just headed towards his place after it had rained, this was indeed puzzling because he had no other relatives that he knew of.

But he was calm, after all not a lot of things seemed to impress him, perhaps in the past before he had the attribute panel he would be curious and even impressed, but that was no longer the case.

When a hundred meters away, he saw a familiar car and seemed to have even more doubts when he know the owner of such an expensive vehicle.