
X-men: Lone wolf

reincarnated into X-men evolution as coyote starrk

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

It Begins!

" I knew I said I wasn't gonna go to this stupid game for a reason! This is boring as hell man!" Stark said

" Oh, come on, don't be like that!" scott said before dropping his coin. " Aw man my cash!" scott said before noticing a hand taking the wallet from the man in front of him. " Hey, check it looks like someone's taking a collection.

" Oh, great now we gotta deal with this!" stark said as he and scott went below the bleachers.

Once the two mutants get below, they find Duncan, Bayville's star quarterback, and two others bullying toady tolansky.

" Let's crushem dunc!"

" Let's not Dunc! Just chill, the wallets are still there how about we have him give back the cash? no harm done!" Scott said to the group

" Yeah! Yeah! see, here's the money!" Toad said holding up the money

" What do you care about this scuzzo summers?" Duncan asked

" Not much! But I not crazy about 3 against 1 either. So how about we settle this peacfully?"

" I think me, and my buds are gonna squash this slimeball, So you and your stupid friend over there can just bail."

" Wait hold up stupid! Didn't I embarrass you in school the other day? Are you sure you want another beatdown?" stark asked annoyed by being called stupid.

" What did you say punk?" Duncan yelled throwing toad to the ground causing scott to flare his optic beams. " I'm gonna crush his skull, just for you!" Duncan says getting ready to stomp on toad

" I said knock it off!" Scott yelled as he jumped onto Duncan and throwing him at the other two. Seeing his chance toad takes off with the other two players chasing after.

" Big mistake summers!" Duncan says as he grabs ahold of scott to punch him. However, before he can stark appears in front of him and blocks the punch.

" Oh no you don't! How does it feel to be the one getting jumped?" Stark ask as he and scott both hit Duncan.

" SCOTT? STARK? NO! Jean yells catching both men off guard as Duncan knocks scott into a pillar knocking off his sunglasses.

" Oh shit!" stark says before both he and duncan are blasted by scott. Sending duncan rollan and stark flying into a propane tank. The blast hitting the tank causes an explosion that sends stark flying. " Argh damn it!"

The explosion causes panic among the crowd, sending everyone running for their lives.

" Damn Jean and that boyfriend of hers. This shits getting old really fast!" Stark says as he gets up and heads to jean and scott. " Yo you two alright?" he asks as he steps through the fire.

" We should be asking you that! You were the one who got blasted by my beams then blown up." scott said

" Yeah, thanks to miss reds boy toy! Look scott we need to go now!" stark says getting a nod from scott

Stark grabs scott from jean and uses his sonido to get them both away from the schools' stadium

" Oh man What a night. The professors going to kill me for this!" Scott says knowing his ass is grass.

" Look scott I told you it was a bad idea for us to go to that damn game man. Just because it blew up in your face doesn't mean it's not funny for me!" Stark said laughing at the boy's bad luck.

" Oh Haha! very funny stark! Look let's just go home before the professor shows up!"

" What about your car?" stark says stopping scott who just slapped himself

" Damn it!"

" hahahahaha!" Stark laughed as scott realized that he left his car back at the school. " Come on boy scout grab on. I'll get us back there in a flash!"

" Ughhh please don't call me that!" scott groaned.

" Nope!" stark said before using sonido to get him and scott back to the school.

" I still can't believe how fast you are! I mean seriously why do have me drive you when you can blink and be at the school in less than a second?"

" Because It's no fun doing that all the time. Besides it's fun rushing you to get us too school every day." Stark said annoying scott.

" Wow! Is that all I'm good for stark?"

" What? No scott no!" stark said waving his hands in defense looking away from scott.

" Ouch man now that's cold!" Scott said starting his car " Ok now we need to go get jean get in."

" Oh man she's gotta hate us! But to be fair it was her boyfriend that started it. Honestly scott I'm hoping you two end up together. She deserves better than that jerk." Stark said getting scott to blush

" What are you talking about man?"

" Come on scott, I see the way you look at her! Her beautiful green eyes, her luscious soft pink lips, Her amazing rack, and those hips! Boy those hips don't lie and neither do I." Stark explained getting a rouse out of scott

" Hey! Come on man is that necessary?

