
Xanlandia: Lord Of Origin

When your own skill might kill you, maybe being transported into a fantasy world isn’t what you’d thought it would be!

7thDimensional · ファンタジー
9 Chs

The Front Line

8)The Front Line[Done]

(Outskirts Of Xanlandia)


Getting past the Outer wall guardsmen was no problem, a lot of people were leaving xanlandia to take refuge in elf territory. From here the battle field was just a days hike, the monster army was getting closer to the land of light. I took out a face covering I had made out of my HolyEdge uniform and started my journey...

When I finally got to the battlefield I found it didn't look good at all. The kings army had taken severe casualties and the dark army outnumbered them by 1-5. What was one Holy knight trainee supposed to do? This was an actual battle best to not hold back from the start and begin it in my 1st release.

"1st Release," I thought as a faint rainbow outline appeared around me and I felt my stamina return and become steady again despite the run I did to get here earlier. I surveyed the best point to enter from my vantage point in the woods and jumped out to save a regular knight from a Hellhound.




I went like a machine ending the Dark Goblin battalion one by one with speed that far surpassed what me and Tanzen were using yesterday, and this was just my first release!


"Huh," I said when a blade interrupted mine from ending a fourth Dark Goblin.

"Your pretty good at taking out weaklings," it said. I looked over to see a Dark Goblin with iron armor unlike the rest who were wearing leather. This must be a Dark Goblin Captain.

"Darkstep," he said while he glowed with a red hue then he started running around me and getting faster and faster until he struck!....




He seemed to be matching my sword play and my speed...it was time to take it up a notch.

"2nd release," I thought and a noticeable rainbow outline appeared outside my leather armor.

"Ha, Lethal coating," I said slashing a wave of blue flame at him that sliced his arm off making him drop his sword.

"What!, where are you getting this power, requesting mage backup," he said while he picked up his arm and put it back up to the stump.

"Mend," he murmured flexing his arm that was cut off only moments before.

"Dark Amp," he yelled as a purple blackish aura surrounded him and he gained muscle mass from my build up to 6'0 feet with 250lbs of muscle. He grabbed one of his fallen subordinates swords and studied me.

"Are you done?," I said watching with great interest as I wanted to see his full potential.

"I am Nosck," the Dark Goblin Captain said. Then he rushed me and he broke the ground beneath him When he pushed off.

I used my speed to dodge and deflect as I went for a head strike.

"Your over," I roared as I came down on his head a fireball came at me


I crashed into the rest of the regular knights and attracted the attention of a holy knight who had just finished a Demon Knight. He had on iron armor with an lion insignia on it, the same as Tanzen! This must be the brother he bragged about was on the front lines.

"Thank you for buying time, they would have surely entered the outerwall by now, I'll take it from here," he said. Even though he talked big there was in fact a gash in his armor that had a dark aura over it. The Dark Goblin Captain saw this and charged him...

"Third release!," I yelled and suddenly the air around me within a five feet radius was being pulled into me at a moderate rate. I was glowing with a strong rainbow outline now and it flared up as an aura.


I blocked Noscks sword with my own and it shattered a thin layer of the ground.



I kicked out his knee and shattered his sword with my hilt. I stabbed him in the chest a couple times and his eyes went limp.

"I didn't need your...blegh," said the holy knight as he spat out blood and broke down on one knee from the gash on his torso.

"Are you in command here?," I asked.

"Yes," he replied as he used his sword to stand up.

"What's the state of things," I said.

"It looks like we've managed to survive this wave but who knows when the next one will come," he muttered.

"Who are you?," he asked

"No one," I replied as I blended in with the dark woods