
4. Regular day lunch

Dale was happy, third class was ended now he can go for lunch with her friend Ruth. He headed towards cafeteria but he found that stare again and he was going to avoid but Cody was fast walk him passing and whisper "follow me". Dale was so much confused but he know there's no point in resisting. He just text Ruth that he wants to discuss something with physics teacher he will not be able to lunch with her. Dale start to follow Cody, he leads again towards back of cafeteria. Dale stop when where Cody was seated, it's old bench, Cody ask Dale to seat and give him parcel of burger to eat and start eating his own. Dale take the parcel but didn't eat, Cody suggest Dale to seat on bench by eyes. Dale seat at other end of bench as away as possible. Dale has his own tiffin, Dale's mother is also a doctor and too much Health conscious. So she give him home made tiffin. Cody's face was emotionless but his eyes were angry, Dale get that Cody is angry because he did not eating burger. Dale decided to not act on that. Lunch end in silence, Cody left after finishing his burger, Dale went to cafeteria to find Ruth. He just wants to relax a bit and Ruth is only way. Ruth is with her classmates eating and chatting. Dale knows her classmates and they all like Dale's company but he is not in mood now in chit-chat so he went to the class directly.

After school Dale and Ruth both walked back to the house.

Sleep never comes to Dale, he is still feeling the staring, he looked out windows, double checked the locks, but still he didn't feel secure in his room so he slept on the sofa in the hall with a book, he chose physics as distraction.

Dale woke up in the morning on the sofa, he ran to his own room before anyone noticed him. He didn't feel like going to school today but it's hard to explain to parents, it's hard to use illness as an excuse when you have a doctor in the house.

Dale gets ready as always, it's not Wednesday so he can not go with Ruth and he can not afford to get late, school before everyone specially F4. The safe way is to go early and hide from F4 eyes as always.

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