
X-men: Lone wolf

reincarnated into X-men evolution as coyote starrk

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

The Juggernaut!

" Oh man this sucks. Why do we have to go to boot camp anyway?" Evan asked

" Because it will be good for your team training. Learning how to work together without the use of our powers." Scott spoke up

" Well, like, how come you don't have to go stark?" Kitty asked

" Because my lovely turtle dove. I agreed to spend the week in the wilderness with logan. Someone who actually knows what he's doing." Stark said getting a blush from the young woman, and a nod of approval from logan.

" Hey!" Rogue yelled

" Aw, is my beautiful snow fairy feeling left out?" Stark said " Here, let me fix that." Stark said before flashing behind the woman and giving her a hug.

" Hey, you still owe us." rogue started

" I know! I know! Once I get back with logan I promise we'll have that talk." Stark said

" Alright everyone, it's time to go." Storm said

" Ughhh!" They all grunted in annoyance.

" Goodbye guys have fun." Stark said as the teens all loaded into the x-van and left

" Yo, wolfy we'll head out at 11 pack your things and meet me in the hangar by then." logan asid

" You got it logan."

" What are you going to tell the girls?" logan asked

" I don't know Logan. I don't know. I didn't mean to say what I said back there. Now, I'm stuck in a near impossible position. To make one happy I have to break the heart of the other." Stark said solemnly.

" Well, I'll give you one piece of advice kid. Avoiding them ain't gonna make it any easier."

" You're right again logan. You're always right." Stark said as he flashed away

' What do I do? Oh, man this is so difficult. Well, I've got a week to think about it so at least I've still got time.' stark thought as he packed his things.

' Stark! Logan! We have a problem meet me in the danger room quickly.

" Uh-oh that can't be good." stark said.

' Wait a minute. Oh, fuck me running? I think know what today is. Great guess I get to fight the Juggernaut today.' Stark thought

" Alright, let's go deal with Xavier's brother." Stark said before flashing down to the danger room.

" What's the danger chuck?" Logan asked.

" I believe someone has freed my brother, Cain Marko." Charles said

" Why does that sound like a bad thing?" Stark asked.

" Because it is. It's a very bad thing Mr. Stark and I believe he'll be heading here." Charles said

" Is it too late to go to that camp." Stark asked

" What're you worried about wolf boy, we got this." Logan said

" Sure, we do." Stark complained.

At the camp

" You will not be making wallets, necktie racks, or paperweights. You will not be engaging in potato sack races, water Ballon tosses, or pony rides. You will be taking 20-mile hikes, rappelling 200-foot cliffs, and crossing treacherous water with no more than a rope and courage. Do you read me?" Seargent Hawke said.

" Yes, Seargeant Hawke, sir." Everyone else said

" I said, do you read me?"

" Yes, Seargeant Hawke, sir."

" Welcome to iron back survival camp. A name you won't soon forget. Now, here we have a young man, Scott Sumner" Hawke said

" Summers." Scott corrected.

" Whose scholastic achievements have earned him group leader." Hawke said. " You will be following his lead. You've got 10 minutes to stow your gear." Hawke said allowing the students to disperse.

" Oh, I'm gonna be dead in, like, two days." Kitty said

" What about me? I'm a city kid" Evan also said.

" What did we ever do to deserve this?" Kurt asked

" Ah'm AWOL. Anyone know how to hot-wire a school bus?" Rogue asked

" Whoa, whoa slow down private. Come on we're not washing out in front of the whole school. Besides, professor X endorses this place." Scott said stopping the woman from leaving.

" Yeah, at least he gave us a choice. Survival training here or with wolverine."

Jean said

" Some choice. Ah'm beginning to think stark chose the smarter of the two choices." Rogue said

" Come on. We can do this." Scott said trying to get the group excited.

" Ugh!" The group moaned

" Oh, man." Evan complained.

" This is gonna be so hard." Kitty said

" Man, Seargeant Hawk should really be told I'm a city kid." Evan said again as he and the others walked away unaware that the brotherhood was watching them.

Back at the mansion.

" So how strong do you think this guy is logan?" Stark asked as he cleaned his guns.

" I don't know, but he's gotta be pretty strong if they keep him locked up in paralyzing fluids. That stuff is strong." Logan while putting on his costume.

" Logan I gotta ask man, what is up with the orange?"

" I don't know, what's up with the fur and all that white?"

" You guys haven't given me an outfit yet that makes sense."

" Oh, I didn't finger ya for picky wolf boy."

" I'm not picky, I just don't feel comfortable in the stuff you guys try to put on me. It doesn't let me move around too much, and this outfit offers more protection than yours do."