" Haha! Caught ya scott!" Stark laughed as scott realized he just got trapped.

" You set me up! You jerk." Scott said

" Look man I'm just messing with you. She's not my type so you don't have to worry about that. I honestly am supporting you. Her relationship with that jerk is on its way down. Be honest with her, be there for her, treat her with the respect and admiration you always have, and she'll come around."

Scott sat there driving in silence thinking on starks words. " Thanks stark i appreciate it I really do.

" No problem scott Now where the hell is miss perfect? I don't see her. Give her a call scott! Tell we're waiting for her outside the stadium.

Stark watched as scott talked with jean over the phone.

" She got a ride home from duncan."

" What! Oh, come on we wasted so much time for nothing." Stark said while agitated." Let's go home scott."

After scott and Stark get home stark gets a bad feeling.

Whoa It's hard to believe that It's been 17 years since I arrived in this world. Stark thought to himself. " Oh man I hope I'll be enough to deal with that old sand bastard." Kurt should be arriving tonight, right? Well, we'll see in the morning.

The next day Jean is getting ready for school.

" Give it up jean, it's hopeless" Scott said

" I'll be done in a second!" Jean yelled back

" What the hell are we waiting for scott?"

" Jean!"

" What! Hurry up red!"

" Almost done!"

" Look you want me to blow this door!" Scott said before being cut off by jean coming out of the bathroom.

" So, are we going, or what?" Jean ask scott dragging her finger across his face.

" About time let's go!" Stark said annoyed.

" Alright professor, we're heading out!" Scott yelled

" Just a moment you three, I want you to meet someone! This is kurt Wagner. He arrived late last night." the Professor said.

" Hey kurt! This is jean, that's stark, and I'm scott!" Scott said extending a hand to kurt

" Kurt you're among friends here!" The professor says encouraging kurt to shake scotts hand.

Everyone notices that kurt has only three fingers which surprises scott and jean, causing kurt to back away.

"Hmhm, I was just telling kurt how I set up this institute for gifted youngsters. Youngsters who's gifts aren't always an asset. Right scott?"

" Uh so you heard about last night?"

" Difficult not too! It was on all the news channels."

" It was a bad situation, and there was an accident I'm sorry."

" I know. Fortunately, no one was badly hurt, and the true cause was not discovered. But you must be more careful scott." The professor said.

" Come on, professor! I'm packing a bazooka behind each eyeball! What do you want from me?" Scott says

" Control, scott. That's what you're here to learn. That's why you're all here."

" Whoa! Whoa! Professor that wasn't our fault. That was all jeans boyfriend. We only tried to help that toad guy out. Duncan was the one who started throwing blows first. Had he not punched scott in face He wouldn't have lost control!" Stark says to the professor.

" Be that as it may. it was a situation that could have been avoided stark."

" Oh that's great we catch hell for miss perfects little lapdog. Whatever, Kurt you I'll talk to you later man I hope you enjoy your time here. I'll be outside waiting for you guys." Stark said walking out in a huff.

After a couple minutes scott and jean walk out towards the car.

" About time, what took you guys so long we're gonna be late."

" Sorry the professor wanted to show us kurts powers!" Scott said

" Oh yeah what can he do?" Stark asked

" He teleports!" Jean chimed in

" Cool!"

After another boring day of school Stark finds out from scott that the boy they saved Todd tolansky was mutant like them.

" So, he's a mutant to huh! That's funny, I wonder if that's why stinks? He's an actual toad!"

" Yeah, well the professor said he's got things planned out already so let's just go home before we end up having to give that guy a ride to the house."

" Wow scott. A little bo isn't going to ruin your car buddy." Stark said as they headed towards his car. " Where's jean? Is she riding with that jerk again? I'll go find see if I can find her give me a minute scott!" I Think I'll speed this horrendous moment up just a little bit. I'm sorry for having to do this jean. And scott you're welcome! Stark thought to himself.

Stark walked straight to the school's football field and spotted Duncan and a blonde cheerleader under the bleachers kissing.

