

Shin and Baiken were about to attack the wave of beasts below but Ren held up his hand. Both were confused on why they were not allowed to attack but followed Ren's lead. He slowly walked down from the sky until he was just above the beast tide.

The beasts that were originally beneath him seemed to form a landing zone for him and cleared out a few meter wide circle. Ren landed on the ground without suffering any attacks. Shin and Baiken landed on the ground as well. Both were looking at Ren and were asking questions with their eyes so Ren answered them.

"This is an ability of my zanpakuto. Most of the time, I keep it at its lowest value, which is off, since it overloads my mind with all the information I get. Every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name.

I can literally sing with all the voices of the mountain and paint with all the colors of the wind. This is great for information gathering but terrible because no one ever listens to them so they all wish to talk with me.

Another great part of the ability is it passively makes creatures with low amounts of intelligence not hate me as long as they are not under the control of another or I don't do anything to piss them off."

The group walked through the tide until they reached the base of the skeleton. This is where the treasure was. Underneath the large skeleton was an altar that had a crimson marble on the center.

"Stay back. If you enter this altar, I may end up having to kill you. But stay close enough so that you do not end up getting attacked by the savage beasts."

Shin and Baiken did not stand on the altar due to Ren's warnings while he stepped onto the altar. The moment he did, his vision went black. Ren could see nothing but he heard a voice.

"You wish to take my final drop of blood? Are you worthy?"

Even though he was unable to see who was speaking, the power behind the voice was an obvious hint. This was the remaining spirit of the Beast God that dwelled in the drop of blood Ren was here for and also the 'Curse'.

"Of course I think I am worthy. Otherwise, I would not be here. Or I would just be trying to commit suicide. Although I can think of a few other methods that are much better for that."

'Hmm. Then let us see how worthy you are.'

Ren felt his mind being pulled out of his body but he did not resist. He knew what was going and was prepared for it. In fact, he was excited. Not just for the reward but for the challenges that would occur once again.

It felt likes hours had passed by while the Remnant spirit read his mind when it was only seconds. But this made sense. Ren was a being that was over 600 years old. He had many memories to scan. When the process was finished, Ren felt a sense of relief. His mind was no longer feeling like it was literally being torn in two.

After the pain, came a sudden rush of memories. The time he battled both Kuruyashi and Azashiro before the latter took the former's title.

The time he had challenged each of the 3 members of the Royal Guard in single combat to test his strength to the limits. Each one of them being a monster that could kill his entire division except for Tier individually.

The time he had battled Ichibe in a one-on-one duel in hopes of being able to see just how powerful was the man who had invented shikai, bankai, and many other things of Soul Society before they were even invented as well as the leader of the Royal Guards who were said to be strong enough to surpass all of the Gotei 13.

When he battled against Yamamoto in hopes of taking the title of the strongest shinigami as well as see how hot his flames were.

When he had first battled against a captain-level opponent. When he fought Kojuro in single combat and realized how high the beings known as captains stood above even officers and lieutenants.

'My life has truly been wild. But the sad part is, I still haven't beaten any of those 5 monsters. Yet.'

The Beast God's spirit also saw all of Ren's memories. With each battle he saw Ren partake in, he was impressed. No matter the opponent he faced, Ren did not back down and fought with his all until either him or his opponent lost.

'This boy is truly a monster. I was killed by that monk so easily but this kid was able to withstand 5 strikes from him before he fell. This is truly impressive.'

"Fine, boy. You are indeed worthy of the last drop of my blood. I have already read through your memories and know what you plan to do with it and I approve."

The red marble appeared in front of Ren's face but he could not move yet. He was still stuck in darkness with the marble being the only thing he could see.

"Two more things," the spirit's voice said as it sounded weaker. "I shall give your zanpakuto the rest of my power. It seems to be a nature zanpakuto but only rules the elements and not beasts themselves.

I will also tell you a secret..."

The darkness faded from around Ren. He saw that the altar had collapsed while Shin and Baiken were standing around him with worried looks on their faces. Ren smiled at the pair.

"Let's head home after I practice this new ability I learned."


Author's note: Thinking of making chapters to show when he fought the battles listed above. If I do, it will delay the original story by at least 5 chapters. 15 at most. The choice is up to you readers. The vote will end Friday, February 25th, 12pm EST.
