
X-Monky Apocalipsis X-Primate

WPC #302 (20) X-Monky Apocalips X-Primate, is a fusion of two stories, we will go from a released pandemic environment (Covid 19) to an apocalyptic moment with Monkeypox, an emerging zoonotic infection, which when it spreads to humans makes them zombies with different lethality sequela for the variants: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron. Reference Novels: - Prays X-Human: https://www.webnovel.com/book/prays-x-human_19156423206617005 - DarkMan: https://www.webnovel.com/book/darkman_19459519205380705 - BitLove: https://www.webnovel.com/book/bitlove_19277591006022105 Follow: GO HOME (WPC#304) https://www.webnovel.com/book/go-home-at-pace-turtle_23822104806738905 I hope you enjoy this second part of both stories... Thanks for Sharing, Voting and Reviews and Comments of Chapters and Paragraphs. And if you like the characters and their characterized stories, there are a series of illustrations of all the novels on the Instagram account: @genxprays. Discord: #9340 Fanpage: facebook.com/genxprays WhatsApp Business: +51 933 123 278 Patreon / PayPal: genxconectados

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16 Chs

Monky War

Four human years have passed and the monkey kingdom is preparing its x-primate advance, an improved x-murvirus, which, when implanted, will be able to connect the monkey networks with human networks. This would exchange human hegemony for their pseudo control of the apes. They found it very effective to test their x-murvirus on bats whose habitats are in shallow caves and near large tracts of agricultural land. -according to the humans they had managed to gain space towards the mountains, as the Incas did in America in the Cusco Region of Macchu Picchu-. What they did not expect is an animal contingency. The response with the coronavirus; that devastated humanity in every corner of the countries, on all continents. The world subjugated by humans lost more than a billion inhabitants, or 20% of humanity aged 20 years and above, and even 60% aged 20 years and below, suffers the sequel that will mutate them until they die.

Not to mention the thousands of embryos in formation, in whose adolescent female placenta, will be sprayed by acid rain. This was the way chosen by the monkeys to follow their sinister plan of reconquest every thousand years. They take up this rematch... given that it is the time that they achieve new prospects that generate massive forms of human annihilation.

Although there are few alerts by country, the declaration of a global pandemic is expected at any time. The psychosis of Covid 19, altered the way of conceiving world problems. At the slightest change in human health, its scope is oversized. That is why you see large masses of students, enter their schools for a few days, then return to the pandemic routine of isolation.

-Have we managed to obtain the knowledge that produced the x-murvirus? – Asked: King X-Monk.

-We have one in phase 3. He answered: An S-Monk, a high-ranking scientist from the monkey kingdom, representing the Central Monk Laboratory.

-It was extracted from the meteorite whose impact desolated the earth. He confirmed.

-At what time, would we have the x-primate?

- Question of a year...

The human hordes or HC19, ABCD variants, designation that has been given to large human groups, loaded with Covid 19 sequels. Which harbor high rates of portability of the 4 known variants: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omicron. These were regrouped in each Covid wave, which they try to isolate from each other. Well, the first vaccines were partially for the variant: Alpha. Not yet confirmed its medium effectiveness for the remaining variants.

No one exposes if new vaccines have been created, in itself: four new vaccines according to each variant. Or if the first vaccine continues to be applied, waiting for its best development, in all Covid variants: known and unknown. It is not an open secret, but the world population has lost confidence and sense of prevention and worse the challenge of reinforcement; due to two alterations in human health, so much so that more than 50% of the world population no longer believes in the available vaccines and avoids getting vaccinated, this, for fear of getting sick again from Covid.

The cinephile culture of terror, suddenly gained followers of flesh and blood, that is to say: sense was found in the movies, since these human hordes are similar to television zombies. Although still undetectable because they are passive carriers; until one or dozens of them decide to concentrate in parks and public squares and bite whatever clueless they come across.

This is what is now known as human networks, which the X-Monk want to attack, control and exterminate. It is not the same to confront a human as it was done before, hidden among the undergrowth of the forests in the mountains; In those times it was customary to scratch, bite, pull... until dismembering human limbs or emptying their viscera, there are even those who enjoyed eating human eyes.

Since there is a multiverse in parallel, on the one hand the post-pandemic in humans is reiterated, on the other hand mutant animals are seen: ferocious, enlarged, deformed... The semi-human alterations are the most surprising! The animals have begun to socialize with each other. There are those who say that they are about to achieve, communicate with humanity and not the other way around as we were guided.

This bodily confusion and social integration, at the same time, of the animal-human kingdoms, had a plant-mineral stage that we explained in the series X-Prays Human, from the previous volumes.