This fucking dick. Stark thought to himself angrily, while snapping a picture of the two.

After taking photo evidence, stark returns to the car.

" Did you find jean?" Scott asked.

" No Scott, I found something worse!"

" What does that mean?"

" I don't have jeans number can you call her?"

" Yeah, why what's up?"

" Just do it man and hurry."

Scott seeing his friend's expression immediately got on the phone with jean and asked her to get to the car as soon as possible. After a few minutes Jean arrives.

" Hey guys what's going on that you made me rush all the way here?"

" It's stark I guess he found something while looking for you that upset him."

" Upset him? What's going on stark!" Jean asked the sullen man

I really hate myself right now, but I can't let her get played like this. " Jean, I got something to show you. Before I do I want you to know that I am sorry." stark said before showing jean the picture he took of duncan,

"What! where did, how did. Why!" jean said as she started crying. " THAT JERK!"

Seeing jean like this hurts man. She's always been one of my favorites.

As scott was busy trying to console jean, Duncan came up to the group.

" Hey jean you ready to go babe?" Duncan said before jean snapped on him.

" You ungrateful, selfish, disgusting pig! " Jean snapped at Duncan

" Babe! What's wrong?" Duncan asked not knowing that he was caught

" This you jerk!" Jean said showing duncan the photo. " We're done!" She yelled as she got in the car with scott and stark.

Later that night

Knock! Knock! Knock!

" Yeah, who is it?" stark asked being woken up

" It's me, Jean, can I come in?"

" Yeah, sure come on! What's going on Jean?" Stark asked as the red head walked in. " Are you ok Jean? I'm really sorry that happened. I hated the guy, but I never wanted him to hurt you."

" Honestly no I'm not ok! We spent so much time together. We've been together for years. Why did he do that?" Jean asked as she began crying.

" Because he's a horrible boy. No real man would hurt the woman he loves, not like that." Stark said hugging the crying woman.

" I thought you and scott hated him, because he was my boyfriend, but now I wish I'd have listened to you guys sooner. No wonder you and scott hate me!"

" Whoa, where did that come from? I never hated you, Jeanie. I've been alone my entire life. I'm not really good with emotions myself, so I always acted like I didn't care. But you, scott, ororo, logan, the professor you guys gave me a place to call home. You guys are my family, and I will always love you. And scott well jean I'll tell you a little secret." Stark says signaling the woman to lean closer. " He's madly in love with you red." Stark said making the woman jump in surprise.

" Really?"

" You mean you've never seen how that idiot looks at you... Wait a minute scratch that I forgot about the shades." Stark said face palming himself. " But yes, he does! But you're gonna have to be the one to confront him about it. He's not the brightest when it comes to romance." stark said comforting the red haired, red faced woman.

" Thank you!"

" hahahaha!" Stark laughed earning a punch to the gut. " Ok I deserved that. So We all good here jean?"

" Yes, and again thank you!" Jean said giving the man a hug.


" What the hell is going on down there?" stark said before he and jean went downstairs to see Toad crash through a window with scott and storm coming behind him. " Yō scott, ororo, the hell did I miss?'

" Language!" Storm said

" Yes, my beautiful princess!" Stark said teasingly giving a bow, that made the African goddess blush. " But seriously what's going on?"

" Long story short Toad being toad!" Scott said

" Gotcha!" Stark said before leaping out the window afterwards to see that toad had been stopped by logan.

Snikt snikt!

" Going somewhere Bub!" Logan said before smelling the boy.

" No, Logan! Let him go." Xavier said

Snikt snikt.

Logan put his claws away allowing the boy to leave.

" Yo logan You're back huh?" Stark said to logan

" Yo wolfy! I came back here because I smelled trouble brewing. Of course, maybe,it was just sink boy there."

" I wish it was. Welcome home, old friend. We've missed you!"

" Oh man! Why do I have the feeling like things are about to get so complicated!" Stark said to the others. Of course, they are Magneto you bastard I won't be following the story as i remember it if you hurt my friends. I'LL CRUSH YOU AND YOU'RE BROTHERHOOD! Stark thought to himself.