" Then why not just dye the outfit kid?"

" I... Didn't think about that." Stark said while facepalming himself.

" Hey, wait a minute you dodged the question. Why all the orange?"

" Because I like it wolfy. I used to have a yellow one just like this, but it got destroyed during a fight with old sabertooth."

' Stark! Logan! I've found Cain he's in upstate New York. He's making a Beeline for the institute. Get ready!'

" Sounds like the fun's getting closer Logan. You ready?"

" You kidding me wolfy? Of course, I am." Logan said as he popped his claws.

Back at the camp.

" Come on. Let's pick up the pace. We're almost to the base." Scott said.

" What's with Mr. Decathlon? He's as bad as Seargeant Hawk." Rogue said.

" All he cares about is winning this thing. Hey, Kurt. Can't you like, make yourself useful and just teleport us to the top?" Kitty asked Kurt as they all ran up the trail.

" This trip is of the power free variety I'm told." Kurt said

" Come on, just follow Scott's lead on this. We'll win, you'll see" Jean said as she pushed the two forward.

" The mosquitoes here are the size of pelicans." Evan said swatting away the bugs. " No bugs like this in the burg, man. Why are we here again? Evan asked

On the X-jet

" Engage auto pilot." Storm said as she flew the x-jet over Juggernauts path. Ororo used her powers to create a dense fog so that no one could see who he was.

" Very good, storm. keep it up. If no one can see Cain, then no one will be foolish enough to try and capture him." Xavier said

" If we can't stop him, charles, then your best protection will be in the danger room. I've got it ready." Logan said

" Yes. it may slow him down. But it won't stop him." Xavier said as he Logan and stark made their way down the hallway.

" Hey, maybe he's coming to make up for old times." Stark said causing the two men to look at him like he was crazy. " Hey, a guy can hope right."

" You're an idiot." Logan said

" Hey!"

" Whatever. Do you have any defense against him at all chuck?"

" Just one logan. My mind. With enough psychic blasts I can disable him, unless he's wearing his helmet." Xavier said as the elevator door closed around them.

" What does the helmet do?" Stark asked

" It blocks out telepathic powers." Xavier answered.

" I swear I've heard of someone else who had a helmet like that. I can't think of his name though. Oh, well I figure it out later." Stark said hinting to the others that he knows of magneto.

' He knows of magneto? has he approached the boy? No, Magneto wouldn't risk being seen now. Maybe mystique brought him up? Questions for later right now We've got to worry about Cain.' Xavier thought.

" Why does he hate you anyway?" Logan asked

" Cain's failed relationship with our father and his resent me of me fueled his anger. But after he was empowered, that anger became destructive and dangerous. He had to be locked away. I had no choice." Xavier said before an alarm went off.

" He's here wolfy you guard the entrance to the danger room. I'll tangle with him upstairs. If he gets past us do your best to hold him off until storm gets back with the kids. You ready wolfy?" Logan asked

" Do you even need to ask Logan?" Stark said with a grin. " Let's do this." Stark said as he and logan left the danger room.

" Good luck you two. You're going to need it." Xavier said as he watched the two men leave.

" Lay out the welcome mat, brother. I'm coming home." The juggernaut said as he and mystique approached the institute.

" RAAAAAAAH!" Logan yelled as he jumped off the roof of the institute and attacked the juggernaut. Cain grabbed Logan and threw him over his shoulder like it was nothing and resumed his way to the mansion. Logan recovered from the attack and lunged at juggernaut again, using him as a springboard and landing in front of him.

" You can't stop the juggernaut." Cain yelled at wolverine.

"Forgive me for trying, bub!" Logan yelled as he lunged at juggernaut

Logan swipes at juggernaut, as juggernaut punches at logan. both men dodging each other's attacks. Juggernaut eventually manages to land a punch on logan that sends him crashing through the doors of the institute.

" Hmm, I expected better." Mystique said as she and juggernaut walked into the mansion.

Logan scrambled to his feet to try and fight back against the two. Logan lunges at juggernaut again but gets tossed through the walls into another room with juggernaut hot on his trail.

" No! That muscle head!" Mystique yelled as she saw juggernaut had destroyed Cerebro, the very thing she broke him out to get.

" Ahhh!" Logan yelled as he was thrown through the floors into the sub-basement.

" Time to tag out wolf boy." Logan said

" I gotcha logan." Stark said before the juggernaut crashed down from above.

" Hey asshole!" Stark shouted drawing the juggernauts attention.

" Who are- Arhhh!" The juggernaut yelled as he was hit with a cero. Is that all you got?" The juggernaut asked.

