
Xanlandia: Lord Of Origin

When your own skill might kill you, maybe being transported into a fantasy world isn’t what you’d thought it would be!

7thDimensional · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Darkest Time in History

Authors note:


1)The year is 749 BDK The Demon King Controls the world and is paid taxes by every race. Demon knights patrol the realm day and night.

2)Xanlandia, Mollandia, and Acidain are the last strongholds of the other races. The first belongs to the humans, the second to the elves, and the third to the demihumans.

3)The Demon King is the strongest being in the world but can not fully overpower the light of the combined forces of light.


(Hallmark Inn)


When I woke up in the bed with genuine feathers in my pillow I knew I wasn't at home. But where was I? Oh yeah...

"Breakfast!," said Miki as I got up and went to the bath to wash up. As I went down max came to greet me.

"My Uncle Remus should be coming into town from the Outer wall to visit!,"

"Oh cool," I said while eating nonchalantly.

"He said in his letters if he's satisfied with my progress he'll teach me a skill," max continued. I perked my ears up as it was uncommon for Outer wall knights to know skills.

"You could come learn too," he said finally.

"Sure," I replied.

"So what do you do for a living stranger," said Miki as she cleaned up my plate.

"I don't know yet," I muttered.

"Well you definitely have the talent to join the Academy with me!," stammered max.

"What academy," I asked curiously.

"HolyEdge Academy, it's the best knight school in the country. My uncle Remus went there," he said.

"So I just, hmmm," i said trying out a new guard technique and striking move set.

"my uncle is here," he said as I was pouring over the Average sword play scroll max knocked on the door.

"On my way now," I replied. The scroll had been really helpful in learning the basics but nothing gave as much as learning from doing.

Mission:Impress Uncle Remus


Reward: Entry into HolyEdge Academy, Intermediate Sword Play scroll

This mission looked definitely as though it was worth doing, If the game system recommended it then I might as well. It was time to show what I learned from the first scroll.

"Oi you must be Xander," said a gruff looking old man with full armor with the Outer wall symbol as he led us to the backyard for a sparring session.

"Yes sir," I said tenaciously.

"Why don't both of you come at me at the same time then," said Uncle Remus. ()






"No way," inquired max as we both slashed away at him and met air or were parried. He was on a whole other level.

"I'm getting bored, you guys should get serious," he remarked as he yawned. So this is what a fully fledged holy knight was like!!!

"Let's see how strong a holy knight is!," I asked and lunged with a feint then a

*Downward slash*


The wooden swords met and we held our stances and felt each other out as we shifted our hilts to try and disarm the other.

"Haaa!," he roared punching me in the face with his free arm.

"You son of a-," I started..

"Not all attacks will come from the sword boy," ranted Uncle Remus.

"Forgive him," said max who had taken a break before joining us in a stance once again.

"Once more with feeling," said uncle remus vehemently as he took his stance and shifted his gaze between us looking for openings. His dark brown hair waving in the breeze.

*horizontal slash*

I went coming down at an angle as max went for a feint then an overhead.

*Overhead slash*

We both crashed down on him at once but he was still only using one hand and hasn't budged an inch from the spot.

"These are Dark times, if you can't even land one blow to a vital what good are you to the academy," demanded uncle remus.

"Take it back!," roared max as he came at him with everything. A flurry of attacks befell uncle remus.





"Aghhh!" Boomed uncle remus forcing a two handed max back with one hand and sending him hurling to the ground.

"Now you'll deal with me!," I yelled as I appeared behind him. My base speed increasing permanently from using my skill earlier yesterday.

"Is that all," he laughed as he blocked my wooden sword from behind without turning around

"I'm not done yet," shouted max lunged towards uncle remus with a new burst of strength and just as he was about to touch his throat a war cry was let out.

"Aaaaaa!!!," commanded uncle remus bending the air currents with his battle aura and blowing us both back from scoring a hit at his opening.

"You pass," he reported as he put away his wooden sword.

"But we didn't land a single blow," stuttered max.

"Yes but we need those with spirit more than those with talent. Spirit can beat talent if talent doesn't watch out," stated uncle remus.

"You boy, where did you get that burst of speed?May I see your status," asked uncle remus.

"Sure," I said pulling it up but hiding my skill.


Skills: None

Maximum stamina: 10/10

Maximum mana: 10/10

"Woah there kid, you would make an excellent Magic knight, your gifted with mana," beamed uncle remus.

"Message for Captain Remus!," chimed a voice from inside the tavern as a man came out onto the back and gave uncle remus a note.

"Ahh yes I must be off, but the academy will send people to collect you in a week," he said.

"What's wring uncle?," asked max.

"The Goblin Chiefs in Marjane forest have joined forces and are mounting an attack on the front walls," he replied gravely.

"Us holy knights are being called back to protect the Outer wall," he continued as he spat out blood.

"Uncle!," said max rising forward to keep his uncle upright and guide him to a chair on the inside. After removing his armor we found he had a stab wound on his lower gut. Although it was shallow.