The XH-Prays managed to control Covid 19, that's why humanity had this period of time to resume its activities, albeit in a limited way. Each inhabitant lives as in a bubble; entrenched or not, it would have been a losing war; without the divine intervention of the plant kingdom; especially the marine world. That is why more than one believes that they want to communicate. And it should necessarily do so, in order to obtain the knowledge that will allow us to get out, once and for all, of this still post-pandemic era produced by the Covid 19 and have the first order information, which makes it easier to face the sub-attack of the animal kingdom: led by the X-Monk.

Unfortunately, someone intercepted a marine communication towards the humans and managed to exterminate the XH-Prays bases throughout the Peruvian coast. This was done with a premeditated oil spill. Crude human reality this, of always attacking the messenger, who brings you the good news of salvation. It cannot be considered more than a humiliating failure, but a deliberate, mean and negligent action against our natural defense. Without dismissing that this machination was prophesied. The human tends to her own self-extermination.

-Commander Turtle Rain. He said: Lieutenant Crab, one of the few survivors: We've been fleeing the oil slick for miles. We are almost to the Australian continent. Can we now count casualties? Just as humans did not have time to say goodbye to our fellow human beings.

-My condolences for your lineage Lieutenant Crab: From here you can see the reflection in each lunar phase, of the black tide, along with the red tide, for the millions of fallen crabs. It was, and it is devastating!

-However, do not lose your sanity, despite your eternal pain. It is urgent to recapitulate the X-Human agenda: Would there be someone, tell us...?

-What thing, my commander Turtle Rain? –Interrupted with blood in his eyes The General of the Air: Chimpy Air.

-I want to know if it was possible to preserve Prays fruits – Expressed, with a long sigh, Commander Turtle Rain.

-There is a contingent of pelican allies who managed to fly to the mountains, carrying the precious fruit, and we know that they were delegated to deliver a minimal but promising dowry to a group of Falcons, who were passing through, and who took pity on my lineage - He expounded, at length, General Chimpy Air-. They took the post, because my companions were going to succumb if they continued to overstretch their wings. As you are fully aware: We pelicans rarely fly from the beach to the islands in a horizontal flight, although daily; It does not compare! To have to fly vertically into the mountains. Many lost their lives! The elite that helped us in the massification of the anticovid vaccine: Succumbed! Not one was left alive.

-I inform, the following, -General Chimpy Air, paused, to replenish the air in his winged lungs-, the high view of the Condors, they saw the change of messengers, and being warned not to fear the worst, they descended from their heights and recovered the precious treasure. This epic action; it was a memorable feat: the worst was feared!

-However, it's already six months, since then. –Commander Turtle Rain clarified-. They in their steep, inaccessible, rocky mountains; and us, in that aquatic and intercontinental underworld. It will take us, months, and who knows years to be able to return! If it would not be possible to establish new X-Prays portals, from and for other countries, and that of making new allies, we project: in Valparaíso in Chile, or in the Galapagos Island in Ecuador.

-Objection! -Intervened, a dolphin savior-: we still do not know for sure, if the human allies, from the Peruvian coast survived the Covid 19 pandemic.

-I understand: -Nodded, Commander Turtle Rain-: Excuse me, but this maritime misfortune has unsettled us, they are two facts, although isolated, they have had repercussions in postponing all achievement of human salvation, in safeguarding our lives. We are sincerely, deeply grateful to you. Give my obeisance to your Queen Delphy.

-In another multiverse, that of humans: Berny and Kei Sky, the surviving generations of the pandemic, had to successively emigrate through more than 5 regions in Peru-: From the Ancash Region, where contact was made through X-Prays portals , destroyed by humans, they emigrated to the La Libertad Region, where they saved their peers. Pastor Bierny's unspeakable gift of healing. He made it easier for him to move avoiding the first wave at the incoming winds of the second wave, when he arrived in the Lambayeque Region in a terminal he had a brief cold with the variant: Beta; however, in the Cajamarca Region, the Brazilian variant or Omicron attacked him on his return.

-What, grace of God! -said the assimilated sergeant G-Dolphy-: The information, this about traveling quickly and changing from an extremely cold climate to a suffocatingly hot climate and vice versa, helped the natural extermination of the Covid 19 variants. Needless to say, what happened to them Pastor Bierny and KeiSky in the Lima Region, in the vicinity of Emporio Gamarra.

-Praise be to the omnipresent and omnipotent! –General Chimpy said-: Of my protectors, I know, they finally stayed in the Ica Region, and I know from my heart: They have managed to come out with flying colors! of the other variants. And we will seek how to know about them. Peace to our allies!

-(All) Peace!.

X-Monky Apocalips X-Primate, is a fusion of two stories, we will go from a released pandemic environment (Covid 19) to an apocalyptic moment with Monkeypox, an emerging zoonotic infection, which when it spreads to humans makes them zombies with different lethality sequela for the variants: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron.

Reference Novels:

X Prays:


and BitLove:


I hope you enjoy this second part of both stories...

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