" Oh Shit!" Stark and Logan both said in surprise.

The juggernaut picked logan up and tossed him into stark knocking both of the men into the walls of the danger room.

" Argh! Why are you heavy logan jeez?" Stark asked as he skidded across the floor with the man.

" Nows not the time bub." Logan said as the juggernaut charged the two, crashing into the danger room with the two men.

" Ahhh! damn it." Stark yelled.

" You lumbering imbecile! What did you do? Sit on Cerebro?" Mystique asked " You smashed it! What happened to our deal?" Mystique asked the man

" I don't make deals!" The juggernaut said as she smacked mystique away. Stark flashed away and caught the woman before she hit the walls.

" Hey blue. Didn't think this one through did ya?" Stark asked the woman.

" Shut up and put me down." Mystique demanded.


" OW!" Why did you do that?" Mystique asked as stark smacked her ass.

" Bad girl! very bad! Now think about what you've done." Stark said as he put the woman down.

" Charles, aren't you going to welcome me home?" The juggernaut asked.

" Oh, man I really wish I went with the others." stark said

With the others.

" Hang on to my back. I'll pull you up." Scott said as he roped down to help Lance.

" Forget it. I'll pull myself up." Lance said in defiance

" See ya at the top." Scott said as he and lance both climbed up the rope.

" Pietro!" Blob said pointing to the flag.

" I'm there." Pietro said before running towards the flag.

" Hey!" Kurt yelled as Pietro ran by. Kurt teleported to the flag arriving at the same time Pietro did. Both boys grabbed and began to fight over the flag before the X-jet arrived.

" X-men, Professor X is in danger. And so is Mystique" Storm said through the X-jet intercoms.

" Up to it?" scott asked lance.

" let's go!" Lance said ready to help the woman

the x-jet flew by Seargeant hawk. The X-men dropped a picture with them and the brotherhood holding the flag.

" Whoa!" stark yelled as he and logan were both thrown through the ceiling. " Man, I really hate that guy." Stark said as he got up.

" Who are you kidding? Come on the professor needs us!" Logan said

" Yeah, I know." Stark said as he and logan jumped back down the hole.

" You ungrateful thug!" Mystique yelled.

" Cain, this doesn't have to end badly." Xavier said, " This house, it's about new beginnings."

" You're right charles. This is the beginning for me. And the end for both of you." The juggernaut said.

" No, you don't." Stark said appearing in front of the juggernaut again and blasting him, this time with as much power as he could. The blast sent the man flying out of the danger room and out into the yard of institute. " Okay, if he gets up after that we may be in trouble." Stark said

" Why?!" Mystique asked

" Because that was my strongest cero. And even that felt like it didn't do jack shit to him.' stark said " Xavier find out where the others are I'll hold him off as long as I can."

" Damn." Stark said as he landed outside to see that the juggernaut was getting up.

" You bastard. that hurt!" The juggernaut yelled.

" Good! have another on the house." Stark said as he blasted juggernaut again

This time the juggernaut powered through the blast and charged stark.

' Damn that gem of cytorakk. Once he gets moving nothing can stop him.' Stark thought as he peppered juggernaut with his guns.

" Raaaaaah!" The juggernaut yelled as he drove his shoulder into stark. Stark spit up blood as he was bulldozed through the house again. " How do ya like that runt?" The juggernaut asked

" Not a very nice present for a coming home party don't ya think?" Stark asked the man sarcastically.

" You good to go kid?" Logan asked as he rejoined stark.

" Yeah, I'm good. Not used to seeing this much of my blood anymore. Gonna need a drink after this. Got anything strong?" stark asked.

" You like whiskey?"

" I'll take it."

" Just make sure ya don't tell chuck."

" You got it boss man. All right let's go." Stark said as he got back on his feet.

" Take a break you two! We got this." Scott said as he, the X-men. and the brotherhood showed up.

" Well, now. This is a surprise." Mystique said as she and Xavier made their way to the surface.

the juggernaut tried to walk towards Xavier but was lifted up by Jean using her telekinetic powers. Stark took the opportunity and blasted the man again.

" I really don't like how this guy can just shrug off my blasts." stark said. " Listen we got to remove his helmet."

" His helmet you got." Scott said as he blasted the juggernauts face.

" Not a smart move shades. That one over there tried the same thing. it doesn't hurt me it only makes me mad!" The juggernaut yelled as he charged the group.

" Unstoppable, meet the Unmovable." Blob said as he smashed into the juggernaut knocking him away. Kurt took the opportunity to teleport onto the juggernaut and removed one of his latches.

