
Xanlandia: Lord Of Origin

When your own skill might kill you, maybe being transported into a fantasy world isn’t what you’d thought it would be!

7thDimensional · ファンタジー
9 Chs

School Ranking

Authors note:

1)Every student in the school is ranked from strongest to weakest. There are a total of 1,000 students. They are ranked 1-1,000.

2)Only Level 3s are ranked in the academy



(HolyEdge Academy)


"Wake up Xander where going to be late for class," bellowed max.

"I'm up," I yelled as I woke up on the twin bed parallel to Max's. Bentrol had just put me in knight style to learn the basics before going to advance styles. Apparently I was a natural at the Fire Blade style. I had only released the first seal so my body wasn't in any pain really.

"Hurry up, its ranking day," whined max.

"Oh yeah," I replied while rubbing the sleep out my eyes. I went to the wash then grabbed my armor. Time for morning roundup I guess.

Max knew the way through the castle by now so I just followed him. We arrived at a huge gym with several other Level 0s. No new missions had popped up since then.

"Today we will put our newest students into our school ranking system," beamed bentrol.

"Based on what I've seen from you the other day I paired you against Danbert our number 900,"

"You've moved him up 100 ranks to fight me without him even proving himself, I'm gonna squash the kid," said Danbert as he grabbed the practice sword

"He proved himself against me Danbert," said Bentrol

"Let's go," I said as I lunged because I was tired of his mouth.



He went blocking my first attack but I was just warming up.


I went hitting air, he was strong for a Level 3 and he wasn't holding back.



He parried me and was about to strike me on the chest.

"Haaaagh!," I said sliding my sword up in time to catch his but that's when he threw the punch that flattened me.


"He May be strong , but he's no level 3 teach," reported Danbert. As I got up from the bleachers I was determined to beat him, to get stronger.

"First release," I thought and the faint rainbow outline appeared like always.





There was a flurry of sword exchanges each on the same level, it seemed I had the slight edge though. That's when Danbert switched his pattern around as we exchanged swordplay in mid air for a second.



Our battle auras clashed together with that last clash and threw danbert back a few feet. An opening!!!



Danbert hit the wall from the slash to the body that connected from me.

"Danbert you weakling, you made us Level 3s look bad," said another classmate nudging danbert's unconscious face with his boot.

"He fought well, how about you take his place hot stuff," I barked.

"Huh? Fine trash, you know your looking at number 500 in the whole school ranking right. Your jumping a lot from 700 kid," said the stranger picking up the practice sword.


I went jumping for head but he disappeared from view completely.



He reappeared in my face and parried my sword away then kicked me in the gut back towards the ground.

"You'll have to do better than that kid," said the voice.

"Haaaa," I said as my blade began to cover itself in orange flame.





We were still somewhat even in my first release, I would have to take it up another notch if I wanted to end this. But I couldn't use my other releases because it was too flashy of a transformation and I needed something like that to use on the front lines in secret.

"Is that all you got, Level 0," said the stranger as he leaped in the air for a downward swipe at me.


I blocked it And parried away so I could think. I would have to end this a different way. Without using that power. I was only using the first release because a faint rainbow aura wasn't all too noticeable in the heat of combat but a flared up aura like one was.




I kicked him in the chest and sent him flying towards the bleachers. I hoped he wasn't getting up, my first release was fading fast from using a skill with it.


"Do you think you can continue Xander?," asked Bentrol. The stranger was knocked out. I thought about it carefully, I was already in a good spot, any higher and I might arouse suspicion of being the hero. I'm growing to fast!!! I have to hide it until I can make change in this world.

"Nah I'm beat sir," I replied

"Seal," I thought as I shrugged off the tension in my shoulders, using a skill on top of loved by mana had really put my body through the ringer, that was my limit anyway. I had to get stronger, at this rate the higher releases are going to kill me.

"Your new school ranking is 500," said Bentrol as he wrote something down.