" Annoying bugs." the juggernaut said as he tossed kurt. " Raaaaaah!" The juggernaut yelled as he knocked fred against a wall nearly knocking the boy out. Scott and Stark both blasted the juggernaut to try and stop him. The combined blasts pushed the man back.

" Come on Cyclops give him everything you got." Stark said

" RAHHHHH!" Scott yelled as he took his vizor off and hit juggernaut with the full force of his optic blasts. The combined might blasted the Juggernaut across the yard. Lance used his tremors to keep the juggernaut from getting up, as Pietro ran and undid another latch himself before getting thrown off.

Storm used her powers and covered the juggernaut in a wind tunnel forcing the man onto the ground again. This time both kitty and rogue undid a latch.

" Raaaaaah!" The juggernaut yelled in anger as he slapped the two women away.

" GIRLS!" Stark yelled. " You'll burn for that!" Stark said. His face contorted in rage. He flashed in front of the juggernaut and put his blaster right into man's chest. " Cero Oscura's!" Stark said as a Dark green beam blasted the man into the sky. Stark appeared above him and repeated the process drilling him into the ground.

" Ugh!" The juggernaut groaned as he struggled to his feet. Toad taking the opportunity used his tongue to pull the man's helmet off. " Noooooo!" the juggernaut yelled.

" I'm sorry Cain." Xavier said as he began to use his telepathy to shit the man down.

" Yeah!" The X-men and brother hood cheered as they approached Xavier and stark.

" Now, there's something you won't see every day." Mystique said

" I agree. And that's a shame" Xavier said as he and Mystique looked at each other.

" You girls, okay?" Stark asked as he picked the two women up

" Ah'm alright." Rogue said

" Me too." Kitty said before Stark pulled them both into a hug. The two girls looked at each other briefly before both returned the embrace.

" Come on, boys. Let's get out of here before you're invited to a slumber party." Mystique said as she gestured for the brotherhood to leave.

" Hey, summers as a group leader, you're only half-bad." Lance said giving Scott a compliment.

" Then next time you can call the shots." Scott said

" Trust me. There won't be a next time." Lance said before leaving.

" He'll come around eventually. Maybe not all of them, but Lance will." Stark said as he and the two girls rejoined the others.

" You think so?" Scott asked

" Yeah. But until then we'll keep kicking his ass." Stark said

" Language!" Storm said

" Sorry my chocolate goddess." Stark said

" Oh, good he's back to normal." logan said " but aren't you forgetting something wolfy?" Logan said pointing to the two women behind.

" Oh, yeah. I did say we'd have that talk when we got back didn't I? Listen I care very deeply about you both-" Stark started to explain before both women kissed him. Shocking everyone.

" Stark?" Kitty called out seeing the man's face.

" I think you broke him half-pint." Logan joked.

" Hey congratulations man, now we don't have to worry about a mutant civil war." Scott joked.

" Whoa, someone catch him I think he's going to." Kurt was saying before Stark collapsed. " Fall."

" I got him?" Logan said as he picked stark up and carried him back into the institute.

Later at the prison Charles, Logan and stark watched as Cain was put back into his containment pod. Charles seemed to be saddened by the fate of his brother.

" You can't control the will of others, Charles. They do what they want." Logan said

" And we do what we have to do." Charles said as he watched his brother

" Yeah. Well, ready? Repairs on Cerebro are waiting." Logan said

Charles rang a bell on his chair as he turned to leave " yes." Charles said as his brother was locked away.

" It felt kind of right, didn't it?" Scott asked

" What did scott?" jean asked in turn

" You mean fighting with the brotherhood? Yeah, I don't hate the guys. I mean I hate that lance keeps trying to touch my girl, but I trust kitty. So, it doesn't bother me anymore." Stark said as the group loaded into the elevator.

" Now if only they could stop drawing battle lines in the sand." Scott said

" Well, it's like logan said. You can't control the will of others" Jean said

" Yeah, I know. Hey, if stark's right maybe Lance will come around eventually. And you could be their conscience. You're really good at it." Scott teased

" Oh, shut up! Hey, even good guys need a nudge once in a while." Jean said

" Jean whenever you think I need it, nudge away." Scott said as they walked away.

" LAME!" Stark said ruining the moment between the two. " Hahahahaha!" Stark laughed

" What are you laughing at. You got two angry women waiting on you when you get back. You didn't think you could just ditch them after today did you." Jean said. Laughing as stark's smile turned into a face full of terror.

" Come on wolfy. Time for you to meet a woman's scorn." Logan said as he dragged the boy back to the X-jet.